ближе стал всего на шаг - чтоб дышать тобой - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни ближе стал всего на шаг - чтоб дышать тобой
Пульс, пульс не осилит твое приближение
Pulse, pulse will not master your approach
Закрываю глаза продлеваю мгновение
I close my eyes I extend the moment
И теплом наполняется тело
And the body is filled with heat
Ближе стал всего на шаг, чтоб дышать тобой...
Closer was only one step to breathe you ...
Растаяло сердце, исчезли лица
The heart melted, faces disappeared
Напротив глаза твои - убийцы.
On the contrary, your eyes are killers.
Дыхание реже и в теле усталость.
Breathing is less common and fatigue in the body.
И мне никогда, никогда не уснуть.
And I never, never fall asleep.
Стою невесомый, глаза закрываю.
I stand weightless, close my eyes.
В твоей атмосфере растворяюсь.
I dissolve in your atmosphere.
Укутает тело ласкающим ветром.
Wraps the body with a caressing wind.
Но никогда, никогда не коснусь
But never, I will never touch
don`t stop perfect body on the floor
Don`t Stop Perfect Body on the Floor
you're my drug I'am driving you more and more
You're my drug i'am driving you and more
And I know and I know it's wrong way
And I Know and I Know Its Wrong Way
I should stop it right now - I can't.
I Shoup Stop It Right Now - I Can '.
No hands, touching your tense skin
No Hands, Touching Your Tense Skin
New pain came to me and I begin
New Pain Came to Me and I Begin
Run Away, run away from my mind
Run Away, Run Away from My Mind
Never felt this before
Never Felt this Before
I wanna love you and nothing else matters
I Wanna Love You and Nothing Else Matters
I wish I could feel your breath forever
Hold you in my arms, whispering in your ears
Hold You in My Arms, Whispering in Your Ears
But you will never be, never be mine.
But You Will Never Be, Never Be Mine.
And music's more volume, and body's more sense
And Music's More Volume, and Body's More Sense
And your atmosphere it's all I get..??? -
And your atmosphere it's all i get .. ??? -
Flying around you when you're with my ....
Flying Around You are you're with my ...
I want be able be able to touch
I Want Be Able Be Able to Touch
don't go
Don'T GO
And I Know, I know it's wrong way
And I Know, I Know Its Wrong Way
I should stop it right now
I Shoup Stop It Right now
I wanna love you, nothing else matters
I Wanna Love You, Nothing Else Matters
I wish I cold feel your breath forever
I Wish I Cold Feel Your Breath Forever
Hold you in my arms whispering in your ears
Hold You in My Arms Whispering in Your Ears
But you will never be, never be mine.
But You Will Never Be, Never Be Mine.
But you will never be, never be mine.
But You Will Never Be, Never Be Mine.
Растаяло сердце, исчезли лица
The heart melted, faces disappeared
Напротив глаза твои - убийцы.
On the contrary, your eyes are killers.
Дыхание реже и в теле усталость.
Breathing is less common and fatigue in the body.
И мне никогда, никогда не уснуть.
And I never, never fall asleep.
Стою невесомый, глаза закрываю.
I stand weightless, close my eyes.
В твоей атмосфере растворяюсь.
I dissolve in your atmosphere.
Укутает тело ласкающим ветром.
Wraps the body with a caressing wind.
Но никогда, никогда не коснусь
But never, I will never touch
Бауыржан Абилкасимов - Жылама кызым
Байконур - Скажи,ты любишь скорость
Бандит - безумно,дико,нежно,тихо,люблю...
Барбарики - моя мама самая лучшая
Electric Feel Switchers - Kings Of Hostel's Rock Stage
Erick Clapton - Knocking On Heavens Door
Браття - выбрана цель и я к ней иду ,преодолею,преграды пробью
The Ropes - Ice Cube in an Ocean
Сергей Ситников - Поставь на повтор