Битловский эфир - 1999.03.30 По заявкам - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Битловский эфир

Название песни: 1999.03.30 По заявкам

Дата добавления: 04.06.2024 | 05:36:03

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Битловский эфир - 1999.03.30 По заявкам

049_310399_letters from Beatlefans

Эфир программы Со вторника на среду с 00:05
The air of the program from Tuesday to Wednesday from 00:05
Ведущие Владимир Ильинский & Георгий Мосешвили
Leading Vladimir Ilyinsky & Georgy Mosashvili

Дата эфира 1999.03.30
The date of ether 1999.03.30
Тема программы По заявкам
Theme of the program on applications
Гость в студии -
Guest in the studio -

Track list
"The Beatles" : Drive My Car
"The Beatles": Drive My Car
George Harrison : Can't Stop Thinking About You
George Harrison: Canomet Stop Thing ABOUT You
"The Beatles" : Strawberry Fields Forever
"The Beatles": Strawberry Fields Forever
"The Beatles" : Can't Buy Me Love
"The Beatles": Canomet Buy Me Love
"The Beatles" : Thinking Of Linking
"The Beatles": Thinking of Linking
"Возрождение" : Only She
"Renaissance": Only She
Ringo Starr : Good News
Ringo Starr: Good News
"The Beatles" : That'll Be The Day
"The Beatles": that'll be the day
George Harrison : Here Comes The Sun (concert)
George Harrison: Here Comes The Sun (Concert)
John Lennon : Real Love (from film 'IMAGINE')
John Lennon: Real Love (from Film 'Imagine')
George Harrison : Hottest Gong In Town (ARTIFACTS III – FREE AS A BIRD: 1981-1994 )
George Harrison: Hottest Gong In Town (Artifacts III-Free as a Bird: 1981-1994)
Paul McCartney : The Long And Winding Road
Paul McCartney: The Long and Winding Road
"The Beatles" : Thank You Guru Dev / Happy Birthday Mike Love (ARTIFACTS I – INNER REVOLUTION, 1968)
"The Beatles": Peryk You Guru Dev / Happy Birthday Mike Love (Artifacts I - Inner Revolution, 1968)
John Lennon : How Do You Sleep?
John Lennon: How Do You Sleep?
"The Beatles" : Yesterday
"The Beatles": Yesterday
"The Beatles" : Here, There And Everywhere
"The Beatles": Here, there and EryWherre
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