Было дѣло подъ Полтавой,
It was a house of Poltava,
Дѣло славное, друзья!
It’s glorious, friends!
Мы дралися тамъ со шведомъ
We were fighting there with a gossip
Подъ знаменами Петра!
Under the banners of Peter!
Мы дралися тамъ со шведомъ
We were fighting there with a gossip
Подъ знаменами Петра!
Under the banners of Peter!
Нашъ могучій Императоръ -
Our powerful emperor -
Память вѣчная ему! -
Memory is Vesky! -
Богатырь былъ между нами
The hero was between us
По осанкѣ и уму!
By posture and mind!
Богатырь былъ между нами
The hero was between us
По осанкѣ и уму!
By posture and mind!
Самъ, родимый, предъ полками
Sami, darling, before shelves
Словно соколъ онъ леталъ!
Like a falcon he was flying!
Самъ ружьемъ солдатскимъ правилъ,
Himself with a gun of soldiers' rules,
Самъ и пушки заряжалъ!
He charged himself and guns!
Самъ ружьемъ солдатскимъ правилъ,
Himself with a gun of soldiers' rules,
Самъ и пушки заряжалъ!
He charged himself and guns!
Бой кипѣлъ. Герой Полтавы,
The battle was boiled. Hero of Poltava,
Нашъ державный великанъ,
Our sovereign giant,
Ужъ не разъ грозою грянулъ
I didn’t struck with a thunderstorm
На могучій вражій станъ!
On a mighty enemy!
Ужъ не разъ грозою грянулъ
I didn’t struck with a thunderstorm
На могучій вражій станъ!
On a mighty enemy!
Былъ тотъ день для насъ великій!
There was that day for us great!
Смерть витала вкругъ Царя!
Death hung up the king!
Но хранилъ Господь для Руси
But the Lord kept for Rus'
Императора Петра!
Emperor Peter!
Но хранилъ Господь для Руси
But the Lord kept for Rus'
Императора Петра!
Emperor Peter!
Пули облакомъ носились,
Bullets of the cloud rushed,
Кровь горячая лилась!
Hot blood spilled!
Вдругъ одна злодѣйка-пуля
Suddenly one crush-gun
Въ шляпу царскую впилась.
In the royal hat stuck.
Вдругъ одна злодѣйка-пуля
Suddenly one crush-gun
Въ шляпу царскую впилась.
In the royal hat stuck.
Видно, шведы промахнулись -
Apparently, the Swedes missed -
Императоръ усидѣлъ,
The emperor reinforced
Шляпу снялъ, перекрестился,
He took off his hat, crossed himself,
Снова въ битву полетѣлъ!
Again, I flew into the battle!
Шляпу снялъ, перекрестился,
He took off his hat, crossed himself,
Снова въ битву полетѣлъ!
Again, I flew into the battle!
Много шведовъ, много русскихъ
Many Swedes, many Russians
Подъ Полтавою легло.
It lay down under the past.
Вдругъ еще впилася пуля
Suddenly a bullet was still pushing
Прямо въ царское сѣдло.
Directly in Tsarskoye Sdlo.
Вдругъ еще впилася пуля
Suddenly a bullet was still pushing
Прямо въ царское сѣдло.
Directly in Tsarskoye Sdlo.
Не смутился Императоръ,
The emperor was not embarrassed,
Взоръ какъ молнія сверкалъ!
The gaze was sparkling like a lightning!
Конь не дрогнулъ отъ удара,
The horse did not tremble from the blow,
Конь быстрѣе поскакалъ!
The horse galloped fast!
Конь не дрогнулъ отъ удара,
The horse did not tremble from the blow,
Конь быстрѣе поскакалъ!
The horse galloped fast!
Тутъ какъ разъ и третья пуля
Here like a connector and the third bullet
Повстрѣчалася съ Петромъ,
Folded with Peter,
Прямо въ грудь она летѣла
She was years old
И ударила, какъ громъ.
And hit like a thunder.
Прямо въ грудь она летѣла
She was years old
И ударила, какъ громъ.
And hit like a thunder.
Чудо дивное свершилось:
A wonderful miracle happened:
Въ этотъ мигъ царь усидѣлъ.
In this MiG, the king was strengthened.
На груди царя высокой
On the chest of the king is high
Чудотворный крестъ висѣлъ.
The miraculous cross hung.
На груди царя высокой
On the chest of the king is high
Чудотворный крестъ висѣлъ.
The miraculous cross hung.
Пуля съ визгомъ отскочила
The bullet bounced with a screech
Отъ широкаго креста,
From a wide cross,
И спасенный побѣдитель
And the rescued victorious
Славилъ Господа Христа!
Praised the Lord Christ!
И спасенный побѣдитель
And the rescued victorious
Славилъ Господа Христа!
Praised the Lord Christ!
Было дѣло подъ Полтавой!
It was a house of Poltava!
Сотни летъ еще пройдутъ -
Hundreds of years will still pass -
Эти царскія три пули
These tsars three bullets
Въ сердцѣ русскомъ не умрутъ!
In the heart of Russian will not die!
Эти царскія три пули
These tsars three bullets
Въ сердцѣ русскомъ не умрутъ!
In the heart of Russian will not die!
Русская Императорская армия - Взвейтесь соколы орлами
Русская Императорская армия - Православный русский воин
Русская Императорская армия - Черноморцы-молодцы
Русская Императорская армия - В 77-ом году
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