. . . . . - Stay Calm Minus - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни . . . . . - Stay Calm Minus
Майк: Тень мелькает на стене,
Mike: Shadow flickers on the wall,
I hold on, hold on.
Вижу в холле силуэт,
I see a silhouette in the lobby,
I hold on, hold on.
Нужно как-то выживать,
You need to survive somehow
Вот бы график поменять.
I wish I could change the schedule.
Чужды всё чуть-чуть в душе,
Everything is alien a little in the shower,
I hold on, hold on.
Каждый волос дыбом встал,
Each hair stood on end,
Пусть так,держусь.
Let me hold on.
В кровь адреналин попал,
Adrenaline fell into the blood,
Пусть так,держусь.
Let me hold on.
Должен ведь подальше я
I must far away
Удержать их от себя.
Keep them from yourself.
Кто-то вдруг заскрежетал,
Someone suddenly closed,
Пусть так..Оу..
Let it be so .. oh ..
Майк:В механизмах души спят,
Mike: They sleep in the mechanisms of the soul,
I hold on, hold on.
Сквозь экран за мной следят,
They follow me through the screen,
I hold on, hold on.
С ума меня все сводят.
They drive me crazy.
He-hey, he-hey, hey-hey.
Вреж мне.
Sreeping to me.
Фредди: Привет,рад вас видеть!
Freddy: Hello, glad to see you!
Не хотите ли немного пиццы?
Would you like a little pizza?
Бонни: Это кто,работает в ночь-то?
Bonnie: Who is working at night?
Фокси: Не знаю,но он мне не по нраву.
Foxy: I don’t know, but he is not like me.
Чика: Он так мил!Его сердце так бьётся!
Chika: He is so sweet! His heart is so beating!
Бонни: Так и знал что нам игрушка найдётся.
Bonnie: So I knew that we have a toy.
Фокси: Да он ещё один цыплёнок желторотый.
Foxy: Yes, he is another chicken yellow.
Чика: Хэй!
Chika: Hey!
Фредди: Все вперёд,он за поворотом.
Freddy: Everything is forward, he is around the turn.
Майк: Приближаются они,
Mike: They are approaching,
I hold on, hold on.
Где бы силу мне найти,
Where would I find strength
I hold on, hold on.
Не поверю никогда
I will never believe
Объявленьям больше я.
I am more than me.
Вижу,что у них внутри,
I see that they have inside,
I hold on ...
Майк: От меня зависит всё,
Mike: Everything depends on me,
Да так,всё так.
Yes, everything is so.
Воля с солнышком придёт,
The will with the sun will come
Да так,всё так.
Yes, everything is so.
Провёл здесь Пять Ночеей я.
I spent five nights here.
He-hey, he-hey, hey-hey.
Вреж мне.
Sreeping to me.
Чика: Эй,куда делся наш новый друг?
Chika: Hey, where did our new friend go?
Фредди: Не бойтесь,он завтра вернётся.
Freddy: Do not be afraid, he will return tomorrow.
Бонни: Так,э,он что,не ходит в уборную,
Bonnie: So, uh, he doesn’t go to the restroom,
Или всю ночь терпит?
Or endure all night?
Фокси: Да,он писает в стакан.
Foxy: Yes, he pisses in a glass.
Чика: Фу..
Chika: Fu ..
Фокси: Видел его за этим делом собственным глазом,
Foxy: I saw him behind this business with his own eye,
Мы ещё пялились друг на друга.
We still stared at each other.
Неловко вышло..
It turned out awkward ..
There’s a shadow on the wall; stay calm, stay calm
There’s a Shadow on the Wall; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
There’s a figure in the hall; stay calm, stay calm
There’s a figure in the hall; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
Keep my wits and stay alive
Keep My Wits and Stay Alive
Wish I had a 9 to 5
Wish I Had a 9 to 5
There’s a stranger in us all; stay calm, stay calm
There’s a stranger in us all; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
Every hair is on it’s end; that’s fine, I’m fine
EVERY HAIR is on it’s end; that’s fine, I’m fine
Feeling my adrenaline; that’s fine, I’m fine
Feeling My Adrenaline; that’s fine, I’m fine
I can keep away the creeps
I can Keep Away the Creeps
Safely from my swivel seat
Safly from My Swivel Seat
Somethings crawling through the vent; that’s fine, ...uh oh
Someting Crawling Through The Vent; that’s fine, ... uh oh
There’s a ghost in the machine; stay calm, stay calm
There’s a ghost in the machine; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
They are watching through the screen; stay calm, stay calm
They Are Watching Through The Screen; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
They just might drive me crazy. Hit me!
They Just Might Drive Me Crazy. Hit me!
Rap Breakdown
Freddy: Hey kids, nice to 'eetcha! Are you ready for some Fazbear pizza?
Freddy: Hey Kids, Nice to 'Eetcha! Are You Ready for Some Fazbear Pizza?
Bonnie: Who’s this, working at the night shift?
Bonnie: Who’s this, working at the Nikht Shift?
Foxy: I don’t know, but I don’t think I like him
Foxy: I Don’t Know, But I Don’t Think I Like Him
Chica: He’s so cute! I can feel his heart racing!
Chica: He’s So Cute! I Can Feel His Heart Racing!
Bonnie: About time we had a brand new plaything
Bonnie: ABOUT TIME WE HAD A Brand New Playting
Foxy: Another yellow belly balking like a chicken (Chica: Hey!)
Foxy: Another Yellow Belly Balking Like a Chicken (Chica: Hey!)
Freddy: Listen gang, I say that we dig in.
Freddy: Listen Gang, I Say That We Dig In.
They are slowly closing in; stay calm, stay calm
They Are Slowly Closing in; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
Find an inner strength within; stay calm, stay calm
Find Anner Strength Within; Stay Calm, Stay Calm
If I’ve learned one thing it’s that:
IF've Learned One Thing it’s that:
Don’t respond to craigslist ads
Don’t Respond to Craigslist Ads
I can see their second skin; stay calm...
I can see their Second Skin; Stay Calm ...
In the end there’s only me; all right, all right
In the end there’s only me; All Right, All Right
Morning sun will set me free; all right, all right
Morning Sun Will Set Me Free; All Right, All Right
I spent 5 Nights at Freddy’s! Hit me!
I Spent 5 Nights at Freddy’s! Hit me!
Chica: Hey, where did our new friend go?
Chica: Hey, Were DID OUR New Friend GO?
Freddy: Don’t worry, he’ll be back again tomorrow.
Freddy: Don’t Worry, He’ll Beck AGain Tomorrow.
Bonnie: So, uh, does he not go to the bathroom, or does he just hold it in all night?
Bonnie: so, uh, sores he not go to the bathroom, or does he joust hold it in all night?
Foxy: Aye, he pees into a cup.
Foxy: Aye, He PEES Into A Cup.
Chica: Ew!
Chica: EW!
Foxy: I’ve seen him do it with me own eye. We were both just staring at eachother. It was extremely awkward.
Foxy: I’ve Seen Him Do with Me Own Eye. We Were Both Just Staring at Eachower. IT WAS EXTREMELY AWKWARD.
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