1-5 The Doors - The Crystal Ship - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни 1-5 The Doors - The Crystal Ship
Before you slip into unconsciousness
Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss
I'd like to have another kiss
Another flashing chance at bliss
Another flashing chance at bliss
Another kiss
Another kiss
Another kiss
Another kiss
The days are bright and filled with pain
The days are bright and filled with pain
Enclose me in your gentle rain
Enclose me in your gentle rain
The time you ran was too insane
The time you ran was too insane
We'll meet again
We'll meet again
We'll meet again
We'll meet again
Oh tell me where your freedom lies
Oh tell me where your freedom lies
The streets are fields that never die
The streets are fields that never die
Deliver me from reasons why
Deliver me from reasons why
You'd rather cry
You'd rather cry
I'd rather fly
I'd rather fly
The crystal ship is being filled
The crystal ship is being filled
A thousand girls, a thousand thrills
A thousand girls, a thousand thrills
A million ways to spend your time
A million ways to spend your time
When we get back
When we get back
I'll drop a line
I'll drop a line
Прежде, чем ты забудешься во сне,
Before you get lost in your sleep,
Я хотел бы получить еще один поцелуй,
I'd like to have one more kiss
Еще один ускользающий шанс получить
Another elusive chance to get
Еще один поцелуй, еще один поцелуй.
One more kiss, one more kiss.
Дни ослепительны и наполнены болью.
The days are dazzling and filled with pain.
Окружи меня своим нежным дождем.
Surround me with your gentle rain.
Когда ты убежала, время казалось мне совершенно безумным,
When you ran away, time seemed completely crazy to me,
Но мы еще встретимся, мы еще встретимся.
But we will meet again, we will meet again.
Так скажи мне, где лежит твоя свобода.
So tell me where your freedom lies.
Улицы - это бессмертные поля.
The streets are immortal fields.
Избавь меня от необходимости выяснять,
Spare me the trouble of finding out
Тебе хочется рыдать, а мне хочется летать.
You want to cry, but I want to fly.
Экипаж хрустального корабля -
The crew of the crystal ship -
Тысяча девушек, тысяча захватывающих
A thousand girls, a thousand exciting
Миллион способов отлично провести время.
A million ways to have a great time.
Когда мы вернемся, я черкну тебе пару строк.
When we get back, I'll drop you a line.