PJ Harvey - Mountain - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: PJ Harvey

Название песни: Mountain

Дата добавления: 20.08.2024 | 05:28:33

Просмотров: 2

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни PJ Harvey - Mountain

Above the mountain
ABOVE The Mountain
The mountain
The Mountain
An eagle
An eagle
Is flying
IS Flying

High above the mountain
High ABOVE The Mountain
An eagle calling down
An Eagle Calling Down
To the soldier who falters
To the Soldier Who Falters
The soldier on the ground
The Soldier on the Ground

By the mountain
By the mountain
I feel nothing
I Feel Nothing
For in my own heart
For in my other heart
Every tree is broken

The first tree will not blossom
The first tree Will Not Blossom
The second will not grow
The Second Will Not Grow
The third is almost fallen
The Third Is Almost Fallen
Since you betrayed me so
Since you betrayed me so

Since you
Since you


Летает орёл,
The eagle flies
Высоко над горой.
High above the mountain.
Орёл слетает вниз
The eagle flies down
К слабеющему солдату,
To a weakest soldier
Солдату на земле.
Soldier on earth.

Рядом с горой
Near the mountain
Я ничего не чувствую.
I don't feel anything.
Ведь в моём сердце
After all in my heart
Все деревья сломаны.
All trees are broken.

Первое дерево не расцветёт,
The first tree will not blossom
Второе не будет расти,
The second will not grow
А третье почти упало
And the third almost fell
В миг твоего предательства.
At a moment of your betrayal.

В тот миг.
At that moment.
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