Мельница - Неукротимое пламя - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Мельница - Неукротимое пламя
Радость моя (2012)
My joy (2012)
03. Неукротимое пламя
03. Indomitable flame
Музыка: Наталья О`Шей (Хелависа)
Music: Natalia O`sha (Helavisa)
Слова: Уильям Батлер Йейтс (перевод: Г. М. Кружкова)
Words: William Butler Yates (translation: G. M. Kruzhkova)
Дети богини Дану не спят в люльках своих золотых,
The children of the goddess Dan do not sleep in the cradle of their gold,
Жмурятся и смеются, не закрывают глаз;
Press and laugh, do not close their eyes;
Ибо северный ветер умчит их за собою в час,
For the North Wind will dwell on them at an hour,
Когда стервятник в ущелье слетает с вершин крутых.
When the vulture in the gorge flies from the heights of the steep.
Я целую дитя свое, что с плачем жмется ко мне,
I kiss my child that he clings to me with a cry,
И слышу узких могил вкрадчиво-тихий зов,
And I hear narrow graves insinuatingly-grinding call
Ветра бездомного крик над перекатом валов,
The wind of the homeless scream over the roll of the shafts,
Ветра бездомного дрожь в закатном огне,
The winds of the homeless trembling in the sunset fire,
Ветра бездомного стук в створы небесных врат
Winds of homeless knock into the trifles of heavenly gates
И адских врат, и гонимых духов жалобы, визг и вой…
And the hellish gates, and persecuted spirits complaints, screech and howl ...
О, сердце, пронзенное ветром, их неукротимый рой
Oh, a heart pierced by the wind, their indomitable swarm
Роднее тебе Мадонны святой, мерцанья ее лампад.
The saint's Madonna, the flickering of her lamps.
Оригинальный текст
Original text
The Unappeasable Host (W.B.Yeats)
The Unappeasable Host (W.B.yeats)
The Danaan children laugh, in cradles of wrought gold,
The Danaan Children Laugh, In Craudles of Wrough Gold,
And clap their hands together, and half close their eyes,
And Clap Their Hands Together, and Half Close Their Eyes,
For they will ride the North when the ger-eagle flies,
For they Will Ride the North Wen The Ger-Eagle Flies,
With heavy whitening wings, and a heart fallen cold:
With Heavy Whitening Wings, and a Heart Fallen Cold:
I kiss my wailing child and press it to my breast,
I Kiss My Wailing Child and Press it to My Breast,
And hear the narrow graves calling my child and me,
And Hear the Narrow Graves Calling My Child and Me,
Desolate wind that cry over the wandering sea;
Deslate Wind that Cry Over the Wandering Sea;
Desolate wind that hover in the flaming West;
Deslate Wind that Hover in the Flaming West;
Desolate wind that beats the doors of Heaven, and beat
Deslate Wind That Beats The Doors of Heaven, and Beat
The doors of Hell and blow there many a whimpering ghost;
The Doors of Hell and Blow the Many A Whimpering Ghost;
O heart that winds have shaken, the unappeasable host
O heart that Winds have shaken, The Unappeasable Host
Is comelier than candles at Mother Mary’s feet.
IS Comelier than Candles at Mother Mary’s Feet.
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