Иван Ожогин - I only want to say - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Иван Ожогин - I only want to say
I only want to say,
I Only Want to Say,
(Прошу лишь об одном)
(I ask only one thing)
If there is a way,
IF There Is A Way,
(Если только можно)
(Unless you can)
Take this cup away from me.
Take This Cup Away From Me.
(Чашу эту мимо пронеси)
(The bowl of this pass is pasted)
For I don't want to taste it's poison.
For i don't Want to Taste It's Poison.
(Отравы не хочу я)
(I don't want poison)
Feel it burn me,
(Она меня сожжет)
(She will burn me)
I have changed.
I have changed.
(А я уже не тот)
(And I'm not the same)
I'm not as sure, as when we started.
I'm not as sure, As When We Started.
(И верую я меньше, чем веровал вначале...)
(And I believe in less than believed at the beginning ...)
Then I was inspired.
(Был окрылен в начале)
(It was hosted at the beginning)
Now, I'm sad and tired.
NOW, I'm sad and tired.
(Теперь - Устал, печален)
(Now - tired, sealing)
Listen! Surely, I've exceeded
LISTEN! Surely, I'Ve Exceeded
(Послушай! Я многое познал за это время)
(Listen! I have learned a lot for this time)
Expectations tried for three years
(Три года пролетели,)
(Three years flying,)
Seems like thirty... Could you ask
Sems Like Thirty ... Could You Ask
(Как целых тридцать лет...
(As well as thirty years ...
А мне ведь сделать надо)
But I need to do)
As much from any other man?
(Побольше чем другим.)
(More than others.)
But if I die,
But if I Die,
(Но если я умру)
(But if I die)
See the saga through and do the things you ask of me,
See The Saga Through and Do The Things You Ask of Me
(Продолжи свое дело и сделай все, о чем просил меня)
(Continue your business and do everything as I asked me)
Let them hate me, hit me, hurt me, nail me to their tree.
Let Them Hate Me, Hit Me, Hurt Me, Nail Me To Their Tree.
(Пусть ненавидят, пусть убивают, пусть к дереву пригвоздят)
(Let them hate, let them kill, let the tree come to the tree)
I'd want to know, I'd want to know, My God,
I'd Want to Know, I'd Want to Know, My God,
(Но я хочу знать, хочу знать Боже)
(But I want to know, I want to know God)
I'd want to know, I'd want to know, My God,
I'd Want to Know, I'd Want to Know, My God,
(Я лишь хочу знать, хочу знать Боже)
(I just want to know if I want to know God)
I'd want to see, I'd want to see, My God,
I'd Want to See, i'd Want To See, My God,
(Я хочу видеть, хочу видеть Боже)
(I want to see, I want to see God)
I'd want to see, I'd want to see, My God,
I'd Want to See, i'd Want To See, My God,
(Я хочу видеть, хочу видеть Боже)
(I want to see, I want to see God)
Why I should die.
Why I Should Die.
(Зачем я умираю?)
(Why am I dying?)
Would I be more noticed than I ever was before?
Would I be more noticed Than I Ever Was Before?
(И буду ль значить больше, чем значил до того?)
(And I would mean more than meant before?)
Would the things I've said and done matter any more?
Would the Things I'm Said and Done Matter Any More?
(Иль пропадет ученье, не станет ничего?)
(Ile will disappear by learning, nothing will become?)
I'd have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord,
I'd Have To Know, I'd Have To Know, My Lord,
I'd have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord,
I'd Have To Know, I'd Have To Know, My Lord,
I'd have to see, I'd have to see, my Lord,
I'd Have to See, I'd Have To See, My Lord,
I'd have to see, I'd have to see, my Lord,
I'd Have to See, I'd Have To See, My Lord,
If I die what will be my reward?
If I Die What Will Be My Reward?
(Если я умру, что будет мне наградой?)
(If I die, what will be me award?)
If I die what will be my reward?
If I Die What Will Be My Reward?
(Если я умру, что будет мне наградой?)
(If I die, what will be me award?)
Have to know, have to know, my Lord,
Have to Know, Have to Know, My Lord,
Have to know, have to know, my Lord,
Have to Know, Have to Know, My Lord,
Why, Why should I die?
Why, Why Shld I Die?
(Зачем я умираю?)
(Why am I dying?)
Why, Why should I die?
Why, Why Shld I Die?
(Зачем мне умирать?)
(Why should I die?)
Can you show me now that I would not be killed in vain?
Can You Show Me Now That I Would Not Be Killed in Vain?
(Скажи мне, если сможешь, что гибну не напрасно?)
(Tell me, if you can, what is not in vain?)
Show me just a little of your omnipresent brain.
Show Me Just A Little Of Your Omnipresent Brain.
(Скажи, что есть причина и все не так ужасно)
(Tell me that there is a reason and everything is not so terrible)
Show me there's a reason for you wanting me to die.
Show Me There's a Reason for You Wanting Me to Die.
(Скажи, что есть причина и смерть моя нужна)
(Tell me that there is a reason and death is needed)
You're far to keen and where and how, but not so hot on why.
You're Far to Keen And Where and How, But Not So Hot On Why.
(Скажи, что буду понят в иные времена)
(Tell me that I will understand in different times)
Alright, I'll die!
Alright, I'LL DIE!
(Ну, хорошо. Я умру!)
(Well, good. I die!)
Just watch me die!
Just Watch Me Die!
Гляди же на мою смерть!)
Look at my death!)
See, see, see how I die!
See, See, See How I Die!
(Гляди, гляди, гляди, как Я умру!)
(Look, looked, looked like I die!)
Oh, see, see how I die!
Oh, See, See How I Die!
Then I was inspired.
(Был окрылен вначале)
(It was painted at the beginning)
Now, I'm sad and tired.
NOW, I'm sad and tired.
(Теперь, Устал, Печален)
(Now, tired, sealing)
After all, I've tried for three years, seems like ninety.
After all, I'Ve Tried for Three Years, Sems Like Ninety.
(Три года пролетели, как целых девяносто.)
(Three years flying like a whole ninety.)
Why then am I scared to finish what I started,
Why then am i scared to finish what i started
(И страшно мне закончить, что начал я тогда)
(And scary to finish me that I started then)
What you started - I didn't start it.
What you started - I Didn't Start It.
(Что начал Ты когда-то, но я ведь начинал)
(That you started once, but I started)
God, thy will is hard,
God, Thy Will Is Hard,
(Боже, мой жребий суров,)
(God, my lot Surov,)
But you hold every card.
But You Hold Every Card.
(Но Твою волю готов выполнить я.)
(But your will is ready to fulfill me.)
I will drink your cup of poison.
I Will Drink Your Cup of Poison.
(Готов испить чашу)
(Ready to drink a bowl)
Nail me to your cross and break me.
Nail Me to Your Cross and Break Me.
(И возлечь на крест - пригвозди меня.)
(And climb on the cross - naughty me.)
Bleed me, beat me, kill me, take me now!
(Кровь мне пусти, бей и убей меня, прочь бери)
(Blood let me, Bay and kill me, away take)
Before I change my mind.
(Пока я не передумал /Я Твой покорный сын/.)
(While I did not change my mind / I am your submissive son.)
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