Marduk - Glorification Of The Black God - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Marduk

Название песни: Glorification Of The Black God

Дата добавления: 27.05.2024 | 04:58:15

Просмотров: 2

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Marduk - Glorification Of The Black God

"Прославление чёрного бога"
"Glorification of the Black God"

Прославление чёрного бога
Glorification of the black god
в форме чёрного козла – сам лорд тьмы
in the form of a black goat - the lord of darkness himself
Заправляя весельем..
Fueling the fun..
Демоны, Ведьмы, и духи тьмы ожидают
Demons, Witches, and spirits of darkness await
И наблюдая с удовольствием на трахающихся девственниц
And watching with pleasure the fucking virgins
И Невинные душы.. скоро будут приноситься в жертву
And innocent souls.. will soon be sacrificed
Единственный свет является проблеском факелов из перевернутых маток женщин
The only light is a glimpse of torches from the upside down wombs of women
И огонь из котла, в котором человеческий жир кипятится
And the fire from the cauldron in which human fat boils
Воздух заполнен дьявольским смехом и криками
The air is filled with devilish laughter and screams
Заклинания кружатся, запахом ада везде воняет
The spells are spinning, the smell of hell stinks everywhere
Появление духов тьмы из сердца ада
The emergence of spirits of darkness from the heart of hell
Некросоюз вышел, что-бы отпризрачить ночь
The Necro-Union came out to ghost the night
Херстьяне бегут как свиньи захваченные страхом
The Kherstians run like pigs captured by fear
Кроме блеска луны окруженной звездами
Except the shine of the moon surrounded by stars
Облака непускают некросвет, как земля дрожит!
The clouds do not let in the necrolight, as the earth trembles!
Под громкие удары сопровождающиеся..
Under loud blows accompanied by..
Разхерачиванием кожы под чёрным небом
Unraveling the skin under the black sky

Некто не осмелится идти горой этой ночь
No one dares to walk the mountain this night
Они наблюдают с охреневшими глазами, в страхе издалека
They watch with crazy eyes, in fear from afar
Так как молния присоединяется к порочному танцу на лысой горе.
As lightning joins the vicious dance on the bald mountain.

Glorification of the black god
Glorification of the black god
In the shape of a black goat - The dark lord himself
In the shape of a black goat - The dark lord himself
Presiding over the revelry..
Presiding over the revelry..
Demons, witches, and spirits of Darkness await
Demons, witches, and spirits of Darkness await
And watch with pleasure on the succumbed virgins
And watch with pleasure on the succumbed virgins
And innocent souls.. Soon to be sacrificed
And innocent souls.. Soon to be sacrificed
The only light is the gleam of the torches from the inverted women wombs
The only light is the gleam of the torches from the inverted women wombs
And the fire from the cauldron, in which human fat is being boiled
And the fire from the cauldron, in which human fat is being boiled
The air is filled with diabolical laughter and screams
The air is filled with diabolical laughter and screams
Spells are whirling, and the smell of hell is spreading all around
Spells are whirling, and the smell of hell is spreading all around
The appearance of spirits of Darkness from the heart of Hell
The appearance of spirits of Darkness from the heart of Hell
A necromantical union brought forth to haunt the night
A necromantical union brought forth to haunt the night
The christains fled like pigs, overwhelmed with fear
The christians fled like pigs, overwhelmed with fear
Except glimpses of the moon surrounded by stars
Except glimpses of the moon surrounded by stars
Clouds block the nocturnal light, as the earth trembles
Clouds block the nocturnal light, as the earth trembles
Under hooved feet accompaigned by..
Under hooved feet accompaigned by..
The beating of skins under the blackened sky
The beating of skins under the blackened sky

Noone dares to tread the mountain on this night
Noone dares to tread the mountain on this night

They watch with enlarged eyes, in fear from afar
They watch with enlarged eyes, in fear from afar
As the lightning joins the perverted dance at the bare mountain
As the lightning joins the perverted dance at the bare mountain
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