Барселона - Воды слонам - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Барселона

Название песни: Воды слонам

Дата добавления: 08.10.2024 | 22:12:45

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Барселона - Воды слонам

All those arrows you threw, you threw them away
All Those Arrows You Threw, You Threw them Away
You kept falling in love, then one day
You Kept Falling in Love, Then One Day
When you fell, you fell towards me
Wen you file, you file towards me
When you crashed in the clouds, you found me
When you CraShed in the Clouds, You Found Me

Oh, please don't go
Oh, please Don`t GO
I want you so
I Want You SO
I can't let go
I canon let go
For I lose control
For I Lose Control

Get these left handed lovers out of your way
Get Th, Left Handed Lovers Out of Your Way
They look hopeful but you, you should not stay
They Look Hopeful But You, You Shoup Notes
If you want me to break down and give you the keys
IF You Want ME to Break Down and Give You The Keys
I can do that but I can't let you leave
I can do the but i canon let youve

Oh, please don't go
Oh, please Don`t GO
I want you so
I Want You SO
I can't let go
I canon let go
For I lose control
For I Lose Control

Ты выбросила все стрелы,
You threw away all the arrows
которые метала в меня
who were throwing into me
Ты погружалась в любовь -
You plunged into love -
И вот ты в ней целиком.
And here you are in it whole.
В моей любви.
In my love.
Столкнувшись с облаками,
Faced with clouds,
ты нашла в них меня
You found me in them

О, прошу, не уходи.
Oh, please do not leave.
Ты так нужна мне.
I need you so much.
Я не смогу отпустить тебя
I can't let you go
Даже если захочу...
Even if I want ...

Оставляя позади
Leaving behind
всех неудачливых поклонников
All unsuccessful fans
Ты шла своей дорогой.
You walked your way.
Взгляд их полон надежд,
Their gaze is full of hopes
Но ты пройдешь мимо.
But you will pass by.
А хочешь я сдамся и буду твоим?
Do you want me to give up and will be yours?
Я могу, но дальше одной тебе уже не идти.
I can, but you can’t go further than one.
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