Нормально - Урок 40 - Поход в кино. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Нормально - Урок 40 - Поход в кино.
Урок 40 - Поход в кино.
Lesson 40 - Going to the cinema.
Jerry: Энн, чем хочешь заняться сегодня?
Jerry: Ann, what do you want to do today?
► Ann what do you want to do tonight?
►Ann what do you want to do tonight?
Ann: Я бы хотела сходить в кино.
Ann: I would like to go to the cinema.
► I'd like to go see a movie.
► I'd like to go see a movie.
Jerry: Я слышал в кинотеатрах идет “Титаник”.
Jerry: I heard “Titanic” is in theaters.
► I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater.
► I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater.
Ann: О, я слышала, что это хороший фильм. В какое время он начинается?
Ann: Oh, I heard it was a good movie. What time does it start?
► Oh, I've heard that's a good movie. What time does it start?
► Oh, I've heard that's a good movie. What time does it start?
Jerry: В 6:30 вечера. Это долгий фильм. Я думаю, что он идет около 3-х часов.
Jerry: At 6:30 pm. It's a long film. I think it takes about 3 hours.
► 6:30PM. It's a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.
► 6:30PM. It's a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.
Ann: Ты приедешь и захватишь меня?
Ann: Will you come and capture me?
► Will you come and pick me up?
►Will you come and pick me up?
Jerry: В какое время?
Jerry: What time?
► What time?
► What time?
Ann: Я думаю, нам надо попасть туда пораньше, потому что может не остаться билетов. В 5:00 вечера нормально?
Ann: I think we should get there early because there might not be any tickets left. Is 5:00 pm ok?
► I think we should get there early because they might be sold out. Is 5:00PM OK?
► I think we should get there early because they might be sold out. Is 5:00PM OK?
Jerry: Да, это нормально. До встречи у твоего дома в 5:00.
Jerry: Yes, that's normal. See you at your house at 5:00.
► Yes, that'll be fine. I'll meet you at your house at 5:00PM.
► Yes, that'll be fine. I'll meet you at your house at 5:00PM.
Ann: Ты хочешь что-нибудь покушать перед фильмом?
Ann: Do you want to eat something before the movie?
► Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?
► Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?
Jerry: Я не уверен, что у нас будет достаточно времени для этого. Мы можем взять попкорн и хотдоги в кинотеатре если пожелаешь.
Jerry: I'm not sure we'll have enough time for that. We can get popcorn and hotdogs at the movie theater if you want.
► I'm not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.
► I'm not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.
Ann: Я не люблю их попкорн. Мне кажется, они кладут туда слишком много соли.
Ann: I don't like their popcorn. I think they put too much salt in there.
► I don't like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it.
► I don't like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it.
Jerry: Хорошо, тогда я заеду за тобой немного раньше и мы можем пойти в Тайский ресторан около кинотеатра, так будет нормально?
Jerry: Okay, then I'll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant near the movie theater, will that be okay?
► OK then, I'll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?
► OK then, I'll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?
Ann: Да, я люблю то место.
Ann: Yes, I love that place.
► Yes, I like that place.
► Yes, I like that place.
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