OWEEK - Still Want You - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

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Дата добавления: 03.08.2024 | 18:56:04

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни OWEEK - Still Want You

Searching for love
Searching for Love
Let your body feel
Let your Body Feel
My love tonight (tonight)
My love Tonight (Tonight)
We can try to make
We Can Try to Make
It work alright
IT Work Alright
Oh, no
Oh, no
Call me now
Call Me Now
Enough (e)
I want you to know
I Want You to Know
I am drownin deep in this abyss
I am Drownin Deep in this Abyss
This is sad, but now it comes to this
This is sad, but now it comes to this
Oh, no
Oh, no
Call me now
Call Me Now
Say goodbye (e)
Say Goodbye (E)
I still want you
I Still Want You
And you so lonely (lonely)
And You So Lonely (Lonely)
I need your passion
I Need Your Passion
It’s dangerous for life (for life)
It’s dangerous for life (for life)
You still want me
You Still Want Me
And i’m so lonely (lonely)
And I’m so lonely (Lonely)
I need your passion
I Need Your Passion
To make feel alright
To make feel alright
Может опять (опять)
Maybe again (again)
Я вернусь к тебе
I'll be back to you
Но только знай (знай)
But just know (know)
Что уже не будет как тогда
That will no longer be like then
Я все понял
I got it
Закрывай глаза
Close your eyes
Хочет сердце
He wants the heart
Тебе рассказать
Tell you
Ты (ты)
You (you)
Будешь силуэтом красоты
You will be a silhouette of beauty
Сводишь всех вокруг с ума
You will drive everyone around you crazy
И мы (и мы)
And we (and we)
Остались тенью моих нот
Remained the shadow of my notes
Накину снова пару строк
I will put a couple of lines again
Как остался одинок
How lonely remained
I still want you
I Still Want You
And you so lonely (so lonely)
And you so lonely (So Lonely)
I need your passion
I Need Your Passion
It’s dangerous for life (for life)
It’s dangerous for life (for life)
You still want me
You Still Want Me
And i’m so lonely (lonely)
And I’m so lonely (Lonely)
I need your passion
I Need Your Passion
To make feel alright
To make feel alright
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