Сорокодинденьлета - ходячая катастрофа - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Сорокодинденьлета

Название песни: ходячая катастрофа

Дата добавления: 10.10.2024 | 23:34:10

Просмотров: 2

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Сорокодинденьлета - ходячая катастрофа

Ходячая катастрофа
Walking disaster
Меня не было дома некоторое время,
I was not at home for some time
Но я уверен, что всё по-старому:
But I'm sure everything is the same:
Мама и папа как прежде не признают очевидного,
Mom and dad as before are not recognized as the obvious,
И только шутки берут вину на себя.
And only jokes take the blame on themselves.
Прости, мама, но я по тебе не скучаю.
Sorry, mom, but I don’t miss you.
А ты, папа, не заслуживаешь этого к тебе обращения.
And you, dad, do not deserve this appeal to you.
Я – обычный ребёнок без амбиций,
I am an ordinary child without ambition
Но я не вернусь домой ни за что на свете.
But I will not return home for anything in the world.

Я не знал, что стану
I did not know that I would become
Королём прошлого,
The king of the past
Забытым сыном…
Forgotten son ...

Этот город погребён под тяжестью поражений.
This city is buried under the weight of defeats.
Я иду вдоль его безымянных улиц
I'm walking along his nameless streets
И машу дому на прощанье…
And Masha’s goodbye to the house ...
Пока я падаю…
While I'm falling ...
Оказавшись в тупике, я начинаю
Once at a dead end, I start
Сжигать мосты невинности.
Burn the bridges of innocence.
Удовольствие гарантировано –
Pleasure is guaranteed -
Катастрофа весом в пушинку.
Disaster weighing in a fluff.
Нашу миссию нам никто не навязывает,
Nobody imposes our mission to us,
Любые запреты незаконны.
Any prohibitions are illegal.
Я сам вырыл себе
I dug myself myself
Свою неглубокую могилу.
Your shallow grave.

Меня нет уже так давно,
I have not been so long ago
Что я не помню, кто прав, а кто виноват.
That I do not remember who is right and who is to blame.
От невинности не осталось и следа.
There was no trace of innocence.
Я клянусь в верности миру неверия,
I swear at fidelity to the world of unbelief,
Частицей которого являюсь.
A particle of which I am.
Ходячая катастрофа,
Walking disaster,
Сын всех ублюдков –
The son of all bastards -
Ты сожалеешь, что создал меня.
You regret that you created me.
Слишком поздно меня спасать
Too late to save me

Насколько мне известно,
As far as I know,
Это просто голоса в моей голове.
These are just voices in my head.
Я разговариваю с собой?
Am I talking to myself?
Потому что я не знаю, что сказал только что.
Because I don't know what he just said.

(А она сказала)
(And she said)
Судя по тому, где я оказалась,
Judging by where I was
Быть мёртвой лучше, чем быть живой.
Being dead is better than being alive.
Неужели я в конце неизвестности?
Am I really at the end of the unknown?
Неужели здесь, правда, так хорошо?
Is it really so good here?

Меня нет уже так давно,
I have not been so long ago
Что я не помню, кто прав, а кто виноват.
That I do not remember who is right and who is to blame.
От невинности не осталось и следа.
There was no trace of innocence.
Я клянусь в верности миру неверия,
I swear at fidelity to the world of unbelief,
Частицей которого являюсь.
A particle of which I am.
Ходячая катастрофа,
Walking disaster,
Сын всех ублюдков –
The son of all bastards -
Ты сожалеешь, что создал меня.
You regret that you created me.
Слишком поздно меня спасать(2х)
To save me too late (2x)

Скоро я буду дома.
Soon I will be at home.
Не нужно говорить ни слова.
No need to say a word.
Жду не дождусь, когда увижу твою улыбку,
I can’t wait until I see your smile,
Я не упущу этот миг ни за что на свете.(2х)
I will not miss this moment for anything in the world. (2x)


I haven't been home for a while
I haveen't been Home for a While
I'm sure everything's the same
Mom and Dad both in denial
Mom and Dad Both in Denial
And only jokes to take the blame
And only Jokes to Take the Blame
Sorry, Mom, but I don't miss you
SRRY, MOM, but I Donomet Miss You
Father's no name you deserve
Father's No Name You Deserv
I'm just a kid with no ambitions
I'M Just a Kid with No Ambitions
Wouldn't come home for the world
Wouldn 'Come Home for the World
Never know what I've become
Never Know What I've Become
The king of all that's said and done
The King of All that's Said and Done
The forgotten son
The Forgotten Son

This city's buried in defeat
This City's Buried in Defeat
I walk along these no-name streets
I walk along these no-name Streets
Wave goodbye to home
Wave Goodbye to Home
As I fall...
As I Fall ...

At the dead-end I begin
At the Dead-End I Begin
To burn a bridge of innocence
To Burn A Bridge of Innocence
Satisfaction guaranteed
A pillow-weight catastrophe
A pillow-weight Catastrophe
Our own mission nowhere bound
OUR Own Mission Nowhere Bound
Inhibitions underground
Inhibitions underground
A shallow grave I
A Shallow Grave I
Have dug all by myself
Have Dug All by MySelf

And now I've been gone for so long
And Now i've Been Gone for So Long
I can't remember who was wrong
I canon Remeber Who Was Wrong
All innocence is long gone
All Innocence Is Long Gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
I Pledge Allegiance to a World of Disbelief
Where I belong
What I Belong
A walking disaster
A Walking Disaster
The son of all bastards
The Son of All Bastards
You regret you made me
You regret you make me
It's too late to save me
It's tooo Late to Save Me

As far as I can tell
As far as i can tell
It's just voices in my head
It's Just Voices in My Head
Am I talking to myself?
Am I Talking to Myself?
'Cause I don't know what I just said

As far as where I fell
As far as America I Fell
Maybe I'm better off dead
Maybe i'm Better Off Dead
Am I at the end of nowhere
Am i at the end of nowher
Is this as good as it gets?
Is this as good as it gets?

And now I've been gone for so long
And Now i've Been Gone for So Long
I can't remember who was wrong
I canon Remeber Who Was Wrong
All innocence is long gone
All Innocence Is Long Gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
I Pledge Allegiance to a World of Disbelief
Where I belong
What I Belong
A walking disaster
A Walking Disaster
The son of all bastards
The Son of All Bastards
You regret you made me
You regret you make me
It's too late to save me(2х)
It's tooo Late to Save Me (2x)

I will be home in a while
I Will Be Home in a While
You don't have to say a word
You do -it -by to say a word
I can't wait to see you smile
I canm Wait to see you smile
Wouldn't miss it for the world (2х)
Woodn't Miss it for the World (2x)