Tangerine Dream - London - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Tangerine Dream - London
Тексты Уильяма Блейка из цикла Songs of Experience - Песни Познания
Texts of William Blake from the Songs of Experience cycle - Songs of Knowledge
Часть 1. London
Part 1. London
I wander thro' each charter'd street,
I Wander Thro 'Each Charter'd Street,
Near where the charter'd Thames does flow,
Near Where The Charter'd Thames Does Flow
And mark in every face I meet
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.
Marks of Weakness, Marks of Woe.
In every cry of every Man,
In every cry of every man
In every Infant's cry of fear,
In Every Infant's Cry of Fear,
In every voice, in every ban,
In every voice, in every ban,
The mind-forg'd manacles I hear.
The Mind-Forg'd Manacles I Hear.
How the chimney-sweeper's cry
Every black'ning church appals;
Every Black'ning Church Appals;
And the hapless soldiers sigh
And The Hapless Soldiers Sigh
Runs in blood down palace walls.
Runs in Blood Down Palace Walls.
But most thro' midnight streets I hear
But Most Thro 'Midnight Streets I Hear
How the youthful harlot's curse
How The Youthful Harlot's Curse
Blasts the new-born infant's tear,
Blasts The New-Born Infant's Tear,
And blights with plagues the marriage hearse.
And Blights with Plagues The Marriage Hearse.
По вольным улицам брожу,
By free streets, I walked
У вольной издавна реки.
Wolne has long since the river.
На всех я лицах нахожу
At all I find faces
Печать бессилья и тоски.
Printing reserves and longing.
Мужская брань, и женский стон,
Men's brand, and female moan,
И плач испуганных детей
And crying frightened children
В моих ушах звучат, как звон
In my ears they sound like a ringing
Законом созданных цепей.
The law created by chains.
Здесь трубочистов юных крики
Here the chicks of young cries
Пугают сумрачный собор,
Scare a gloomy cathedral
И кровь солдата-горемыки
And blood soldier-honeycomb
Течет на королевский двор.
Flowing to the royal court.
А от проклятий и угроз
And from curses and threats
Девчонки в закоулках мрачных
Girls in Gloomy Scan
Чернеют капли детских слез
Drops of children's tears
И катафалки новобрачных.
And newlyweds.
Перевод С. Я. Маршака
Translation S. Ya. Marshak
Блуждая по пыльным улицам столицы,
Wandering on the dusty streets of the capital,
Там, где Темзы поток струиться,
Where the Thames flow stream,
Я вижу лица - на них клеймо прожженно,
I see the face - they are burning on them,
Печать нищеты, печали клеймо.
Print poverty, sorrow stigma.
В молитве каждой, каждого из нас,
In prayer each, each of us
В младенцев плаче, не смыкающих от страха глаз,
In babies weeping, not closing the eye
Во всех отчаянных стенаниях к небесам,
In all the desperate moans to heaven,
Звенит цепями бездуховность, не чуждая нам.
Rales the chains of confusion, not alien to us.
Поглядите, как крики трубочистов
Look like chicks of chicks
Ввергают в хаос церквей основы и софистов,
Plunge into the chaos churches of the foundation and sophists,
И как горемычных солдат предсмертный хрип
And as a mere soldier suicide wheezing
У стен дворцовых алой речкою бежит.
The walls of the Palace Scarlet River runs.
И как же, Боже, страшно мне в ночи,
And how, God, scary to me in the night,
Когда в борделе девочка кощунствует, кричит...
When a girl is blazing in a brothel, screaming ...
Тогда невинная слеза чернеет и гниет,
Then the innocent tear is black and rot,
И от чумы уж скоро вовсе лицемерный брак помрет.
And from the plague, there is no longer a hypocritical marriage.
