30СДМ - huricane - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни 30СДМ - huricane
No matter how many times that you told me you wanted to leave
No Matter How Many Times that You Told Me You Wanted to Leave
....(Не важно, сколько раз ты говорила мне, что хочешь уйти.)
.... (It doesn’t matter how many times have you told me that you want to leave.)
No matter how many breaths that you took you still couldn't breathe
No Matter How Many Breaths that You took You Still Couldn't Breathe
....(Не важно, сколько вдохов ты сделала, ты по-прежнему не могла дышать.)
.... (It doesn’t matter how much you breathed, you still could not breathe.)
No matter how many nights that you'd lie wide awake
No Matter How Many Nights that You'd Lie Wide Awake
....(Не важно, сколько ночей ты лежала без сна,)
.... (It doesn’t matter how many nights you were lying without sleep,)
To the sound of the poison rain
To the Sound of the Poison Rain
...(Слушая звуки отравленного дождя.)
... (Listening to the sounds of poisoned rain.)
Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go?
WHERE DID you go? WHERE DID you go? WHERE DID you go?
....(Где ты теперь? Где ты теперь? Где ты теперь?..)
.... (Where are you now? Where are you now? Where are you now? ..)
Heart beat, a heart beat, I need a heart beat
Heart Beat, A Heart Beat, I Need a Heart Beat
.....Сердцебиение, сердцебиение, мне нужно сердцебиение...)
..... heartbeat, heartbeat, I need a heartbeat ...)
Tell me would you kill to save a life?
Tell Me Would You Kill To Save A Life?
...(Скажи, смогла бы ты убить, спасая чью-то жизнь?)
... (tell me, could you kill, saving someone's life?)
Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Tell Me Would You Kill To Prove You're Right?
...(Скажи, смогла бы ты убить, доказывая правоту?)
... (tell me, could you kill, proving the right?)
Crash, crash, burn let it all burn
Crash, Crash, Burn Let it All Burn
...(Круши, круши, сжигай, пусть всё горит.)
... (Drown, crush, burn, let everything burn.)
This hurricane's chasing us all underground
This Hurricane's Chasing us All Underground
....(Этот ураган уносит нас под землю...)
.... (This hurricane takes us underground ...)
No matter how many deaths that I die, I will never forget
No Matter How Many Deaths that I Die, I Will Never Forget
...(Не важно, сколько раз я умру, я никогда не забуду.)
... (no matter how many times I will die, I will never forget.)
No matter how many lives that I live, I will never regret
No Matter How Many Lives that I Live, I Will Never Regret
...(Не важно, сколькими жизнями я живу, я никогда не пожалею об этом.)
... (It doesn’t matter how many lives I live, I will never regret it.)
There is a fire inside of this heart and a riot
There is a Fire Inside of this Heart and Riot
...(В этом сердце есть огонь и мятеж,)
... (There is fire and rebellion in this heart,)
About to explode into flames
ABOUT To Explode into Flames
...(Готовый разорваться на пламенные сгустки.)
... (ready to break into fiery clots.)
Where is your God?
Were is your home?
....(Где твой Бог?)
.... (Where is your god?)
Where is your God?
Were is your home?
Where is your God?
Were is your home?
Do you really want?
Do you really Want?
...(Ты на самом деле хочешь?)
... (Do you really want?)
Do you really want me?
Do you really Want Me?
....(Тебе на самом деле нужен я?)
.... (Do you really need me?)
Do you really want me dead or alive
Do you really Want Me Dead Or Alive
...(Тебе на самом деле нужен я живым или мёртвым,)
... (you really need me alive or dead,)
To torture for my sins?
To Torture for My Sins?
...(Чтобы пытать меня за грехи?)
... (to torture me for sins?)
A heart beat, a heart beat, I need a heart beat
A head beat, a head beat, I Need a Heart Beat
You know I gotta leave, I can't stay,
You Know I Gotta Leave, I canon Stay,
...(Знаешь, мне нужно уйти, я не могу остаться,)
... (You know, I need to leave, I can't stay,)
I know I gotta go, I can't stay
...(Я знаю, что мне надо уходить, я не могу остаться.)
