Luc Arbogast - Stella Splendens - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Luc Arbogast - Stella Splendens
Из истории песни: В монастыре Монтсеррат находилась прекрасная статуя Девы Марии, к которой стекалось множество паломников. Служители монастыря, дабы удержать гостей у себя подольше, развлекали их танцами и песнопениями. Сохранилась рукопись,в которой были собраны ноты и слова, исполнявшихся там песен. STELLA SPLENDENS - одна из них. В ней рассказывается о том, как прекрасна статуя и как она сияет на горе подобно звезде (stella - звезда (лат.) Танец - соответственно танец паломников, поющих хвалу Деве Марии и рассказывающих о своем долгом пути.
From the story of the song: in the monastery of Montserrat was the beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary, to which many pilgrims flocked. The ministers of the monastery, in order to keep guests longer, entertained them with dancing and chants. The manuscript was preserved, in which notes and words were collected, performing songs there. Stella Splendens is one of them. It tells how beautiful the statue is and how it shines on the mountain like a star (Stella - a star (lat.) Dance - respectively, the dance of pilgrims singing the praise of the Virgin Mary and telling about their long journey.
Текст на латыни:
Text in Latin:
Stella splendens in monte Ut solus radium
Stella Splendens in Monte Ut Solus Radium
Miraculis serrato, Exaudi populum
Miraculis Serrato, Exaudi Populum
Concurrunt universi Gaudentes populi,
Concurrunt Universi Gaudentes Populi,
Divites et egeni, Grandes et parvuli,
Divites et egeni, Grandes et parvuli,
Ipsum ingrediuntur, Ut cernunt oculi.
IPSUM IngredIuntur, Ut Cernunt Oculi.
Et inde revertuntur Gratiis repleti.
Et Inde Revertuntur Gratiis Repleti.
Principes et magnates Ex stirpe regia,
Principes et Magnates ex stirpe regia,
Saeculi potestates Obtenta venia
Saecli Potestates Obtenta Venia
Peccaminum proclamant Tundentes pectora.
Peccaminum Proclamant Tundentes Pectora.
Poplite flexo clamant Hic: Ave Maria.
Poplite Flexo Clamant Hic: Ave Maria.
Praelati et barones, Comites incliti,
Praelati et barones, comites incliti,
Religiosi omnes, Atque presbyteri,
Relygiosi Omnes, Atque Pressbyteri,
Milites, mercatores, Cives, marinari,
Milites, Mercatores, Cives, Marinari,
Burgenses, piscatores, Praemiantur ibi.
Burgenses, Piscatores, Praemiantur Ibi.
Rustici aratores, Nec non notarii,
Rustici Aratores, Nec Non Notarii,
Advocati, scultores, Cuncti ligni fabri,
Advocati, Scultores, Cuncti Ligni Fabri,
Sartores et sutores, Nec non lanitici
Sartores et Sutores, NEC Non Lanitici
Artifices et omnes Gratulantur ibi.
Artifices et Omnes Gratulantur Ibi.
Reginae, comitissae, Illustres dominae,
Reginae, Comitissae, Illustres Dominae,
Potentes et ancillae, Juvenes parvulae,
Potentes et Ancillae, Juves Parvulae,
Virgines et antiquae Pariter viduae
Virgins et Antiquae Pariter Viduae
Conscendunt et hunc montem Et religiosae.
Conscentunt et HUNC MONTEM et religiosae.
Coetus hi aggregantur, Hic ut exhibeant
Coetus Hi Aggregantur, Hic Ut Exhibeant
Vota, regratiantur, Ut ipsa et reddant
Vota, Regratiantur, Ut Ipsa et Riddant
Aulam istam ditantes, Hoc cuncti videant,
Aulam Istam Ditantes, Hoc Cuncti Videant,
Jocalibus ornantes, Soluti redeant.
Jocalibus Ornantes, Soluti Redeant.
Cuncti ergo precantes Sexus utriusque,
Cuncti Ergo Precantes Sexus Utriusque,
Mentes nostras mundantes Oremus devote
Mentes Nostras Mundantes Oremus Devote
Virginem gloriosam, Matrem clementiae,
Virginem Gloriosam, Matrem Clementiae,
ln coelis gratiosam Sentiamus vere.
Ln Coelis Gratiosam Sentiamus Vere.
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