You're all I want.
You're All I Want.
You're all I need.
You're All I Need.
You're all I've got.
You're all i've got.
All I see.
All I See.
It won't be long.
It won't be long.
'Till sudenly
'Till Sudenly
you'll find he's gone.
You'll find he's gone.
And you'll turn around and see.
And you'll Turn Around and See.
There's only me,
There's only me,
from whom there's silence in your heart.
from when the thoughts Silence in your heart.
There's only me,
There's only me,
waiting patient to the last.
Waiting Patient to the Last.
You wait and see.
You Wait and See.
One day your love will surely start.
One day your love Will Surely Start.
You'll turn around,
You'll Turn Around,
you'll find when everyone departs.
You'll find aryone departs.
There's only me.
There's only me.
You walk in the room.
You Walk in the Room.
You take your sit.
You Take Your Sit.
You don't turn around.
You Donat Turn Around.
You don't see me.
You Donat See Me.
I'll make him go.
I'll Make Him GO.
You'll find one day he'll disappear.
You'll find on day he'll disappear.
You'll turn around.
You'll Turn Around.
And find that not a soul is here.
And find that not a soul is here.
There's only me.
There's only me.
Ты все, чего я хочу.
You are all I want.
Ты все, что мне нужно.
You need everything I need.
Ты все, что у меня есть.
You have everything that I have.
Все, что я вижу.
All I see.
Это не будет длится вечно
It will not last forever
Пока вдруг
So far, suddenly
Ты не обнаружишь, что он ушел.
You will not find that he has left.
И ты обернешься и увидишь,
And you turn around and see
Что здесь только я .
What is I here.
От Кого это тишина в твоем сердце.
From whom this is silence in your heart.
Только я
Only me
Терпеливо жду до последнего.
I wait patiently to the last.
Ты подождешь и поймешь,
You will wait and understand
Однажды твоя любовь конечно откроется
One day your love will certainly open
(начнешь любить меня)
(start to love me)
Ты оглянешься вокруг
You look around
И увидишь, что все ушли
And you will see that everyone has gone
Остался только я.
Only I remained.
Ты ходишь по комнате
You walk around the room
Ты садишься
You are sitting down
Ты не смотришь вокруг
You don't look around
Ты не видишь меня.
Do not you see me.
Я заставлю его уйти
I will make him leave
Однажды ты поймешь, что он исчез
Once you will understand that he disappeared
Ты обернешься
You will turn around
И Увидишь, что нет ни души
And you will see that there is not a soul
Только я.
Only me.
(перевод Давидовой И.Г.)
(translation by Davidova I.G.)
Rob Dougan - One And The Same
Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death 2
Rob Dougan - Nothing At All
Rob Dougan - Furious Angels
Rob Dougan - Furious Angel
Все тексты Rob Dougan >>>