... (I know that I need to leave, I can't stay.)
Do you really want?
Do you really Want?
...(Ты на самом деле хочешь?)
... (Do you really want?)
Do you really want me?
Do you really Want Me?
...(Тебе на самом деле нужен я?)
... (Do you really need me?)
Do you really want me dead or alive to live a lie?
Do you really Want Me Dead or Alive to Live A Lie?
...(Тебе на самом деле нужен я живым или мёртвым, чтоб жить обманом?)
... (do you really need me alive or dead to live a deception?)
You say you wrong, you wrong, I'm right, I'm right,
You Say You Wrong, You Wrong, i'm Right, i'm Right,
...(Ты говоришь, что ошибаешься, ошибаешься, я прав, я прав,)
... (You say that you are mistaken, mistaken, I'm right, I'm right,)
You're wrong, we fight
You're Wrong, We Fight
....(Ты ошибаешься, я прав...)
.... (You are mistaken, I'm right ...)
Ok, I'm running from the light, running from the day to night
Ok, i'M Running from the Light, Running from the Day to Night
...(О'кей, я убегаю от света, бегу в ночь изо дня.)
... (Okay, I run away from the light, I run on the night of the day.)
Oh, the quiet silence defines our misery
Oh, The Quiet Silence Defines Oour Misery
...(О, тихое безмолвие определяет наше горе,)
... (Oh, quiet silence defines our grief,)
The riot inside keeps trying to visit me
The Riot Inside Keeps Trying To Visit Me
...(Мятеж в душе всё не отпускает меня.)
... (rebellion in the soul does not let me go.)
No matter how we try, it's too much history
No Matter How We Try, It's too Much History
...(Не важно, как мы стараемся, в этом слишком много истории,)
... (no matter how we try, there is too much story in this,)
Too many bad notes playing in our symphony
Too Many Bad Notes Playing in Our Symphony
....(Слишком много фальшивых нот в нашей симфонии.)
.... (too many fake notes in our symphony.)
So let it breathe, let it fly, let it go
So Let it Breathe, Let it Fly, Let it go
...(Так пусть оно дышит, пусть летит, пусть продолжается,)
... (so let it breathe, let it fly, let it continue,)
Let it fall, let it crash, burn slow
Let it Fall, Let it Crash, Burn Slow
....(Пусть оно упадёт, пусть разобьётся и медленно сгорит.)
.... (let it fall, let him break and burn slowly.)
And then you call upon God
And the You Call Upon God
...(И тогда ты будешь взывать к Богу,)
... (and then you will appeal to God,)
ohhh, You call upon God
Ohhhh, you call upon go
...(Ооо, ты взываешь к Богу...)
... (ooo, you call to God ...)
Oh Oh woah
OH OH Woah
This Hurricane
This Hurricane
..(Этот Ураган!)
.. (This hurricane!)
Oh Oh woah
OH OH Woah
This Hurricane
This Hurricane
Oh Oh woah
OH OH Woah
This Hurricane
This Hurricane
Do you really want?
Do you really Want?
...(Ты на самом деле хочешь?)
... (Do you really want?)
Do you really want me?
Do you really Want Me?
....(Тебе на самом деле нужен я?)
.... (Do you really need me?)
Do you really want me dead or alive
Do you really Want Me Dead Or Alive
...(Тебе на самом деле нужен я живым или мёртвым,)
... (you really need me alive or dead,)
To torture for my sins?
To Torture for My Sins?
...(Чтобы пытать меня за грехи?)
... (to torture me for sins?)
Do you really want?
Do you really Want?
...(Ты на самом деле хочешь?)
... (Do you really want?)
Do you really want me?
Do you really Want Me?
...(Тебе на самом деле нужен я?)
... (Do you really need me?)
Do you really want me dead or alive to live a lie?
Do you really Want Me Dead or Alive to Live A Lie?
...(Тебе на самом деле нужен я живым или мёртвым, чтоб жить об
... (you really need me alive or dead to live about
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