The Real Tuesday Weld - The Day Before You Came - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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Должно быть, я ушёл из дома в восемь,
I must be left of the house at eight,
потому что я всегда так делаю.
Because I always do that.
Мой поезд, я уверен, тронулся точно по расписанию.
My train, I am sure, I tried exactly on the schedule.
Скорее всего, я читал утреннюю газету, пока добирался до города,
Most likely, I read the morning newspaper, while I got to the city,
И, покончив с чтением колонки редактора, наверняка нахмурился.
And, ending with reading the column of the editor, probably frowned.
Наверное, я разобрал на своем столе к
Probably, I disassembled my desk to
четверти десятого,
quarters of the tenth
Разложив непрочитанные письма и тонны
Decomposing unread letters and tons
бумаг на подпись.
Paper on the signature.
Должно быть, я ушёл на обед около
I must have gone for lunch about
половины первого
Half first
(Та же забегаловка, те же самые люди),
(The same eatery, the same people)
И помимо всего этого - я практически
And besides all this - I practically
уверен - шёл дождь
I'm sure it rained
В день перед твоим приходом...
A day before your arrival ...
Я прикурил седьмую сигарету где-то около половины третьего,
I signed the seventh cigarette somewhere about half of the third,
И в тот момент я даже не заметил, как мне грустно.
And at that moment I did not even notice how sad.
Я, наверное, вяло разбирался с текущими делами.
I probably sluggishly disassembled with current affairs.
Даже не отдавая себе отчета, я попытался отгородиться от всего.
Even without giving yourself a report, I tried to breathe out from everything.
Скорее всего, я ушёл в пять - исключений не бывает,
Most likely, I went to five - no exceptions,
Дело привычки: я так делала с тех самых
Business habits: I did it since the most
пор, как закончил школу.
pore, as graduated from school.
Домой опять на поезде.
Home again by train.
Несомненно, теперь я читал вечернюю
Undoubtedly, I read Evening
Да, я уверен, моя жизнь шла по
Yes, I'm sure my life went on
накатанной колее
За день до того, как ты пришла...
The day before you came ...
Дверь я открыл где-то около восьми,
I opened the door somewhere about eight,
По дороге зашёл купить что-нибудь
On the way I went to buy something
китайское из еды.
Chinese food.
Уверен, за ужином я смотрел телевизор.
I am sure, I watched TV for dinner.
Кажется, шла как раз та серия "Далласа",
It seems to be just the same series "Dallas",
которую я раньше не видел.
which I have not seen before.
Спать я улегся, должно быть, в четверть одиннадцатого.
Sleep I was hammered, it must be in a quarter of the eleventh.
Мне нужно высыпаться, так что к этому
I need to get enough sleep, so that
времени я обычно ложусь.
I usually go to time.
Наверное, я немного почитал.
I guess I read a little.
Последнюю книгу Мэрилин Френч, или что-то в том же духе.
The last book of Marilyn Frenc, or something in the same vein.
Забавно, но у меня не было чувства, что я живу бесцельно
Funny but I didn't have a feeling that I live aimlessly
За день до твоего прихода...
The day before your arrival ...
Выключая свет я, должно быть, зевнул
Turning off the light I must have yawned
И свернулся клубочком в постели.
And curled the glomerus in bed.
Кажется, до меня доносился стук дождя по крыше
It seems to me a knock of rain on the roof
В день перед твоим приходом.
A day before your arrival.
I must have left my house at eight, because I always do.
I MUST Have Left My House at Eight, Because I Always Do.
My train, I'm certain, left the station just when it was due.
My Train, I'm Certain, Left The Station Just When It Was Due.
I must have read the morning paper going into town,
I MUST Have Read The Morning Paper Going Into Town,
And having gotten through the editorial, no doubt I must have frowned.
I must have made my desk around a quarter after nine,
I MUST Have Made My Desk Around A Quarter After Nine
With letters to be read, and heaps of papers waiting to be signed.
With Letters to Be Read, And Heaps of Papers Waiting To Be Signed.
I must have gone to lunch at half past twelve or so;
I Must Have Gone To Lunch at Half Past Twelve or SO;
The usual place, the usual bunch,
And still on top of this I'm pretty sure it must have rained,
And Still On Top of this I'm Pretty Sure It Must Have Rained,
The day before you came.
I must have lit my seventh cigarette at half past two,
I MUST Have Lit My Seventh Cigarette at Half Past Two,
And at the time I never even noticed I was blue.
And at the Time I Never Even Noticed I Was Blue.
I must have kept on dragging through the business of the day,
I Must Have Kept On Dragging Through The Business of the Day,
And without really noticing, I must have shut a part of me away.
Andfort Really Noticing, I Must Have Shut a Part of Me Away.
At five I must have left; there's no exception to the rule,
AT Five I Must Have Left; There's No Exception to the Rule
A matter of routine, I've done it ever since I finished school.
A Matter of Routine, I'Ve Done It Ever Since I FINISHED SCHOOL.
The tube back home again,
The Tube Back Home Again
Undoubtedly I must have read the evening paper then.
UNDOUBTEDLY I MUST Have Read The Evening Paper Then.
Oh yes, I'm sure my life was well within its usual frame,
Oh Yes, I'm Sure My Life Was Well Within Its Usual Frame,
The day before you came.
The Day Before You Came.
Must have opened my front door at eight o'clock or so,
Must Have Opened My Front Door AT EIGHT O'Clock OR SO
And stopped along the way to buy some Chinese food to go.
And Stopped Along The Way to BUY Some Chinase Food to Go.
I'm sure I had my dinner watching something on T.V.
I'm Sure I Had My Dinner Watching Something On T.V.
There cannot be a sitcom or a game show that I've never seen.
There Cannot Be a Sitcom Or a Game Show That I'Ve Never Seen.
I must have gone to bed around a quarter after ten;
I MUST Have Gone To Bed Around A Quarter After Ten;
I sleep so much these days, I need to be in bed by then,
I Sleep So Much These Days, I Need To Be In Bed by Thatn,
Or maybe I read a while,
Or maybe i read a while
The latest one by Declan Gunn or something in that style.
The Latest One by Declan Gunn or Something in That Style.
It's funny, but I had no sense of living without aim,
IT's Funny, But i Had No Sense of Living Wort Aim,
The day before you came.
And turning out the light,
And turning out the light
I must have yawned and dreamt my way through yet another night,
I MUST Have Yawned and Dreamt My Way Through Yet Another Night,
And rattling on the roof I maybe heard the sound of rain,
And Rattling On The Roof I Maybe Heard The Sound Of Rain,
"I love the rain."
"I Love The Rain."
The day before you came.
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