иня - досты - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни иня - досты
ocabulary (Словарный запас)
Ocabulary (vocabulary)
Speaking. – Слушаю (в разговоре по телефону)
Speaking. - I listen (in a conversation by phone)
a plan - план
A Plan - plan
a walk – прогулка
A Walk - Walk
a place of interest – достопримечательность
a place of interlit - attraction
London – Лондон
London - London
I`d love to! – С удовольствием!
I`d love to! - With pleasure!
What about..? – Как насчет..?
What ABOUT ..? - What about..?
Sorry. – Мне жаль.
Sorry. - I'm sorry.
to be afraid - бояться
to be Afraid - Afraid
to be ready – быть готовым
to be ready - be ready
p.m. – post meridiem – время после полудня
P.M. - Post Meridiem - time after noon
Settled – Договорились, решено
Settled - agreed, it was decided
See you - увидимся
See You - See you
Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская площадь
Trafalgar Square - Trafalgar Square
сentre - центр
Sentre - center
modern - современный
Modern is modern
Nelson`s Column – памятник адмиралу Нельсону
Nelson`s Column - Monument to Admiral Nelson
British – британский
British - British
a national hero – национальный герой
A National Hero - National Hero
How exciting! - Как восхитительно!
How Exciting! - How amazing!
By the way,.. – Кстати,...
By the way, .. - By the way, ...
Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец
Buckingham Palace - Buckingham Palace
Residence – резиденция
Residence is a residence
the Queen – Королева
The Queen - Queen
a tourist – турист
A Tourist - Tourist
the traditional ceremony – традиционная церемония
The Traditional Ceremony - traditional ceremony
Changing the Guards – Смена караула
Changing the Guards - Change Change
a river - река
a river - river
the Thames – Темза
The Thams - Thames
the Tower Bridge – Тауэрский мост
The Tower Bridge - Tauer bridge
a prison – тюрьма
a prison - prison
a museum – музей
a museum - museum
Certainly. – Конечно.
Certainly. - Certainly.
the British Museum – Британский Музей
The British Museum - British Museum
National Gallery – Национальная Галерея
National Gallery - National Gallery
Westminster Abbey – Вестминстерское Аббатство
Westminster Abbey - Westminster Abbey
Saint Paul`s Cathedral – Собор Святого Павла
Saint Paul`s Cathedral - St. Paul Cathedral
Big Ben – Биг Бен
Big Ben - Big Ben
famous – знаменитый
Famous is famous
a landmark – символ города/страны
A Landmark - Symbol of the City/Country
and so on – и так далее
and so on - and so on
to show – показывать
to show - show
necessary – необходимо
Necessary - necessary
to learn – изучать, узнавать
to learn - study, recognize
culture – культура
Culture - culture
a country – страна
A Country - Country
A phone call (Телефонный звонок)
A Phone Call (phone call)
Simon:--- Hello, Natalie?
Simon: --- Hello, Natalie?
--- Алло, Наталья?
--- Hello, Natalia?
Natalie:--- Speaking. Is that you Simon?
Natalie: --- Speaking. IS that You Simon?
---Слушаю. Это Вы, Саймон?
--- I'm listening. Is this you, Simon?
Simon:--- Yes. It`s me. What are your plans for today? Do you remember, I promised to take you for a walk with me and Paula? We could see the greatest places of interest of London.
Simon: --- Yes. It`s me. What are your plans for today? Do you Remember, I Promised to Take You for a Walk with Me and Paula? WE COULD See the Greatest Places of Interest of London.
--- Да, это я. Какие у Вас на сегодня планы? Помните, мы с Полой обещали взять Вас на прогулку? Мы могли бы посмотреть величайшие достопримечательности Лондона.
--- Yes it's me. What are your plans for today? Remember, I promised to take you for a walk? We could see the greatest sights of London.
Natalie:--- It would be just great! I`d love to!
Natalie: --- Its Woup Be Just Great! I`d love to!
--- Это было бы просто здорово! С удовольствием.
--- That would be just great! With pleasure.
Simon:--- So, what about 12 o`clock? We`ll come to your place and pick you up. OK?
Simon: --- SO, What ABOUT 12 O`CLOCK? We`ll COME to your PLACE and Pick You Up. OK?
--- Что ж, как насчет 12 часов? Мы за Вами заедем. Хорошо?
--- Well, what about 12 hours? We will come for you. Fine?
Natalie: --- Sorry, I`m afraid I won`t be ready by 12. I have to go to the post-office. What about 1 p.m.?
NATALIE: --- SORRY, I`M AFRAID I Won`t Be Ready By 12. I have to go to the post -office. What ABOUT 1 P.M.?
--- Мне жаль, но я боюсь, что не буду готова к 12.00. Я должна сходить на почту. Как насчет 13.00?
--- I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I will not be ready for 12.00. I have to go to the mail. How about 13.00?
Simon:--- All right. Settled. See you.
Simon: --- All Right. Settled. See You.
--- Хорошо. Договорились. Увидимся.
--- Fine. Agreed. See you.
Natalie: --- See you.
Natalie: --- See You.
--- Увидимся.
--- See you.
Sightseeing (Осмотр достопримечательностей)
SightSeeing (examination of attractions)
Natalie: --- Where are we going to?
Natalie: --- Where are we going to?
--- Куда мы идем?
--- Where are we going?
Simon:--- We`re taking you first to Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the centre of modern London. Nelson`s Column stands in the middle of it. Admiral Lord Nelson is a British national hero. He destroyed the French Fleet in 1805 at the Battle of Trafalgar.
Simon: --- We`re Taking You First TO TRAFALGAR SQUARE. Trafalgar Square Is the Center of Modern London. Nelson`s Column Stands in the Middle of it. Admiral Lord Nelson Is a British National Hero. He Destroyed the French Fleet in 1805 At the Battle of Trafalgar.
--- Мы поведем Вас сначала на Трафальгарскую площадь. Трафальгарская площадь является центром современного Лондона. Памятник адмиралу Нельсону стоит посередине площади. Адмирал лорд Нельсон – национальный герой Великобритании. Он разрушил французский флот в битве при Трафальгаре в 1805 году.
--- We will first lead you to Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the center of modern London. The monument to Admiral Nelson stands in the middle of the square. Admiral Lord Nelson is a national hero of Great Britain. He destroyed the French fleet in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Natalie: --- How exciting! By the way, I heard a lot about Buckingham Palace. Shall we go there?
Natalie: --- How Exciting! By the Way, I heard a Lot ABOUT BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Shall We Go there?
--- Как восхитительно! Кстати, я много слышала о Букингемском дворце. Мы туда пойдем?
--- How amazing! By the way, I heard a lot about the Buckingham Palace. Will we go there?
Simon:--- Of course, we shall.
Simon: --- of Course, We Shall.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to Buckingham Palace every day to see the traditional ceremony of Changing the Guards.
Buckingham Palace Is the Official Residence of the Queen. Thousands of Tourists from All Over The World Come to Buckingham Palace Day to See The Tradeal Ceremony of Changing the Guards.
---Конечно, пойдем.
--- Of course, let's go.
Букингемский дворец является официальной резиденцией Королевы. Тысячи турис
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the queen. Thousands of tourists
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