Хозиер - Тэйк ми ту чёрч - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Хозиер - Тэйк ми ту чёрч
My lover's got humour,
My lover's get home,
У моей любимой есть чувство юмора,
My beloved has a sense of humor
She's the giggle at a funeral,
She's The Giggle at a Funeral,
Она, как смешок на похоронах —
She, like a laugh at a funeral -
Knows everybody's disapproval,
Ей знакомо всеобщее неодобрение.
She is familiar with universal disapproval.
I should've worshipped her sooner.
I Shoup've Worshipped Her Sooner.
Мне нужно было воцерковить её раньше,
I needed to church it before,
If the Heavens ever did speak,
If the Heavens Ever Vid Speak,
Если небеса когда-нибудь вещали,
If the heavens someday broadcast
She is the last true mouthpiece.
She is the Last True Mouthpiece.
То она их последний настоящий глашатай.
Then she is their last real herald.
Every Sunday's getting more bleak,
Каждое воскресенье мрачнее предыдущего,
Every Sunday is darker than the previous one,
A fresh poison each week.
A Fresh Poison Each Week.
Каждую неделю свежий яд.
Every week fresh poison.
“We were born sick”, you heard them say it,
“We Were Born Sick”, Youard them Say it,
"Мы родились больными", — слышишь ты от них,
“We were born sick,” you hear from them,
My church offers no absolution,
My Church Offers No Absolution,
Моя церковь не предлагает отпущения грехов,
My church does not offer the remission of sins,
She tells me, “Worship in the bedroom”.
She Tells Me, “Worship in the Bedroom”.
Она велит: "Молись в опочивальне".
She orders: "Pray in the bedchamber."
The only heaven I'll be sent to
The only heaven i'll be sent to
Единственный рай для меня —
The only paradise for me is
Is when I'm alone with you,
Is when I'M alone with you,
Оставаться наедине с тобой,
Stay alone with you
I was born sick, but I love it,
I was Born Sick, But I Love it,
Я родился больным, но мне это нравится,
I was born sick, but I like it
Command me to be well.
Command Me to be Well.
Вели же мне исцелиться.
He led me to heal.
Amen, amen, amen!
Amen, amen, amen!
Аминь, аминь, аминь!
Amen, Amen, Amen!
Take me to church,
Take me to church,
Отведи меня в церковь,
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies.
I'll Worship Like A Dog at the Shrine of Your Lies.
Я буду служить, как собачка, перед святыней твоей лжи.
I will serve as a dog, in front of your holy lie.
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife.
I'll Tell You My Sins So You Canpen Your Knife.
Я поведаю тебе свои грехи, так что можешь точить нож,
I will tell you my sins, so you can sharpen a knife,
Offer me my deathless death.
Offer Me My Deathless Death.
Предложи мне бессмертную кончину.
Offer me an immortal death.
Good God, let me give you my life.
Good God, Let Me Give You My Life.
Боже, позволь мне вверить тебе свою жизнь.
God, let me entrust you with my life.
If I'm a pagan of the good times
Run I'M A Pagan of the Good Times
Если я язычник из добрых времён,
If I am a pagan out of good times
My lover's the sunlight.
My Lover's The SunLight.
То моя любимая — солнечный свет.
Then my beloved is sunlight.
To keep the Goddess on my side,
To Keep the Goddess on My Side,
Чтобы богиня оставалась рядом со мной,
So that the goddess stays next to me,
She demands a sacrifice,
She Demands a Sacrifice,
Требуются жертвы:
Victims are required:
To drain the whole sea,
To drive the Whole Sea,
Осушить море,
Drain the sea
Get something shiny,
Принести что-нибудь блестящее
Bring something brilliant
Something meaty for the main course.
Someting Meaty for the Main Course.
И что-нибудь мясное на второе.
And something meat on the second.
That's a fine looking high horse,
That's a Fine Looking High Horse,
Вот прекрасный белый конь,
Here is a wonderful white horse
What you got in the stable?
What You Got in the Stable?
А что у тебя в конюшне?
And what is in your stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful,
We've a Lot of Starting FaithFul,
У нас много голодных верующих,
We have many hungry believers,
That looks tasty,
That look Tasty,
Выглядит аппетитно,
Looks appetizing,
That looks plenty,
That look play,
Выглядит богато,
It looks rich
This is hungry work.
This is Hungry Work.
От такой работы хочется поесть.
I would like to eat from such work.
No masters or kings when the ritual begins,
No Masters or Kings When The Ritual Begins,
С началом ритуала не остаётся ни господ, ни королей,
With the beginning of the ritual, there are no gentlemen or kings,
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin,
There is no sweeter inopeence than other sin,
Нет ничего невиннее нашего милого греха,
There is nothing more innocent than our sweet sin,
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene,
In the Madness and Soil of that Sad Earthly Scene,
В безумии и грязи этой земной сцены —
In the madness and mud of this earthly scene -
Only then I am human,
Only the i am human,
Только тогда я человек,
Only then am I a person
Only then I am clean.
Only the i am Clean.
Только тогда я чист.
Only then I am clean.
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