One derection - The story of my life - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни One derection - The story of my life
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
Written in these Walls are the Stories that I canon Explain
На этих стенах написаны истории, объяснить которые я не могу.
Stories are written on these walls, which I cannot explain.
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
I Leave My Heart Open But Stays Right Here Empty for Days
Я открыл своё сердце, но проходят дни, а оно всё ещё остаётся пустым.
I opened my heart, but the days pass, but it still remains empty.
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
She Told Me in the Morning She Donmet Feel The Same About Us in Her Bones
Утром она сказала мне, что не настолько уверена 1 в "нас", как я.
In the morning she told me that she was not as sure of 1 in "us" as me.
It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone
It seems to me ase topic will beless on my stone
Наверное, когда я умру, эти слова высекут на моём надгробии...
Probably, when I die, these words will be carved on my tombstones ...
And I'll be gone gone tonight
And i'll be gone gone tonight
Сегодня ночью меня здесь уже не будет,
I will no longer be here tonight,
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The Ground Beneath My Feet is Open Wide
Земля разверзлась под моими ногами.
The earth opened under my feet.
The way that I been holdin' on too tight
The Way that I been Holdin 'On too Tight
Я слишком сильно цеплялся
I clung too much
With nothing in between
With Nothing in Between
За пустоту.
For the void.
The story of my life I take her home
The Story of My Life I Take Her Home
История такая: 2 я отвожу её домой,
The story is: 2 I take it home,
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
I drive all night to keep Her Warm and Time
Провожу за рулём всю ночь, лишь бы ей было тепло, и время
I spend at the wheel all night, if only it was warm, and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
IS Frozen (The Story of, The Story of)
Застывает (история, история).
Freezes (history, history).
The story of my life I give her hope
The Story of My Life I Give Her Hope
Такая вот фигня: я даю ей надежду,
Such a garbage: I give her hope,
I spend her love until she's broke inside
I SPEND HER Love Until She's Broke Inside
А затем растрачиваю её любовь, пока в её душе не останется пустота.
And then I wasting her love, until the emptiness remains in her soul.
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The Story of My Life (The Story of, The Story of)
Такая вот история (история, история)
Such a story (history, history)
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Written on these Walls Are the Colors that I Canm
Эти стены раскрашены цветами, изменить которые мне не под силу.
These walls are painted with flowers, which I can’t change.
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage
Leave My Heart Open But Stays Right Here in Its Cage
Я открыл своё сердце, но проходят дни, а оно всё остаётся в своей клетке...
I opened my heart, but the days pass, but it all remains in my cage ...
I know that in the morning
I Know that in the Morning
Я знаю, что утром
I know that in the morning
I'll see us in the light upon your ear
I'll See Us in the Light Upon Your Ear
Увижу нас лежащими вместе в лучах солнца.
I will see us lying together in the rays of the sun.
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
Although I am Broken, My Heart is Untamed Still
И пусть я сломлен, моё сердце осталось неукрощённым...
And let me be broken, my heart remained unscrupulous ...
And I'll be gone gone tonight
And i'll be gone gone tonight
Сегодня ночью меня здесь уже не будет,
I will no longer be here tonight,
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The Fire Beneath My Feet is Burning Bright
Под моими ногами полыхает пламя.
A flame is blazing under my feet.
The way that I been holdin' on so tight
The Way that I been Holdin 'On So Tight
Я слишком сильно цеплялся
I clung too much
With nothing in between
With Nothing in Between
За пустоту.
For the void.
The story of my life I take her home
The Story of My Life I Take Her Home
История такая: я отвожу её домой,
The story is this: I take her home,
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
I drive all night to keep Her Warm and Time
Провожу за рулём всю ночь, лишь бы ей было тепло, и время
I spend at the wheel all night, if only it was warm, and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
IS Frozen (The Story of, The Story of)
Застывает (история, история).
Freezes (history, history).
The story of my life I give her hope
The Story of My Life I Give Her Hope
Такая вот фигня: я даю ей надежду,
Such a garbage: I give her hope,
I spend her love until she's broke inside
I SPEND HER Love Until She's Broke Inside
А затем растрачиваю её любовь, пока в её душе не останется пустота.
And then I wasting her love, until the emptiness remains in her soul.
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The Story of My Life (The Story of, The Story of)
Такая вот история (история, история)
Such a story (history, history)
And I been waiting for this time to come around
And I been Waiting for this to Come Around
Я всё ждал, когда наступит это время.
I was waiting for this time to come.
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds
But Baby Running after You is Like Chasing the Clouds
Но, милая, гнаться за тобой - всё равно, что преследовать облака.
But, honey, chasing you is like pursuing the clouds.
The story of my life I take her home
The Story of My Life I Take Her Home
История такая: я отвожу её домой,
The story is this: I take her home,
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
I drive all night to keep Her Warm and Time
Провожу за рулём всю ночь, лишь бы ей было тепло, и время
I spend at the wheel all night, if only it was warm, and time
Is frozen
IS Frozen
Freezes ...
The story of my life I give her hope (give her hope)
The Story of My Life I Give Her Hope (Give Her Hope)
Такая вот фигня: я даю ей надежду (даю ей надежду),
Such a garbage: I give her hope (I give her hope),
I spend her love until she's broke inside
I SPEND HER Love Until She's Broke Inside
А затем растрачиваю её любовь, пока в её душе не останется пустота.
And then I wasting her love, until the emptiness remains in her soul.
(until she's broke inside)
(Until She's Broke Inside)
(пока в её душе не останется пустота),
(until the void remains in her soul),
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The Story of My Life (The Story of, The Story of)
Такая вот история (история, история)
Such a story (history, history)
The story of my life
The Story of My Life
Такая вот история,
Such a story
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The Story of My Life (The Story of, The Story of)
Такая вот история (история, история),
Such a story (history, history),
The story of my life.
The Story of My Life.
1 - feel in one's bones (фразеологизм) - быть совершенно уверенным
1 - Feel in one's bones (phraseology) - to be completely confident
2 - the story of my life (устойчивое словосочетание) ~ такая вот фигня (история) / со мной всегда так / наступаю на одни и те же грабли
2 - The Story of My Life (stable phrase) ~ such a garbage (history) / always like this / step on the same rakes
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