Music Hayk - Promise the night - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Music Hayk

Название песни: Promise the night

Дата добавления: 14.07.2024 | 12:24:23

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Music Hayk - Promise the night

Baby ты и я, ни к чему слова,
Baby you and I, no one,
Вновь рисую образ твой, что ты делаешь со мной ?
Again I draw your image, what are you doing with me?
Ты и я, на закате дня, наслаждаюсь красотой,
You and I, at sunset, enjoy beauty,
Знаешь лишь тобой.
You only know you.

Promise the night, promise the night,
Promise The Night, Promise The Night,
Baby I just holding you tight, holding you tight,
Baby I Justing You Tight, Holding You Tight,
I'm so want you to confess, let your body just say yes
I'm so want you to confess, let your body just says

Promise the night, promise the night,
Promise The Night, Promise The Night,
Baby I just holding you tight, holding you tight,
Baby I Justing You Tight, Holding You Tight,
I'm so want you to be mine, baby don't waste time
I'm so want you to be min, Baby Donmet Waste Time

Baby I don't know mmm... wright or wrong ?
Baby I Donat Know MMM ... Wright or Wrong?
Let me hold you, girl I want you
Let me hold you, Girl I Want You

Baby I just know, love keep me going on,
Baby I Just Know, Love Keep Me Going on,
Let me hold you, girl I really want you
Let me hold you, Girl I Really Want You

Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night.
Promise The Night.

Позволь мне сказать, что я тебя люблю,
Let me tell you that I love you
Позволь мне прошептать, что я тебя хочу,
Let me whisper that I want you,
Всем сердцем и душой буду с тобой,
I will be with you with all my heart and soul,
Приму какая ты есть рядом со мной,
I will accept what you are next to me,

В здравии и нет, оберегать я буду,
In health and not, I will protect
Буду становиться лишь для тебя чудом,
I will become only a miracle for you
Чтоб радовалась ты и пела душа,
So that you rejoice and sang the soul,
Будь со мной пожалуйста навсегда.
Be with me forever.

Baby I don't know mmm... wright or wrong ?
Baby I Donat Know MMM ... Wright or Wrong?
Let me hold you, girl I want you
Let me hold you, Girl I Want You

Baby I just know, love keep me going on,
Baby I Just Know, Love Keep Me Going on,
Let me hold you, girl I really want you
Let me hold you, Girl I Really Want You

Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night,
Promise The Night,
Promise the night.
Promise The Night.
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