The Phoenix Foundation - Let Me Die A Woman - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: The Phoenix Foundation

Название песни: Let Me Die A Woman

Дата добавления: 22.08.2024 | 21:28:09

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни The Phoenix Foundation - Let Me Die A Woman

I sat in court a thousand years
I Sat in Court a Thusand Years
But I never aged a day
But i never aged a day
And though my reign was a time of peace
And Thing My Reign Was a Time of Peace
Oh, my heart, my heart was full of pain
Oh, my heart, my heart was Full of Pain

And I dreamt we were one, and I dreamt we were the same
And I Dreamt We Were One, and I Dreamt We Were The Same
And I dreamt we shared a mortal frame
And I Dreamt We Shared a Mortal Frame

My lands crumbled in my hands
My Lands Crumbled in My Hands
And my people they just sighed
And my people They Just Sighed
They say our king he is suffering
They Say Oour King He is Suffering
These could be, could be trying times
These COULD BE, COULD Be Trying Times

And I dreamt we were one, and I dreamt we were one
And I Dreamt We Were One, and I Dreamt We Were One
And I dreamt we were one, and I dreamt we were one
And I Dreamt We Were One, and I Dreamt We Were One
And I dreamt we were one, and I dreamt we were the same
And I Dreamt We Were One, and I Dreamt We Were The Same
And I dreamt we shared a mortal frame
And I Dreamt We Shared a Mortal Frame


Меня судили тысячу лет,
I was tried for a thousand years
Но я не постарел даже ни на день.
But I have not even grown old for a day.
Когда я правил, не было ни единой войны,
When I ruled, there was not a single war,
О, моё сердце, моё сердце, оно болит.
Oh, my heart, my heart, it hurts.

И я мечтал, чтобы мы были одним целым, такими же,
And I dreamed that we were one, the same
И я мечтал, что мы разделим смертную оболочку.
And I dreamed that we would share the mortal shell.

Мои владения рассыпаются на моих руках,
My possessions scatter on my hands,
Мои люди просто взодхнули...
My people just went out ...
Они сказали, что их король страдает,
They said their king was suffering
Сказали, что могут настать трудные времена.
They said that difficult times may come.

И я мечтал о том, чтобы мы были одним целым,
And I dreamed that we were one,
И я мечтал о том, чтобы мы были одним целым.
And I dreamed that we were one.
И я мечтал, чтобы мы были одним целым, такими же,
And I dreamed that we were one, the same
И я мечтал, что мы разделим смертную оболочку.
And I dreamed that we would share the mortal shell.
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