Каир - Ummati Qadlyaha Fajran - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Каир - Ummati Qadlyaha Fajran
Ummati qad laha fajrun farqubin nashal mubiin
Народ Кад Лаха Фаджрун Фаркубин Нашал Мубиин
Dawlatul Islami qamaat bi dimaish shadiqiin (x2)
Dawlatul Islami Qamat bi dimaish shadiqiin (x2)
Dawlatul Islami qamaat bi jihadil muttaqiin
Dawalatul Islami Qaraat bi Jihadil Muttaqii
Qaddamul arwaha haqqaa bi tsabatin wa yaqiin (x2)
Каддамул Арваха Хаккаа би тсабатин ва Якиин (x2)
Li yuqamaddina fihaa syar'u rabbil 'alamiin
Ли Юкамаддин и Сяру Раббил Аламис
Ummati fastabsyiri laa tay asin nasrul qarrib
Народ из фаскабсиира Лаа Тай Асин Насрул Карриб
Dawlatul Islami qammat wa badal 'izzul mahiib (2)
Dawalatul Islami Qammat wa badal 'Иззол махииб (2)
Asyraqat tarsumu majda wantaha 'ahdul ghuruub
Asyraqat tarsumu majda wanha 'ahdul ghuruub
Bi rijaalin aw fiya in laa yahabunal huruub (x2)
Bi Rijaalin aw fiya в Laa Yahabunal Huruub (x2)
Shaaghu majdi khalidil laa laysa yafna aw yaghiib
Shaaghu majdi Khalidil laa laysa yaghiib aghiib
Ummati Allahu mawlaana fajuudi bid dimaa'
Народ Аллаху Мавлана Фаджууд стал красный
Lan ya'udan nashru illaa bi dimaa isy syuhadaa (x2)
Ar Ya'udan Nashru illaa bi dima isy syuhadaa (x2)
Man madhaw yarjuna mawlaa hum bi daaril ambiyaa'
Человек Мадхоу Ярджуна Мавлаа Хум Би Даарил Амбия
Qaddamul arwaha lillaahi wa liddiina fidaa' (x2)
Qaddamul Arwaha lillaahi wa liddiina fidaa '(x2)
Ummati fastabsyiri qad asyraqat syamsush shumuud
Народ Fastabsyiri Qad asyraqat syamsush shumuud
Walaqad sirna jumu'an li rubal majdit taliid (x2)
Walaqad Jumu'an Ritual Li Rubal Majdit Taliid (x2)
Linu'idan nur wal limaana wal 'izzal majiid
Linu'idan nur wal limana wal 'izzal majiid
Bi rijaalin thalaqud dunyaa wa fazubil khuluud (x2)
Bi Rijaalin Thalaqud World Wa fazubibil khuluud (X2)
Wa a 'adu ummati amjaada wan nashal akiid
"My Ummah, Dawn has appeared, so await the expected victory,
"Моя Умма, рассвет
The Islamic State has arisen by the blood of the righteous,
Исламское государство возникло кровью прав,
The Islamic State has arisen by the jihad of the pious,
Исламское государство возникло джихадом Pioous,
They have offered their souls in righteousness with constancy and conviction,
Они предложили свои души в праведности с постоянством и убеждениями,
So that the religion may be established, in which there is the law of the Lord of the Worlds.
Так что религия может быть установлена, в которой существует закон Владыка миров.
My Ummah, accept the good news, and don't despair: victory is near.
Моя Умма, примите хорошие новости и не отчаивайтесь: победа близка.
The Islamic State has arisen and the dreaded might has begun.
Исламское государство возникло, и страшное могло начаться.
It has arisen tracing out glory, and the period of setting has ended,
Он вырос в Gloyy и период настроек
By faithful men who do not fear warfare.
Верными людьми, которые не участвуют в войне.
They have created eternal glory that will not perish or disappear.
Они создали вечную славу, которая не будет молиться или дистанцироваться.
My Ummah, God is our Lord, so grant your blood,
Моя умма, Бог - наш Господь, так что дай свою кровь,
For victory will not return except by the blood of the martyrs,
Победа не вернется, кроме как кровью мучеников,
Who have spent their time hoping for their Lord in the Abode of the Prophets.
которые потратили свое время на надежду на своего Господа в обители пророков.
They have offered their souls to God, and for the religion there is self-sacrifice.
They have offered their souls to God, and for the religion there is self-sacrifice.
The people of giving and granting are the people of excellence and pride.
The people of giving and granting are the people of excellence and pride.
My Ummah, accept the good news: the Sun of Steadfastness has risen.
My Ummah, accept the good news: the Sun of Steadfastness has risen.
Verily we have marched in masses for the hills: the time-honoured glory,
Verily we have marched in masses for the hills: the time-honoured glory,
That we may return the light, faith and glorious might,
That we may return the light, faith and glorious might,
By men who have forsaken the dunya and attained immortality.
By men who have forsaken the dunya and attained immortality.
And have revived the Ummah of glory and the assured victory.
And have revived the Ummah of glory and the assured victory.
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