Chris Rea - В поисках лета
Chris Rea - in search of summer
Look deep into the April face
LOOK Deep Into the April Face
A change has clearly taken place
A Change Has Clearly Taken Place
Looking for the summer
Looking for the Summer
The eyes take on a certain gaze
The Eyes Take on a Certain Gaze
And leave behind the springtime days
And Leave Behind the Springtime Days
Go looking for the summer
Go Looking for the Summer
This ain't no game of kiss and tell
This Ain'T No Game of Kiss and Tell
The implications how you know so well
The Implications How You Know So Well
Go looking for the summer
Go Looking for the Summer
The time has come and they must go
The Time Has Come and the Must GO
To play the passion out that haunts you so
To Play the Passion Out that Haunts You So
Looking for the summer
Looking for the Summer
Remember love how it was the same
Remember Love How It Was the Same
We scratched and hurt each others growing pains
We Scratched and Hurt Each Others Growing Pains
We were looking for the summer
We Were Looking for the Summer
And still I stand this very day
And Still I Stand This Very Day
With a burning wish to fly away
With a Burning Wish to Fly Away
I'm still looking
I'M Still Looking
Looking for the summer
Looking for the Summer
Вглядись в апрельское лицо.
Look in the April face.
Весна пройдет, в конце концов –
Spring will pass, in the end -
Кто-то ищет лето.
Someone is looking for summer.
Оставь другим циничный взгляд.
Leave others a cynical look.
Пойдем куда глаза глядят –
Let's go where the eyes look -
Рядом наше лето.
Our summer is nearby.
Ты знаешь, это не игра,
You know this is not a game
И мы сгораем до нутра –
And we burn to the gut -
Ища друг в друге лето.
Looking for each other summer.
Ты ждешь, когда же все пройдет:
You wait for everything to pass:
Тебе покоя не дает -
Does not give you peace -
То, что было летом.
What was in the summer.
Припомнив прошлую любовь,
Remembering the past love,
Изранили друг друга в кровь –
Threw each other in the blood -
За то, что было летом.
For what was in the summer.
И все же что-то в этом дне –
And yet something in this day-
Теперь всего дороже мне.
Now everything is more expensive for me.
Я остался
I stayed
Там, где наше лето...
Where is our summer ...
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