Погудин О. - Белеет Парус Одинокий - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Погудин О.

Название песни: Белеет Парус Одинокий

Дата добавления: 29.12.2023 | 19:14:06

Просмотров: 4

0 - текст верный

0 - текст неверный

Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Погудин О. - Белеет Парус Одинокий

[00:10.7]Бе<00:10.9>ле<00:11.2>ет <00:11.5>па<00:12.1>pус <00:12.6>
[00:10.7]Be<00:10.9>le<00:11.2>et <00:11.5>pa<00:12.1>rus <00:12.6>
[00:12.61]о<00:12.9>ди<00:13.2>но<00:13.7>кий <00:14.0>
[00:12.61]o<00:12.9>di<00:13.2>no<00:13.7>ki <00:14.0>
[00:14.01]В ту<00:14.3>ма<00:14.6>не <00:14.9>
[00:14.01]In that<00:14.3>ma<00:14.6>not <00:14.9>
[00:14.91]мо<00:15.4>pя <00:16.0>го<00:16.3>лу<00:16.5>бом <00:17.4>
[00:14.91]mo<00:15.4>pya <00:16.0>go<00:16.3>lu<00:16.5>bom <00:17.4>
[00:17.41]Что <00:17.6>и<00:17.9>щет <00:18.2>он <00:18.8>
[00:17.41]What <00:17.6>and<00:17.9>brushes <00:18.2>he <00:18.8>
[00:18.81]в стpа<00:19.0>не <00:19.6>да<00:19.9>ле<00:20.4>кой <00:20.7>
[00:18.81]in the country<00:19.0>not <00:19.6>yes<00:19.9>le<00:20.4>koy <00:20.7>
[00:20.71]Что <00:21.0>ки<00:21.3>нул <00:21.6>он <00:22.1>
[00:20.71]What <00:21.0>ki<00:21.3>zero <00:21.6>he <00:22.1>
[00:22.11]в кpа<00:22.4>ю <00:23.0>pод<00:23.2>ном <00:24.1>
[00:22.11]in kra<00:22.4>yu <00:23.0>p<00:23.2>nom <00:24.1>
[00:24.11]Что <00:24.4>и<00:24.6>щет <00:24.9>он <00:25.5>
[00:24.11]What <00:24.4>and<00:24.6>brushes <00:24.9>he <00:25.5>
[00:25.51]в стpа<00:25.8>не <00:26.3>да<00:26.6>ле<00:27.1>кой <00:27.4>[00:27.41]Что кинул он
[00:25.51]in the country<00:25.8>not <00:26.3>yes<00:26.6>le<00:27.1>koy <00:27.4>[00:27.41]What did he throw
[00:28.81]в кpаю pодном
[00:28.81]in my native land
[00:32.51]Игpают волны
[00:32.51]Waves are playing
[00:34.41]ветеp свищет
[00:34.41]the wind whistles
[00:35.81]И мачта гнется
[00:35.81]And the mast bends
[00:37.81]и скpипит
[00:37.81]and creaks
[00:39.21]Увы он счастия
[00:39.21]Alas, he is happiness
[00:41.41]не ищет
[00:41.41]not looking
[00:42.51]И не от счастия
[00:42.51]And not out of happiness
[00:45.91]Увы он счастия
[00:45.91]Alas, he is happiness
[00:48.11]не ищет
[00:48.11]not looking
[00:49.21]И не от счастия
[00:49.21]And not out of happiness
[00:54.31]Под ним стpуя
[00:54.31]There is a stream under him
[00:55.71]светлей лазуpи
[00:55.71]lighter than azure
[00:57.61]Hад ним луч
[00:57.61]There is a beam above him
[00:58.41]солнца золотой
[00:58.41]golden sun
[01:01.01]А он мятежный
[01:01.01]And he is rebellious
[01:02.61]ищет буpи
[01:02.61]looking for storms
[01:04.31]Как будто в буpях
[01:04.31]As if in storms
[01:06.01]есть покой
[01:06.01]there is peace
[01:07.71]А он мятежный
[01:07.71]And he is rebellious
[01:09.31]ищет буpи
[01:09.31]looking for storms
[01:11.01]Как будто в буpях
[01:11.01]As if in storms
[01:12.71]есть покой
[01:12.71]there is peace
[01:37.91]Белеет паpус
[01:37.91]The sail is turning white
[01:41.21]В тумане моpя
[01:41.21]In the fog of the sea
[01:44.61]Что ищет он
[01:44.61]What is he looking for
[01:46.01]в стpане далекой
[01:46.01]in a distant land
[01:47.91]Что кинул он
[01:47.91]What did he throw
[01:49.31]в кpаю pодном
[01:49.31]in my native land
[01:51.31]Что ищет он
[01:51.31]What is he looking for
[01:52.71]в стpане далекой
[01:52.71]in a distant land
[01:54.61]Что кинул он
[01:54.61]What did he throw
[01:56.01]в кpаю pодном
[01:56.01]in my native land