Гроуви на дискотеке - Просто Танцующий Гроуви - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Гроуви на дискотеке - Просто Танцующий Гроуви
So I got my boots on,
Я надел сапоги -
I put on boots -
Got the right amount of leather
И на мне теперь достаточно кожи.
And now it's enough skin on me.
And I'm doing me up with a black coloured liner
And i'm doing me up with a black coloured liner
Я выделяю глаза черной подводкой
I highlight the eyes of a black eyeliner
And I'm working my strut but I know it don't matter
And I'm Working My Strut But i Know IT DON'T MATTER
И иду с важным видом, но знаю, что это не имеет значения,
And I go with an important type, but I know that it does not matter,
All we need in this world is some love
All We Need In This World IS Some Love
Ведь всё, что нам нужно в этом мире – это немного любви...
After all, everything we need in this world is a little love ...
There's a thin line between the dark side,
Этой ночью между адом
This night between hell
And the light side, baby tonight
And The Light Side, Baby Tonight
И раем тонкая грань, милая,
And hearing a thin face, sweet,
It's a struggle gotta rumble, tryin'a find it
It's a Struggle Gotta Rumble, Tryin'a Find It
Это будет громкая борьба, попробуй понять это...
It will be a loud struggle, try to understand it ...
But if I had you,
But If I Had You,
Будь ты моей,
Whether you are mine
That would be the only thing I'd ever need
That Would Be The Only Thing I'D Ever Need
Мне больше ничего не было б нужно.
I need nothing more.
Yeah if I had you,
Yeah if i had you,
Да, будь ты моей,
Yes, whether you are mine
Then money, fame and fortune never could compete
Then Money, Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
Деньги, слава и удача не шли бы в сравнение.
Money, fame and luck would not be compared.
If I had you,
If i had you
Будь ты моей,
Whether you are mine
Life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy
Life Would Be a Party, It'd Be Ecstasy
Жизнь была бы сплошным кайфом, это был бы ништяк.
Life would be a solid buzz, it would be nishtyak.
Yeah, if I had you
Yeah, if i had you
Да, будь ты моей,
Yes, whether you are mine
You y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you
You y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you
You are, s-s-s-s-s-s-s--s ...
If I had you
If I Had You
Будь ты моей...
Whether you are mine ...
From New York to LA getting high rock and rolling
From New York to La Getting High Rock and Rolling
Всюду - от Нью-Йорка до Лос-Анджелеса - ловим кайф, наслаждаясь жизнью по полной.
Everywhere - from New York to Los Angeles - catch a buzz, enjoying life in full.
Get a room trash it up 'til it's ten in the morning
Get A Room TRASH IT Up 'Til It's Ten in the Morning
Подыскиваем хату и переворачиваем там все вверх дном до 10 утра.
We look for the hut and turn everything up there upside down until 10 am.
Girls in stripper heels, boys rolling in Maserati's
Girls in Stripper Heels, Boys Rolling in Maserati's
Девчонки в босоножках на шпильках, парни разъезжают на Мазерати -
Girls in stiletto sandals, guys travel to Maserati -
What they need in this world is some love
What They Need In This World Is Some Love
Все, что им нужно в этом мире – немного любви.
All they need in this world are some love.
There's a thin line between the wild time,
There's a Thin Line Between The Wild Time
Этой ночью между гулянкой
This night between the goly
And a flat-line, baby tonight
And a Flat-Line, Baby Tonight
И смертью тонкая грань, милая.
And death is a thin face, sweet.
It's a struggle gotta rumble, tryin'a find it
It's a Struggle Gotta Rumble, Tryin'a Find It
Это будет громкая борьба, попробуй понять это...
It will be a loud struggle, try to understand it ...
But if I had you,
But If I Had You,
Будь ты моей,
Whether you are mine
That would be the only thing I'd ever need
That Would Be The Only Thing I'D Ever Need
Мне больше ничего не было б нужно.
I need nothing more.
Yeah if I had you,
Yeah if i had you,
Да, будь ты моей,
Yes, whether you are mine
Then money, fame and fortune never could compete
Then Money, Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
Деньги, слава и удача не шли бы в сравнение.
Money, fame and luck would not be compared.
If I had you,
If i had you
Будь ты моей,
Whether you are mine
Life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy
Life Would Be a Party, It'd Be Ecstasy
Жизнь была бы сплошным кайфом, это был бы ништяк.
Life would be a solid buzz, it would be nishtyak.
Yeah, if I had you
Yeah, if i had you
Да, будь ты моей,
Yes, whether you are mine
You y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you
You y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you
You are, s-s-s-s-s-s-s--s ...
If I had you
If I Had You
Будь ты моей...
Whether you are mine ...
The flashing of the lights
Вспышки камер -
Camera outbreaks -
It might feel so good
IT Might Feel So Good
Возможно, это приятно,
Maybe it's nice
But I got you stuck on my mind, yeah
But I Got You Stuck On My Mind, Yeah
Но я не могу выкинуть тебя из головы, да!
But I can't throw you out of my head, yes!
The flashing and the stage, it might get me high
The Flashing and The Stage, It Might Get Me High
Вспышки и сцена - и это приводит меня в экстаз,
Flashes and scene - and it leads me to ecstasy,
But it don't mean a thing tonight
But It Don't Mean A Thing Tonight
Но это ничего не значит для меня сегодня ночью...
But it does not mean anything for me today at night ...
That would be the only thing I'd ever need
That Would Be The Only Thing I'D Ever Need
Это единственное, что мне было б нужно,
This is the only thing I was needed,
Yeah if I had you,
Yeah if i had you,
Да, будь ты моей.
Yes, if you are mine.
Then money, fame and fortune never could compete
Then Money, Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
Деньги, слава и удача не шли бы в сравнение.
Money, fame and luck would not be compared.
If I had you,
If i had you
Будь ты моей,
Whether you are mine
Life would be a party it'd be ecstasy
Life Would Be a Party It'd Be Ecstasy
Жизнь была бы сплошным кайфом, это был бы ништяк.
Life would be a solid buzz, it would be nishtyak.
Yeah if I had you
Yeah if i had you
Да, будь ты моей,
Yes, whether you are mine
You y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you
You y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-you y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you
You are, s-s-s-s-s-s-s--s ...
If I had you
If I Had You
Будь ты моей…
Whether you are mine ...
That would be the only thing I'd ever need
That Would Be The Only Thing I'D Ever Need
Это единственное, что мне было б нужно,
This is the only thing I was needed,
Yeah if I had you,
Yeah if i had you,
Да, будь ты моей.
Yes, if you are mine.
Then money, fame and fortune never could compete
Then Money, Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
Деньги, слава и удача не шли бы в сравнение,
Money, fame and luck would not be in comparison
(Never could compete with you)
Never Could Compete With You)
(Не шли бы в равнение с тобой).
(I would not be in an equalization with you).
If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy
If I Had You, Life Would Be a Party, It'd Be Ecstasy
Будь ты моей, жизнь была бы сплошным кайфом, это был бы ништяк,
Whether you are mine, life would be a solid buzz, it would be nishtyak,
(It'd be ecstasy with you)
(IT'D Be Ecstasy With You)
(Это был бы ништяк)
(It would be nishtyak)
Yeah if I had you
Yeah if i had you
Да, будь ты моей,
Yes, whether you are mine
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