Mirabai Ceiba - A Hundred Blessings - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Mirabai Ceiba - A Hundred Blessings
When Love comes suddenly and taps
Wen love comes sundenly and taps
on your window,
on your Window,
run and let it in but first,
Run and Let it in But First,
shut the door of your reason.
Shut The Door of Your Reason.
Even the smallest hint
chases Love away
Chasses Love Away
like smoke that drowns
Like Smoke That Drwns
the freshness of the morning breeze.
The Freshness of the Morning Breeze.
To reason Love can only say,
To Reason Love Caner,
the way is barred,
The Way is barred,
you can´t pass through
You can´t pass through
but to the lover
but to the lover
it offers a hundred blessings.
Before the mind decides
Before The Mind Decides
to take a step
to take a stp
Love has reached the seventh heaven.
Love Has Reted the Seventh Heaven.
Before the mind can figure how
Before The Mind Can Figure How
Love has climbed the Holy Mountain.
Love Has Climbed the Holy Mountain.
I must stop this talk now and let
I MUST STOP THIS Talk Now and Let
Love speak from its nest of silence. Когда Любовь внезапно приходит и стучится в ваше окно,
Love Speak from Its Nest of Silence. When love suddenly comes and knocks out your window,
бегите и впускайте её, но сперва захлопните дверь вашего разума.
Run and let it in, but first slam the door of your mind.
Даже самый маленький намек
Even the smallest hint
прогонит Любовь прочь,
will drive away love away
как дым, который заглушает
like smoke that drowses
свежесть утреннего бриза.
The freshness of the morning breeze.
Разуму Любовь может сказать лишь то, что этот путь закрыт,
Love can only say that this path is closed,
и он не может пройти дальше,
And he cannot go further
но любящему
but loving
она предлагает сто благословений.
She offers a hundred blessings.
Прежде, чем ум решит
Before the mind decides
сделать лишь шаг,
take only a step
Любовь уже достигнет седьмого неба.
Love will already reach the seventh sky.
Прежде чем разум поймёт как,
Before the mind understands how,
Любовь уже поднимется к Святой Горе.
Love is already rising to the Holy Mountain.
Я должен прекратить разговор и дать возможность Любви говорить из её гнезда безмолвия.
I have to stop the conversation and give love to speak from her nest of silence.
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