Talk about English - Fast City Life Quiz - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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ЦЕНТРАЛЬНАЯ ШКОЛА сегодня идет первой. У них есть максимум 3 минуты, чтобы
утверждают, что жизнь в городе лучше, чем в деревне. Если я что-то слышу, я
Talk about English © BBC Learning English 2007
особенно нравится, я включу зуммер, и команда получит дополнительные очки.
Page 1 of 7
Нил: (Отвечайте командам баллами и отзывами о хороших и плохих точках)
OXFORD HOUSE рядом. У вас есть максимум 3 минуты, чтобы
аргументируют противоположную точку зрения - что деревенская жизнь лучше, чем жить в
город. Опять же, если я слышу что-то, что мне особенно нравится, я включаю зуммер и
Neil: Hello I'm Neil Edgeller and this is Talk about English, live from studio S6 in
команда получит дополнительные очки.
Bush House London.
Нил: (Отвечайте командам баллами и отзывами о хороших моментах.)
In today's programme we're joined by two teams who will be fighting it out for
the Talk about English trophy. They will be answering questions on general
Нил: Это разговор об английском в прямом эфире от BBC Learning English dot com. Сегодня
knowledge, the English language, our special topic, Fast City Life, and they'll
наша специальная живая викторина.
also be trying to win your votes in our Talk about English debate.
Let's introduce today's competitors.
А теперь пора перейти к следующему раунду, посвященному лексике города
First we have the team from Central School: (Guests introduce themselves –
brief intros: name, where they come from etc.)
РАУНД 2 - Тематический словарь Вопросы - Команда
And now our second team from Oxford House: (Guests introduce themselves –
brief intros: name, where they come from etc.)
Какой глагол, начинающийся с буквы «р», означает «идти быстро» или «торопиться, как будто этого недостаточно»
пора все сделать?
Ok, let’s hear each team's buzzer & my buzzer for bonus points that I decide to
Neil: Well, before we get started with today's quiz, here is a question for everyone
Как пишется слово «энтузиазм»?
listening live online. Now, this question is bit of a riddle but it's not as difficult
Какое выражение означает, что вы недостаточно сильны, чтобы справиться с ситуацией?
потому что это слишком для тебя?
Вы не можете это вырезать
as it might seem – so think carefully. What English word becomes shorter if
you add two letters? What English word becomes shorter if you add two letters?
If you think you know the answer, email us at or
Какое животное используется в выражении, которое означает «идти очень, очень медленно»?
enter through the competition page of the website where you can also see the
question again.
Now let’s get on with the quiz.
Дайте мне два выражения, используемых в программе, использующих слово «темп».
Чтобы сохранить темп / задать темп
Our current Talk about English Topic is ‘Fast City Life’. For the first round of
the quiz I'll ask the teams questions based on this topic which are taken from
two areas of the BBC Learning English website. They are the London Life
Нил: И это конец раунда.
story, 'Slow London' and also the programme called 'Friendliness on the Tube',
also from London Life. It’s about the way people behave on the London
Итак, расскажите нам, что вы на самом деле думаете: если бы вам пришлось выбирать между жизнью в городе
Underground. The teams have looked at the pages in advance, so let's get
или в деревне, что бы это было?
started. If you know the answer, press your buzzer.
(Ответы членов команды)
What does the group called “Slow London” want people living in big cities to do?
Slow down and take time to relax
РАУНД 3 - Общие знания
Самый старый публичный музей в мире был основан в 1753 году в Лондоне. Как это называется?
What activity does one of the men in the programme say he does every day to slow down?
He goes swimming
Британский музей
Is the pace of life in Wales faster or slower than in London?
Какой самый большой штат в США?
One of the people made a New Year’s resolution, or a promise to themselves, to do something
different. What was it?
Какого цвета два кольца внизу олимпийского флага?
To have more “me time”
Why is the official name for “The Tube”?
