The Beatles - Piggies - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни The Beatles - Piggies
Have you seen the little piggies
Have you Seen The Little Piggies
Crawling in the dirt?
Crawling in the Dirt?
And for all the little piggies,
And for all the little piggies,
Life is getting worse;
Life is Getting Worse;
Always having dirt to
Always Having Dirt To
Play around in.
Play Around in.
Have you seen the bigger piggies
Have you Seen The Bigger Piggies
In their starched white shirts?
In Their Starched White Shirts?
You will find the bigger piggies
You Will Find the Bigger Piggies
Stirring up the dirt
Stiring Up the Dirt
Always have clean shirts to
Always has shirts to
Play around in.
Play Around in.
In their styes with all their backing,
In their stylees with all Their Backing,
They don't care
They Donmet Care
What goes on around.
What Goes on Around.
In their eyes there's something lacking.
In Their Eyes There's Someting Lacking.
What they need's a damn good whacking.
What They Need's a Damn Good WHACKING.
Everywhere there's lots of piggies
Living piggy lives.
Living Piggy Lives.
You can see them out for dinner
You can see them out for Dinner
With their piggy wives.
With Their Piggy Wves.
Clutching forks and knives to
Clutching Forks and Knives to
Eat their bacon
Eat Their Bacon
Приходилось в грязной луже
Had to be in a dirty puddle
Видеть поросят?
See piglets?
Тех, что всюду лишь похуже
Those that are only worse everywhere
Сделать всё хотят.
They want to do everything.
Грязь везде творят
They create dirt everywhere
И в ней резвятся.
And it frolic in it.
В накрахмаленных рубашках
In starchy shirts
Видели свиней?
Have you seen pigs?
Тех, что всюду жизнь так важно
Those that is so important everywhere
Делают грязней.
Make dirt.
Сами в чистоте
Ourselves cleanly
Над тем резвятся.
There are frolic over that.
Хлев их скрыт от всех надёжно,
Their stable is hidden from everyone reliable,
Дел им нет
They have no things
Что вокруг и как.
What is around and how.
Ничего их не тревожит,
Nothing worries them,
Трёпку им задать бы всё же...
Trick to ask them all the same ...
Свиньи всюду обитают
Pigs live everywhere
С жизнью их свиной.
With the life of their pork.
Вот обед понаблюдаем -
Here we will watch the dinner -
Свин сидит с женой,
Pig sits with his wife
Вилкой и ножом
With a fork and knife
Бекон кромсают.
The bacon shreds.
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