Собираю марки от чужих конвертов,
I collect stamps from other people's envelopes,
Отпускаю мысли, так легко по ветру
I release thoughts, so easy in the wind
Улетает время, тяжелей и дольше,
Time flies away, harder and longer,
Я тебя не встречу, не увижу больше.
I will not meet you, I will not see anymore.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Не могу привыкнуть к глупости и фальши,
I can't get used to stupidity and falsehood
Ты была так близко, ты теперь всё дальше,
You were so close, now you are farther now
Ты вчера ходила на Агату Кристи,
You went to Agatha Christie yesterday,
Я пинал по скверу золотые листья.
I kicked gold leaves in the square.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Разливал стаканы я Кинзмараули,
I poured glasses I kinzmarauli,
И чужие руки резали сулгуни,
And the Sulguni cut the other people's hands,
Пела она песни плохие да фальшиво,
She sang songs bad and false
В голове стучалось - без тебя паршиво.
I knocked in my head - without you lousy.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
Не со мной ты, не со мной ты,
Not with me, you are not with me,
Не со мной ты, не со мной.
Not with me, not with me.
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