The London Underground
Какое древнее изобретение, используемое до сих пор, позволяет людям видеть сквозь стены?
Is it normal for people to talk to each other on the Tube?
Какая самая большая страна в Африке?
What happened when the man started offering strangers sweets on the Tube?
The whole Tube went completely quiet
Адрес какого известного здания - 1600 Пенсильвания-авеню?
Белый дом
Neil: And that's the end of the first round.
Какое насекомое самое опасное в мире?
We’re always hearing people who live in cities complaining that they’re too
busy and they never have enough time to do the things that they really want to
do. All of our contestants today have spent a little bit of time in London. What
have they done to slow down and relax in the city?
Нил: Что ж, этот звук означает, что пора заканчивать викторину. Это было очень интересно, так хорошо
(Response from contestants)
сделали все.
Some people love the excitement of life in the city. They get what we call “a
Прежде чем мы узнаем окончательный результат, давайте посмотрим, какая команда выиграла публичное голосование -
buzz” from the fast pace and from the fact you can do something fun and
чье мнение в дебатах больше всего поддержали наши слушатели?
interesting every day. But others just hate it. They think it’s too crowded and
noisy and much prefer the laid-back life in the country. So, what are the
advantages and disadvantages of life in the city and life in the country? This is
И окончательные оценки:
the topic of our debate.
Our two teams have a maximum of three minutes each to put forward
arguments in favour of one of these points of view.
Это все из нашей живой викторины Talk about English. Прощай от меня и
команды. (До свидания)
And if you are listening to this programme live you can vote on which team
makes the best argument. The team which gets the most votes will get an extra
Присоединяйтесь к нам снова на следующей неделе в Talk about English. Если у вас есть комментарии
point added to their final total. Also, as the teams are speaking I'll award them
вы хотите сделать, а затем отправьте нам письмо по адресу
extra points for good arguments and good use of English.
First - :
CENTRAL SCHOOL are up first today. They have a maximum 3 minutes to
argue that city life is better than living in the country. If I hear something I
particularly like, I’ll sound my buzzer and the team will get extra points.
Neil: ( Respond to teams with points and feedback on good points and bad points)
OXFORD HOUSE are next to go. You have a maximum of 3 minutes to
argue the opposite point of view – that country life is better than living in the
city. Again, if I hear something I particularly like, I’ll sound my buzzer and the
team will get extra points.
Neil: ( Respond to teams with points and feedback on good points.)
Neil: This is Talk about English live from BBC Learning English dot com. Today is
our special live quiz.
And it’s time now for our next round, which is all about the vocabulary of city
ROUND 2 – Topic vocabulary Questions – Team
What verb starting with the letter “r” means to go quickly or to hurry as if there isn’t enough
time to get everything done?
To rush
How do you spell the word “enthusiasm”?
What’s an expression which means that you’re not strong enough to cope with a situation
because it’s too much for you?
You can’t cut it
What animal is used in an expression which means to go very, very slowly?
Give me two expressions used in the programme using the word “pace”.
To keep the pace/ to set the pace
Neil: And that's the end of that round.
So, tell us what you really think: if you had to choose between living in a city
or in the countryside, which would it be?
(Responses from team members)
ROUND 3 - General Knowledge
The oldest public museum in the world was founded in 1753 in London. What is it called?
The British Museum
What is the biggest state in the United States?
What are the colours of the two rings at the bottom of the Olympic flag?
Yellow & green
What ancient invention, still used today, allows people to see through walls?
What is the largest country in Africa?
Which famous building has the address, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
The White House
What is the most dangerous insect in the world?
Neil: Well that sound means it's time to end the quiz. It's been very exciting so well
done everyone.
Before we find out the final score let's see which team won the public vote -
whose opinion in the debate was most supported by our listeners?
And with that the final scores are:
That's all from our live Talk about English quiz. Goodbye from me and the
teams. (GOODBYES)
Join us again next week for Talk about English. If you have any comments
you’d like to make then send us an email at
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