Mono Inc - Children Of The Dark - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Mono Inc

Название песни: Children Of The Dark

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Mono Inc - Children Of The Dark

We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя –
We are not at all like you -
A wall in black
A Wall in Black
Чёрная стена.
Black wall.
We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя –
We are not at all like you -
And you don't get who we are
And you don meta Who We are
И ты не понимаешь, кто мы.
And you do not understand who we are.
We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя –
We are not at all like you -
We dare the flow
We Dare the Flow
Мы бросаем вызов потоку.
We challenge the stream.
We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя –
We are not at all like you -
And you don't know who we are
And you dock know Who We are
И ты не знаешь, кто мы.
And you do not know who we are.

In a land of seals and sorrow
In a Land of Seals and Sorrow
В царстве печатей и печали
In the kingdom of seals and sorrows
We kept waiting for the spark
We Kept Waiting for the Spark
Мы ждали искры.
We were waiting for sparks.
So hail your kings and hail your queens
So hail your kings and hail your queens
Под нашим градом твои короли и королевы.
Under our hail, your kings and queen.
We're different we're the children of the dark
We're Different We're the Children of the Dark
Мы разные, мы – дети тьмы.
We are different, we are children of darkness.

We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя –
We are not at all like you -
We're true and free
We're True and Free
Мы искренние и свободные.
We are sincere and free.
We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя,
We are not at all like you
But you can't see who we are
But you canm
Но ты не видишь, кто мы.
But you do not see who we are.
We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя
We are not at all like you
And all the rest
And all the rest
И на всё остальное.
And for everything else.
We're nothing like you
We're Nothing Like You
Мы совсем не похожи на тебя –
We are not at all like you -
And you won't guess who we are
And you won't guess Who We are
И ты не догадаешься, кто мы.
And you will not guess who we are.

In a land of hate and horror
In a Land of Hate and Horror
В царстве ненависти и ужаса
In the kingdom of hatred and horror
We set an exclamation mark
We Set An Exclamation Mark
Мы выражаем сильное чувство. 1
We express a strong feeling. 1
So hail your kings and hail your queens
So hail your kings and hail your queens
Под нашим градом твои короли и королевы.
Under our hail, your kings and queen.
We're rigid we're the children of the dark
We're Rigid We're the Children of the Dark
Мы несгибаемые, мы – дети тьмы.
We are unbending, we are children of darkness.

For a new beginning
For a New Begining
Из-за нового начала,
Because of the new beginning,
For a turnaround
For a turnaround
Из-за поворота на 180°
Due to a turn of 180 °
Our heads are spinning and we won't calm down
OUR Heads Are Spinning and We Won 'Calm Down
У нас кружится голова, но мы не успокоимся.
We are dizzy, but we will not calm down.
We're a wall in motion
We're a Wall in Motion
Мы – движущаяся стена,
We are a moving wall,
Oh a change is now walk in the park
OH A Change IS Now Walk in the Park
Что-то изменить сейчас очень легко. 2
Something is very easy to change now. 2
What comes around goes around
What Comes Around Goes Around
Как аукнется, так и откликнется!
As it comes up, it will respond!
Better watch out we're the children of the dark
Better Watch Out We're the Children of the Dark
Лучше поостерегись, мы – дети тьмы!
Better rely, we are children of darkness!
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