Outcast - Ms. Jackson - Ms. Jackson - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Outcast - Ms. Jackson - Ms. Jackson
Да, этот трек посвящается всем матерям своих дочерей!
Yes, this track is dedicated to all mothers of their daughters!
Mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas
Mamas, Mamas, Baby Mamas, Mamas
Мамы, мамочки, мамаши,
Moms, mothers, mothers,
Yeah, go like this
Yeah, Go Like this
Да, продолжайте в том же духе!!!
Yes, continue in the same spirit !!!
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I'M Sorry MS. Jackson [oooh]
Извините, госпожа Джексон,
Sorry, Madame Jackson,
I am for real
I am for real
Поверьте мне, я не лгу,
Believe me, I don't lie,
Never meant to make your daughter cry
Never Meant to Make Your Daughter Cry
Я не хотел делать больно вашей дочери.
I didn't want to hurt your daughter.
I apologize a trillion times
I Apologize a Trillion Times
Извиняюсь миллион раз,
I apologize a million times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I'M Sorry MS. Jackson [oooh]
Прошу прощения, госпожа Джексон,
I apologize, Madame Jackson,
I am for real
I am for real
Поверьте мне, я не лгу,
Believe me, I don't lie,
Never meant to make your daughter cry
Never Meant to Make Your Daughter Cry
Я не хотел делать больно вашей дочери.
I didn't want to hurt your daughter.
I apologize a trillion times
I Apologize a Trillion Times
Извиняюсь миллион раз…
I apologize a million times ...
A baby drama mama, don't like me
A Baby Dramama Mama, Don`t Like Me
Драма личной жизни: её мама меня не любит.
The drama of a personal life: her mother does not love me.
She doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhood
She doing Things Like Havin Her Boys Come from Her Neighborhood
Она присылает живущих с ней по соседству знакомых парней
She sends the guys living with her next door to her
To the studio tryin to fight me
To the Studio Tryin to Fight Me
Ко мне в студию, чтобы они надрали мне зад.
To my studio to put my ass.
She need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite out
She need to get a, piece of the American Pie and Take Her Bite Out
Она хочет съесть свой кусок американского пирога.
She wants to eat her piece of American cake.
That's my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights out
That's my house, I Disconnect the Cable and Turn the Lights Out
Но это мой дом, я выдёргиваю кабель и выключаю свет,
But this is my house, I pull out the cable and turn off the light,
And let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheck
And Let her Know Her Grandchild is a Baby, and Not a Paycheck
И даю ей понять, что её внук ещё ребёнок, а не платёжный чек.
And I let her know that her grandson is still a child, and not a payment check.
Private schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I'll pay that
Private Schools, Daycare, Shit, Medical Bills, i'll Pay That
Частные школы, детсад, счета за медуслуги и прочая ерунда – я всё оплачу.
Private schools, kindergarten, medical services accounts and other nonsense - I will pay everything.
I love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid down
I Love Your Mom and EVERYTHING, See I Aint the One Who Laid Down
Я люблю твою маму и всё такое, но я не из тех, кто сдаётся.
I love your mother and all that, but I am not one who gives up.
She wanna rip you up started cussin you all, my lawyer stay down
She Wanna Rip You Up Started Cussin You, My Lawyer Stay Down
Она хочетпорвать меняна части, кроет матом, а я ничего не говорю в свою защиту.
She wants to pour the units of the unit, covers with obscenities, and I do not say anything in her defense.
She never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was divided
She Never Got a Chance to Hear My Side of the Story We Was Divated
У неё не было возможности выслушать мою историю – мы были на ножах.
She did not have the opportunity to listen to my story - we were on knives.
She had fifths out, cookouts, on my child's birthday I aint invited
She Had Fifths Out, Cookouts, On My Child's Birthday I Aint Invited
Она устроила пикник в день рождения сына, а меня туда не пригласили.
She arranged a picnic on her son’s birthday, but I was not invited there.
Despite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall through
Despite Its, Show Her the Utmost Respect When I Fall Through
И несмотря на всё это, я всегда проявляю к ней уважение.
And despite all this, I always show respect for her.
All you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeah
All You, Do is Defend that Lady When I Call You, Yeah
А вы только и знаете, что защищаете эту девчонку, когда я вам звоню.
And you only know that you are protecting this girl when I call you.
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I'M Sorry MS. Jackson [oooh]
Извините, госпожа Джексон,
Sorry, Madame Jackson,
I am for real
I am for real
Поверьте мне, я не лгу,
Believe me, I don't lie,
Never meant to make your daughter cry
Never Meant to Make Your Daughter Cry
Я не хотел делать больно вашей дочери.
I didn't want to hurt your daughter.
I apologize a trillion times
I Apologize a Trillion Times
Извиняюсь миллион раз,
I apologize a million times
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson [OOOH]
I'M Sorry MS. Jackson [oooh]
Прошу прощения, госпожа Джексон,
I apologize, Madame Jackson,
I am for real
I am for real
Поверьте мне, я не лгу,
Believe me, I don't lie,
Never meant to make your daughter cry
Never Meant to Make Your Daughter Cry
Я не хотел делать больно вашей дочери.
I didn't want to hurt your daughter.
I apologize a trillion times
I Apologize a Trillion Times
Извиняюсь миллион раз…
I apologize a million times ...
Me and your daughter
Me and your daughter
Вашу дочь и меня связывают
Your daughter and I am tied
Got a special thang goin on
Особые отношения.
Special relationship.
You say it's puppy love
You Say It's Puppy Love
Вы говорите, что это детская влюблённость,
You say this is a childhood love,
We say it's full grown
We Say it's Full Grown
А мы утверждаем, что это зрелое чувство взрослых людей.
And we claim that this is a mature sense of adults.
Hope that we feel this
Hope that We Feel this
Я надеюсь, что мы будем это чувствовать,
I hope we will feel it
Feel this way forever
Feel This Way Forever
Будем так любить всегда.
We will always love that.
You could plan a pretty picnic
You COULD PLAN A Pretty Picnic
Вы можете спланировать пикничок,
You can plan a picnic,
But you can't predict the weather, Ms. Jackson
But You canm Predict the Weather, MS. Jackson
Но вы не в силах предсказывать погоду, госпожа Джексон.
But you are not able to predict the weather, Madame Jackson.
Ten times out of nine, now if I'm blind fine
Ten Times Out of Nine, Now If iM Blind Fine
Десять попаданий из девяти, но даже если сейчас я ошибаюсь – отлично,
Ten out of nine hits, but even if I am mistaken now, excellent,
The quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I'll decline
The Quickkest Muzzle Throw it Mouse and i'll Decline
Давай, заткни мне рот, может, тогда я отступлюсь.
Come on, shut my mouth to me, maybe then I will retreat.
King meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dream
King Meets Queen, The Puppy Love Thing, Together Dream
Принц встретил принцессу, и они полюбили друг друга и стали вместе мечтать
The prince met the princess, and they fell in love with each other and began to dream together
Bout that crib with the goodyear swing
Bout That Crib with The Goodyear Swing
Об уютном домике на дубе
About a cozy house on oak
On the oak tree, I hope we feel like this forever
On the Oak Tree, I Hope We Feel Like this Forever
И о счастливой жизни в нём. Надеюсь, эта любовь будет вечной,
And about a happy life in him. I hope this love will be eternal,
Forever, forever, ever, forever, ever?
Forever, Forever, Ever, Forever, Ever?
Вечной, вечной, вечной…
Eternal, eternal, eternal ...
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