Элтон Джон - Believe in love - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Элтон Джон - Believe in love
I believe in love, its all we got
I Believe in Love, Its All We Got
Я верю в любовь, это все, что у нас есть.
I believe in love, that's all we have.
Love has no boundaries, costs nothing to touch
Love Has no Boundaries, Costs Nothing to Touch
Любовь безгранична и бесценна,
Love is limitless and priceless,
War makes money, cancer sleeps
War Makes Money, Cancer Sleeps
Война приносит деньги, рак спит,
The war brings money, cancer sleeps,
Curled up in my father and that means something to me
Curled Up in My Father and that Means SoMething to Me
Свернувшись клубочком в теле моего отца, и это что-то значит для меня.
Blood in my father’s body, and that means something for me.
Churches and dictators, politics and papers
Churches and Dictators, Politics and Papers
Церкви и диктаторы, политики и газеты -
Churches and dictators, politicians and newspapers -
Everything crumbles sooner or later
Все это рухнет рано или поздно,
All this will collapse sooner or later,
But love, I believe in love
But love, I BelievE in Love
Но не любовь, я верю в любовь...
But not love, I believe in love ...
I believe in love, its all we got
I Believe in Love, Its All We Got
Я верю в любовь, это все, что у нас есть,
I believe in love, that's all we have,
Love has no boundaries, no borders to cross
Love Has No Boundaries, No Borders to Cross
Любовь безгранична, ее не измерить.
Love is limitless, not to measure it.
Love is simple, hate breeds
Love Is Simple, Hate Breeds
Любовь проста, это ненависть порождает
Love is simple, this hatred gives rise to
Those who think difference is the child of disease
Those Whok Difference Is the Child of Disease
Тех, кто думает, что различие - это дитя болезни...
Those who think that the difference is a child of the disease ...
Father and son make love and guns
Father and Son Make Love and Guns
Отец и сын создают любовь и ружья,
Father and son create love and guns,
Families together kill someone
Families Together Kill Someone
Семьи вместе убивают кого-то,
Families are killing someone together,
Without love, I believe in love
Without Love, I Believe in Love
Без любви... Я верю в любовь...
Without love ... I believe in love ...
Without love I wouldn't believe
Без любви я бы не верил
I would not believe without love
In anything that lives and breathes
In Anything that Lives and Breaths
Во все, что живет и дышит.
Everything that lives and breathes.
Without love I'd have no anger
Without Love i'd have no Anger
Без любви не было бы гнева,
There would be no anger without love
I wouldn't believe in the right to stand here
I WOULDNIT BELIEVE in the Right to Stand Geere
Я бы не верил в право стоять здесь,
I would not believe in the right to stand here
Without love I wouldn't believe
Без любви я бы не верил,
I would not believe without love
I couldnt believe in you
Не мог бы поверить в тебя,
Could you believe in you
And I wouldn't believe in me
And i wooldn`t believe in me
Не верил бы в себя,
I would not believe in myself
Without love
Without Love
Без любви...
Without love...
I believe in love
I Believe in Love
Я верю в любовь...
I believe in love...
I believe in love
I Believe in Love
Я верю в любовь...
I believe in love...
I believe in love
I Believe in Love
Я верю в любовь...
I believe in love...
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