Paul Simon , Чеви Чейз - You Can Call Me Al - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Paul Simon , Чеви Чейз

Название песни: You Can Call Me Al

Дата добавления: 23.04.2024 | 06:58:10

Просмотров: 3

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Paul Simon , Чеви Чейз - You Can Call Me Al

You Can Call Me Al (оригинал Paul Simon)
You can can al al (original Paul Simon)
Можешь звать меня Эл (перевод Гошан )
You can call me email (translation of Goshan)

A man walks down the street
A man walks down the street
Человек идет по улице.
The man walks along the street.
He says why am I soft in the middle now
He Says Who Am I Soft in the Middle Now
Он говорит: Почему теперь я оказался в такой передряге?
He says: why now I was in such a trouble?
Why am I soft in the middle
Who am I Soft in the Middle
Почему я оказался в такой передряге?
Why am I in such a trouble?
The rest of my life is so hard
The Rest of My Life Is So Hard
Так трудно доживать эту жизнь.
It's so hard to live on this life.
I need a photo-opportunity
Мне нужна фотосессия,
I need a photo shoot
I want a shot at redemption
I Want A Shot At RedMption
Я хочу спасения.
I want salvation.
Don't want to end up a cartoon
Don 'Want to End Up a Cartoon
Не хочу закончить мультяшкой
I don't want to finish a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard
На мультяшном кладбище.
In the cartoon cemetery.
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Костеискатели, Костеискатели.
Kostisci, Kostisci.
Dogs in the moonlight
Dogs in the MoonLight
Псы в лунном свете.
Dogs in the moonlight.
Far away my well-lit door
Far Away My Well-Lit Door
Далеко моя хорошо освещенная дверь.
My well -lit door is far away.
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Мистер Пивной Животик, Пивной Животик,
Mr. beer tummy, beer tummy,
Get these mutts away from me
Убери от меня этих идиотов.
Take these idiots from me.
You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
You Know I Don`t This Stuff Amusing Anymore
Знаешь, эта дрянь меня уже не забавляет.
You know, this rubbish no longer amuses me.


If you'll be my bodyguard
Если станешь моим телохранителем,
If you become my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal
I can be your long lost pal
Я стану твоим старым потерянным другом,
I will become your old lost friend,
I can call you Betty
I canall you betty
Я смогу называть тебя Бетти,
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
And Betty when You Call Me
А ты, Бетти, когда будешь звать меня,
And you, Betty, when you call me,
You can call me Al
You can can alb
Можешь звать меня Эл.
You can call me email.

A man walks down the street
A man walks down the street
Человек идет по улице.
The man walks along the street.
He says why am I short of attention
He Says Who Am I Short of Attendation
Он говорит: Почему мне уделяют так мало внимания?
He says: why do I pay so little attention to me?
Got a short little span of attention
GOT A Short Little Span of Atting
Мне уделяют совсем мало внимания.
I am given very little attention to me.
And wo my nights are so long
And wo my nights are so long
Почему мои ночи так длинны?
Why are my nights so long?
Where's my wife and family
Where's My Wife and Family
Где мои жена и семья?
Where is my wife and family?
What if I die here
What if i die her
Что если я умру здесь?
What if I die here?
Who'll be my role-model
Who'll be my role-model
Кто будет моим образцом для подражания?
Who will be my role model?
Now that my role-model is
Now that my role-model is
Мой образец для подражания уже
My role model is already
Gone Gone
Gone Gone
В прошлом, в прошлом.
In the past, in the past.
He ducked back down the alley
He Ducked Back Down The Alley
Он убежал по аллее
He ran away on the alley
With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl
With Soome Roly-Poly Little Bat-Faced Girl
С толстой коротышкой с пропитым лицом.
With a thick shorty with a sawn face.
All along along
All Along Along
Всегда, всегда
Always always
There were incidents and accidents
There was incident and accounts
Были происшествия и катастрофы,
There were incidents and disasters,
There were hints and allegations
There were hints and allegations
Были намеки и заявления.
There were hints and statements.


A man walks down the street
A man walks down the street
Человек идет по улице.
The man walks along the street.
It's a street in a strange world
It's a Street in A Strange World
Это улица странного мира.
This is a street of a strange world.
Maybe it's the Third World
Maybe it's The Third World
Возможно, это Третий Мир.
Perhaps this is the third world.
Maybe it's his first time around
Maybe It's His First Time Around
Возможно, он вышел прогуляться здесь впервые.
Perhaps he went out to take a walk here for the first time.
He doesn't speak the language
He soresn`t Speak The Language
Он не говорит на этом языке,
He does not speak this language,
He holds no currency
He Holds No Currency
У него нет валюты.
He has no currency.
He is a foreign man
He is a Foreign Man
Он чужак.
He is a stranger.
He is surrounded by the sound, the sound
He is surround by the Sound, The Sound
Он окружен звуками, звуками.
It is surrounded by sounds, sounds.
Cattle in the marketplace
Cattle in the MarketPlace
Скот на ярмарке,
Cattle at the fair,
Scatterlings and orphanages
Scatterlings and Orphanages
Бродяги и сироты.
Tramp and orphans.
He looks around, around
He look arund, arund
Он смотрит вокруг, вокруг.
He looks around, around.
He sees angels in the architecture
He Sees Angels in the Architecture
Он видит ангелов и архитектуру,
He sees angels and architecture,
Spinning in infinity
Spinning in Infinity
В пряденных в бесконечность.
In the prisoners in infinity.
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!
He Says amen! And Hallelujah!
Он говорит: Аминь! и Аллилуйя!
He says: Amen! And Hallelujah!
