Rare Bird 1970 As Your Mind Flies By - 01 What You Want To Know - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Rare Bird 1970 As Your Mind Flies By

Название песни: 01 What You Want To Know

Дата добавления: 04.10.2022 | 04:34:03

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Rare Bird 1970 As Your Mind Flies By - 01 What You Want To Know

Rare Bird - As Your Mind Flies By 1970 (UK, Progressive Rock)
Rare Bird - AS Your Mind Flies by 1970 (UK, Progressive Rock)

Исполнитель: Rare Bird
Contractor: Rare Bird
Откуда: England
Location: England
Альбом: As Your Mind Flies By
Album: As your mind flies by
Год выхода: 1970
Exit year: 1970
Жанр: Progressive Rock
Genre: Progressive Rock
Длительность: 47:44 (with bonuses)
Duration: 47:44 (with bonuses)
Формат: MP3 CBR 320
Format: MP3 CBR 320
Размер архива: 111,5 МБ (с 3% на восстановление)
Archive size: 111.5 MB (from 3% to recovery)
Файлообменник: Narod.ru
File Exgger: narod.ru

Продолжим тему про эту весьма интересную и необычную группу из Лондона (да и само название группы - Редкая птица, говорит о необычности). Второй лонгплей в дискографии.. Отличительными особенностями звучания группы были характерный драматический вокал Стива Гоулда, отсутствие гитары и сдвоенные клавишные. Клавишные здесь просто царствуют... Считается наиболее значительным альбомом группы. Многими критиками рассматривается как альбом, оказавший наибольшее влияние на ранний прогрессивный рок... Группа, стоявшая тогда наравне с King Crimson, Yes, Genesis... Но не сраслось, не стали они звёздами такого же полёта... Вообще, два клавишника с фуззом и отсутствие (первоначальное) гитариста - это очень-очень редко встретишь... На этом альбоме "анти-гитарная" формула этих англичан обрела своё оптимальное воплощение...
We continue the topic about this very interesting and unusual group from London (and the very name of the group is a rare bird, speaks of unusualness). The second longpley in discography .. The distinctive features of the sound of the group were the characteristic dramatic vocals of Steva Gold, the absence of a guitar and double keyboards. The keyboards are simply reigning here ... It is considered the most significant album of the group. Many critics are considered as an album, which had the greatest influence on the early progressive rock ... The group, which was then on a par with King Crimson, Yes, Genesis ... But it did not shave, they did not become stars of the same flight ... in general, two keyboards with Fuzz and the absence of (initial) guitarist is very, very rarely met ... On this album the "anti-guitar" formula of these British gained their optimal embodiment ...

All tracks written by Rare Bird except where noted.
All Tracks Written by Rare Bird Except Where Noted.
01. What You Want To Know - 5:55
01. What You Want to Know - 5:55
02. Down On The Floor - 2:37
02. Down on the Floor - 2:37
03. Hammerhead - 3:28
03. Hammerhead - 3:28
04. I'm Thinking - 5:35
04. I'M Thinking - 5:35
05. Flight - 19:37 including:
05. Flight - 19:37 Including:
a). As Your Mind Flies By
A). As your mind flies by
b). Vacuum
b). Vacuum
c). New Yorker
C). New Yorker
d). Central Park
D). Central Park
06. What You Want To Know (mono single A-side,1970) - 3:30
06. What You Want to Know (Mono Single A -Side, 1970) - 3:30
07. Hammerhead (mono single B-side,1970) - 3:19
07. Hammerhead (Mono Single B -Side, 1970) - 3:19
08. Red Man (1971, previously unreleased) (Gould, Kaffinetti, Curtis, Hall) - 3:24
08. Red Man (1971, Previously Unreleased) (GOULD, KAFFINETTI, Curtis, Hall) - 3:24

- Steve Gould - lead vocals, bass (01-08)
- Steve GOULD - Lead Vocals, Bass (01-08)
- Graham Field - organ (01-07)
- Graham Field - Organ (01-07)
- David Kaffinetti - electric piano (01-08)
- David Kaffinetti - Electric Piano (01-08)
- Mark Ashton - drums, backing vocals (01-07)
- Mark Ashton - Drums, Backing Vocals (01-07)
- Andy Curtis - guitar (08)
- Andy Curtis - Guitar (08)
- Fred Kelly - drums (08)
- Fred Kelly - Drums (08)
- Emergency Choir - backing vocals, leader Harry Barnes
- Emergency Choir - Backing Vocals, Leader Harry Barnes