The Beatles - Honey Pie - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни The Beatles - Honey Pie
пончик мой
My donut
Трудилась в Северной Англии она,
Worked in northern england she,
Звёздный выпал ей шанс прямо в США.
Starred fell to her chance right in the United States.
Слышать если б мои могла
Hear if I could
Эти вот слова:
These are the words:
Пончик мой, твой успех ум смутил, я
My donut, your success is embarrassed, I
Хоть ленив, полюбил я,
Though lazy, I loved,
Прошу, вернись домой.
Please come back home.
О, пончик мой, без тебя так страдаю,
Oh, my donut, without you so suffer,
Возвратись, умоляю,
Return, begging,
Голливудский хит спой.
Hollywood hit spit.
Вмиг легендой стала всех экранов ты,
There was all the screens of the legend.
При мыслях что мы встретимся
In the thoughts that we will meet
Стал в коленях дрожать.
He kneel tremble.
О, пончик мой, став фанатиком верным,
Oh, my donut, becoming fauna faithful,
Океан промчусь, верь мне,
Ocean coming, believe me
Чтоб тебя увидать.
To see you.
Пончик мой, вернись ко мне.
My donut, come back to me.
(шёпотом) Люблю я так
(whisper) I love so
О, как люблю твоё пенье, дивное пенье,
Oh, how I love your singing, wondrous singing,
Спой же мне голливудский свой блюз.
I'm sick of Hollywood my blues.
Ветер лодку бы её ко мне принёс
Wind boat would be brought to me
По волнам, чтоб встретилась со мной.
By waves, so that I met me.
Пончик мой, твой успех ум смутил, я
My donut, your success is embarrassed, I
Хоть ленив, полюбил я,
Though lazy, I loved,
Прошу, вернись домой.
Please come back home.
О, вернись ко мне, пончик мой.
Oh, come back to me, my donut.
Пончик мой, пончик мой.
My donut, my donut.
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The Beatles HONEY PIE (Lennon/McCartney)
The Beatles Honey Pie (Lennon / McCartney)
THE BEATLES выпуск 30.11.1968г.
The Beatles Issue 11/30/1968.
She was a working girl
She Was a Working Girl
North of England way
North of England Way
Now she's hit the big time
In the U.S.A.
In The U.S.A.
And if she could only hear me
This is what I'd say.
This is what i'd Say.
Honey pie you are making me crazy
Honey Pie You Are Making Me Crazy
I'm in love but I'm lazy
I'm in love but i'm lazy
So won't you please come home.
So Won't You Please Come Home.
Oh honey pie my position is tragic
Oh Honey Pie My Position IS Tragic
Come and show me the magic
Come and Show Me The Magic
of your Hollywood song.
Of Your Hollywood Song.
You became a legend of the silver screen
You Became a Legend of the Silver Screen
And now the thought of meeting you
Makes me weak in the knee.
Makes Me Weak in the Knee.
Oh honey pie you are driving me frantic
Oh Honey Pie You Are Driving Me Frantic
Sail across the Atlantic
Sail Across The Atlantic
To be where you belong.
To Be Where You Belong.
Honey pie? come back to me.
Honey Pie? Come Back to Me.
(wisper) I like to that.
(Wisper) I Like to That.
I like this kind a, hot
I Like This Kind A, Hot
Kind of music, play it to me,
Kind of Music, Play IT to Me,
Play it to me Hollywood blues.
Play IT to Me Hollywood Blues.
Will the wind that blew her boat
Will The Wind That Blew Her Boat
Across the sea
Across The Sea.
Kindly send her sailing back to me.
Kindly Send Her Sailing Back to Me.
Honey pie you are making me crazy
Honey Pie You Are Making Me Crazy
I'm in love but I'm lazy
I'm in love but i'm lazy
So won't you please come home.
So Won't You Please Come Home.
Honey pie, come back to me.
Honey Pie, Come Back to Me.
Honey pie, honey pie.
Honey Pie, Honey Pie.
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Honey Pie
Honey Pie.
(John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
Записана 1, 2, 4 октября 1968г.
Recorded 1, 2, October 4, 1968.
Схожая с популярными мелодиями 20-х гг., "Honey Pie" была творением Маккартни и,
Similar to the popular melodies of the 20s., "Honey Pie" was a creation McCartney and,
возможно, в чем-то заимствованием из музыкального стиля джаз-группы его отца,
Perhaps in something borrowing from the musical style of the jazz group of his father,
Джима Маккартни. Для придания ощущения времени в начало композиции добавлено
Jim McCartney. To give the feeling of time to the beginning of the song Added
шипение граммофонной пластинки. Джордж Мартин стал аранжировщиком духовых
The hiss of the gramophone plate. George Martin became an open-arranger
инструментов, а экспериментатор Джон Леннон на этот раз просто исполнял сольную
Tools, and Experimentator John Lennon just performed solo
партию на электрической гитаре в песне, которая была прямой противоположностью
Party on the electric guitar in the song, which was the direct opposite
его собственным вещам в альбоме.
His own things in the album.
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