Оружьемъ на солнцѣ сверкая,
The weapons in the sun sparkling,
Подъ звуки лихихъ трубачей,
To the sounds of dashing trumpeters,
По улицѣ пыль подымая,
Raising the dust along the streets,
Проходилъ полк гусаръ усачей.
The regiment of the hussar of the barbeling passed.
А тамъ чуть поднявъ занавѣску,
And there, raising a little to the curtain,
Лишь пара голубенькихъ глазъ
Only a couple of blue eyes
Смотрѣла и чуютъ гусары,
I looked and smell hussars,
Что тутъ будетъ немало проказъ.
That there will be a lot of leprosy.
Вотъ полкъ разведенъ по квартирамъ,
Here the regiment is divorced by the apartments,
Ужъ полночь, все спитъ мертвымъ сномъ
Already midnight, everything is sleeping dead sleep
И не снится сѣдымъ командирамъ,
And does not dream of Sydym commanders,
Что творится у нихъ подъ окномъ.
What is happening with them under the window.
А утромъ оружьемъ сверкая,
And in the morning, the weapons sparkling,
Подъ звуки лихихъ трубачей,
To the sounds of dashing trumpeters,
По улицѣ пыль подымая,
Raising the dust along the streets,
Уходилъ полкъ гусаръ усачей.
The regiment of the hussar of the barbells left.
А тамъ чуть поднявъ занавѣску,
And there, raising a little to the curtain,
Лишь пара голубенькихъ глазъ
Only a couple of blue eyes
Искала среди уходившихъ
I searched among those who left
Виновника милыхъ проказъ.
The culprit of the lovely procaz.
И часто при свѣтѣ лампады,
And often with lamps,
Во мракѣ осеннихъ ночей,
In the darkness of autumn nights,
Вспоминали потухшiя глазки
They remembered the extinct eyes
Тѣ звуки лихихъ трубачей.
The sounds of dashing trumpeters.
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