Перевод Л. Беспечной
Translation of L. Burefiens
FROM America. A prophecy
Rise and look out; his chains are loose, his dungeon doors are
Rise and Look Out; HIS Chains Are Loose, HIS Dungeon Doors Are
And let his wife and children return from the opressor's
And Let His Wife and Children Return from the Opressor's
They look behind at every step and believe it is a dream,
They Look Behind At Every Step and Believe It Is a Dream,
Singing: "The Sun has left his blackness, and has found a fresher
Singing: "The Sun Has Left His Blackness, and Has Found a Fresher
And the fair Moon rejoices in the clear and cloudless night;
And The Fair Moon Rejoices in The Clear and Cloudless Night;
For Empire is no more, and now the Lion and Wolf shall
For Empire Is No More and Now The Lion and Wolf Shall
Вскрыться навстречу жизни, где нет ни Врат, ни Цепей,
Reveal to meet life where there is no gate, nor chains,
Детям и женам чтоб надсмотрщика бич не грозил.
Children and wives so as a supervisor Beach did not threaten.
Пусть их не верят. Вера позже придет: не во сне
Let them not believe them. Faith will come later: not in a dream
Все это. Песнь восторга грянет: "Исходом из тьмы
All this. Song delight is born: "Exodus from Darkness
Солнце взошло, луна сияет в блаженной ночи,
The sun rose, the moon shines in blissful night,
Власть изошла - теперь не будет ни Волка, ни Льва!"
Power has been echoed - now there will be no wolf, no lion! "
Перевод В. Л. Топорова
Translation V. L. Toporova
Часть 2. The Fly
Part 2. The Fly
Little Fly,
Little Fly,
Thy summer's play
Thy Summer's Play
My thoughtless hand
My Thoughtless Hand.
Has brush'd away.
Has Brush'd Away.
Am not I
Am Not I.
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?
For I dance,
For I Dance,
And drink, and sing,
And Drink, and Sing,
Till some blind hand
Till Some Blind Hand
Shall brush my wing.
Shall Brush My Wing.
If thought is life
If Thought Is Life
And strength and breath,
And Strength and Breath,
And the want
And The Want.
Of thought is death;
Of Thought Is Death;
Then am I
A happy fly,
A Happy Fly,
If I live
If i live
Or if I die.
Or if i die.
Летун проворный,
Tomner Verny,
Твой летний бал
Your summer ball
Рукой небрежной
Hand careless
Я вмиг прервал.
I interrupted.
О мотылек!
About Moth!
Ты мне сродни.
You are akin to me.
Ведь сочтены
After all, considered
Часы и дни.
Clock and days.
Вот я играю,
Here I am playing
Резвлюсь, сную -
Harsh, sleep -
Но не прервут ли
But do not interrupt
И жизнь мою?
And my life?
Пусть жизнь есть мысль,
Let life have a thought
И жар, и свет,
And heat, and light,
А смерть есть тьма,
And death is darkness,
Где мысли нет, -
Where there are no thoughts -
И там, и там
Here and there
Я лишь на срок.
I'm only for a term.
И счастлив я -
And I am happy -
Я мотылек.
I am moth.
Перевод Т. Стамовой (1996)
Translation T. Stamova (1996)
Малютка мошка,
Baby Moshka,
Ты так хрупка!
You are so fragile!
Тебя сгубила
You have been thugged
Моя рука.
My hand.
А чем не мошка
And what is not midge
Я, человек?
I am human?
Ведь ненамного
After all, non-imminent
Мой дольше век.
My longest century.
Пою, танцую,
I sing, dancing,
Кружусь, пока
Circling down
Меня не сгубит
I do not bother me
Судьбы рука.
Fate hand.
Но если разум
But if the mind
Для нас - как свет,
For us - like light,
И где нет мысли -
And where there is no thought -
Там жизни нет,
There is no life there,
То жить ли буду
Then live if I will
Иль смерти ждать,
Ile death to wait
Счастливой мошкой
Happy midge
Хочу летать.
Want to fly.
Перевод А.Кудрявицкого (1994)
A. Kudryavitsky translation (1994)
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