Lora Palmer - No Names - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Lora Palmer

Название песни: No Names

Дата добавления: 02.08.2024 | 16:14:10

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Lora Palmer - No Names

No Names (Froze Up In Time)
No Names (Froze Up in Time)

Verse 1:
Verse 1:
Oh, where are you now
Oh, what are you now
In this moment
In this Moment
Over and over again
Over and Over Again

We are in a place
We are in a place
Where we have no names
Were we have no names
You're silent and smoke
You're Silent and Smoke
Over and over again
Over and Over Again
Chorus 1:
Chorus 1:
Oh, where are you now
Oh, what are you now
See your smile melts in Clouds (of Smoke)
See your smile melts in clouds (of smoke)
Verse 2:
Verse 2:
А moment froze up in time
And Moment Froze Up in Time
It all repeats
It all repeats
Over and over again
Over and Over Again

Then I give you the gun
The I Give You The Gun
You shot me down
You Shot Me Down
Over and over again
Over and Over Again
Chorus 2:
Chorus 2:
Oh, where are you now
Oh, what are you now
See your smile melts in Clouds (of Smoke)
See your smile melts in clouds (of smoke)
We got stuck in time
We Got Stuck in Time
And we are Lost in Fog
And we are lost in fog

Без Имен (Застывшие во времени)
Without names (frozen in time)

Verse 1:
Verse 1:
Где же ты теперь?
Where are you now?
В этот момент
In this moment
Снова и снова…
Again and again…

Мы там,
We are there
Где у нас нет имен.
Where we have no names.
Молчишь и куришь.
You are silent and smoke.
Снова и снова…
Again and again…
Chorus 1:
Chorus 1:
Где же ты теперь?
Where are you now?
Смотри, твоя улыбка растворяется в клубах дыма.
Look, your smile dissolves in the puffs of smoke.
Verse 2:
Verse 2:
Момент, застывший во времени,
The moment frozen in time,
Он все повторяется
He is all repeated
Снова и снова…
Again and again…

И я даю тебе пистолет,
And I give you a gun
Ты стреляешь в меня
You shoot me
Снова и снова…
Again and again…
Chorus 2:
Chorus 2:
Где же ты теперь?
Where are you now?
Смотри, твоя улыбка растворяется в клубах дыма.
Look, your smile dissolves in the puffs of smoke.
Мы застряли во времени,
We are stuck in time
И мы потеряны в тумане.
And we are lost in the fog.
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