Эдита Пьеха - Город детства - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Эдита Пьеха - Город детства
Где-то есть город, тихий, как сон
Somewhere there is a city, quiet like a dream
Пылью тягучей по грудь занесен
Dust of the boobs are listed
В медленной речке вода, как стекло
In a slow river, water like glass
Где-то есть город, в котором тепло
Somewhere there is a city in which heat
Наше далекое детство там прошло...
Our distant childhood has passed there ...
Ночью из дома я поспешу
At night, I slept
В кассе вокзала билет попрошу
At the checkout station, I will ask the ticket
Может, впервые за тысячу лет
Maybe for the first time in a thousand years
Дайте до детства плацкартный билет
Give me a departure ticket until childhood
Тихо кассирша ответит: "Билетов нет"...
Quiet cashier will answer: "There are no tickets" ...
Ну что, дружище, как ей возразить,
Well, buddy, how to argue,
Дорогу в детство где ещё спросить.
The road to childhood where else to ask.
А может просто только иногда
Or maybe just sometimes sometimes
Лишь в памяти своей приходим мы туда.
Only in my memory we come there.
В городе этом сказки живут
In the city of this fairy tales live
Шалые ветры с собою зовут
Chaled winds with their name
Там нас порою сводили с ума
There we sometimes reduced us
Сосны до неба, до солнца дома
Pines to the sky, to the sun at home
Там по сугробам неслышно шла зима...
There, in the snowdrifts, winter was silent ...
Дальняя песня в нашей судьбе.
Far song in our fate.
Ласковый город - спасибо тебе,
Affectionate city - Thank you,
Мы не приедем, напрасно не жди,
We will not come, do not wait in vain,
Есть на планете другие пути.
There are other paths on the planet.
Мы повзрослели, поверь нам, и прости.
We matured, believe us, and sorry.
(ок. 1967)
(OK 1967)
Музыка: Frank Miller
Music: Frank Miller
Русский текст (не перевод!): Р. Рождественский
Russian text (not translation!): R. Christmas
Слова: Terry Gilkyson, Richard Dehr
Words: Terry Gilkyson, Richard Dehr
(стилизация шотландской баллады):
(Stylization of Scottish ballads):
Once there were green fields kissed by the Sun,
Once There Were Green Fields Kissed by The Sun
Once there were valleys, where rivers used to run,
Once There Were Valleys, Where Rivers Used to Run,
Once there were blue sky with white clouds high above,
Once there were part of an everlasting love.
Once There Were Part of An Everlasting Love.
We were the loves who strolled thro' green fields.
We Were The Loves Who Strolled Thro 'Green Fields.
Green fields are gone now, parched by the Sun,
Green Fields Are Gone Now, Parched By The Sun,
Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run,
Gone from the Valleys Where Rivers Used to Run
Gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart,
Gone with the Cold Wind That Swept Into My Heart
Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart.
Gone With the Lovers Who Let Their Dreams Depart.
Where are the green fields that we used to roam?..
Where Are the Green Fields That We used to roam? ..
I'll never know what made you run away.
I'll Never Know What Made You Run Away.
How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day?
How Can I Keep Searching WHEN Dark Clouds Hide The Day?
I only know there's nothing here for me,
I Only Know There's Nothing Here for Me,
Nothing in this wide world left for me to see.
Nothing in this Wide World Left for Me to See.
But I'll keep on waitin' till you return,
But i'll Keep on Waitin 'Till You Return
I'll keep on waitin' untill the day you learn.
I'll Keep on Waitin 'Untill The Day You Learn.
You can't be happy while your heart's on the roam,
You Can't Be Happy While Your Heart's On The Roam
You can't be happy untill you bring it home,
You Can't Be Happy Untill You Bring It Home
Home to the green fields and me once again.
Home To The Green Fields and Me Once Again.
(Сотканы солнцем эти края,
(Woven the Sun of these edges,
Реки питали зелёные поля,
Rivers feed green fields,
Небо синело средь белых облаков,
The sky is a blue clouds
Двое влюблённых во власти сладких снов...
Two lovers in the power of sweet dreams ...
Мы - эти двое в бескрайних полях.
We are these two in the endless fields.
Реки иссохли, реки ушли,
The rivers of Cockling, the rivers went away,
Травы пожухли, дотла испепелены,
The herbs are buried, the ducks are awesome,
Ветер холодный сердца разъединил,
Wind Cold Hearts disconnected
Ветер холодный мне душу застудил...
The wind cold my soul fell by ...
Где те долины ушедшей любви?...
Where are those valleys of gone love? ...
Мне не узнать, что сделалось с тобой,
I can't find out what happened to you,
Что сияние солнца сменило сизой мглой,
That the radiance of the Sun replaced the GULL SIZY,
Лишь знаю я: пустым стал белый свет,
I just know: the white light became empty,
Не на что глядеть мне, ничего в нём нет...
Not to look to me, there is nothing in it ...
Но я всё надеюсь, жду: ты придёшь.
But I hope I hope: you will come.
Я всё надеюсь: тепло ты сбережёшь.
I hope everything: warm you will save.
Счастья не будет, покуда мы - в пути,
Happiness will not be, as long as we are on the way,
Счастья не будет, пока нам не войти
Happiness will not be for us until we
В дом, что стоит средь зелёных полей.)
In the house, which costs the medium of green fields.)
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