Юрий и Галина Петуховы - Вера Бахаи - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Юрий и Галина Петуховы - Вера Бахаи
Вот и время пришло,
So time has come
Пусть минует нас доля лихая.
Let the share of dashing pass us.
Мать-отчизна к тебе
Mother-father to you
Обращаем мы души свои.
We turn our souls.
Так встречай Украина
So meet Ukraine
Священную веру Бахаи.
The sacred faith of Bahai.
За тебя молим Бога,
For you, we pray to God,
Мы, Дети твои, Бахаи.
We, your children, Bahai.
За тебя молим Бога,
For you, we pray to God,
Мы, Дети твои, Бахаи.
We, your children, Bahai.
От зелёных Карпат,
From green Carpathians,
До морей голубого порога.
To the seas of the blue threshold.
От магнолий в Крыму,
From magnolia in the Crimea,
До Черниговский топей и мха
To Chernihiv moss and moss
Всё ясней и ясней
Everything is clearer and clearer
Сокровенное слово пророка.
The secret word of the prophet.
Всё слышней и слышней
Everything is more audible and heard
Привет наш Алла-у-Абха.
Hi Our Alla-U-Abha.
Всё слышней и слышней
Everything is more audible and heard
Привет наш Алла-у-Абха.
Hi Our Alla-U-Abha.
Все мы дети земли,
We are all children of the Earth
Ей желаем мы мира и воли.
We wish her peace and will.
А ещё мы хотим чтоб сияла у всех на виду
And we also want to shine in sight
Наша Мать-Украина,
Our mother-Ukraine,
Любовь наша, песня и доля.
Our love, song and share.
Драгоценный цветок,
Precious flower,
Во всемирном господнем саду.
In the World Lord Garden.
Драгоценный цветок,
Precious flower,
Во всемирном господнем саду.
In the World Lord Garden.
Как бы наша судьба
As if our fate
Не казалась нам тяжкой и горькой.
It did not seem heavy and bitter.
Как бы ни была ночь
No matter how night
Бесконечна слепа и глуха.
Infinite is blind and deaf.
Над горою Кармель,
Above the city of Carmel,
Над седою Владимирской Горкой
Over Sedoy Vladimir Gorka
Наше солнце встаёт
Our sun rises
На привет наш Алла-у-Абха.
On hello ours Alla-u-Abha.
Наше солнце встаёт
Our sun rises
На привет наш Алла-у-Абха.
On hello ours Alla-u-Abha.
So the time has come,
So the Time Has Come,
Let the troubles and hideous fate go away.
Let the Trubles and Hideous Fate Go Away.
Mother-homeland, to you
Mother-Homeland, to You
We turn our souls.
We Turn Oour Souls.
So, Ukraine, greet
So, Ukraine, Greet
the Holy Bahai Faith.
The Holy Bahai Faith.
We are, your children, praying to God about you.
We are, your Children, Praying to God About You.
We are, your children, praying to God about you.
We are, your Children, Praying to God About You.
From green Carpathians,
From Green Carpathians,
Up to blue seas threshold.
Up To Blue Seas Threshold.
From magnolias in the Crimea,
From Magnolias in the Crimea,
Up to Chernigov' marshes and moss
Up To Chernigov 'Marshes and Moss
Innermost word of the prophet
Innermost Word of the Prophet
Is becoming clearer and clearer.
IS Becomping Clearer and Clearer.
Becomes more distinct and distinct
Becomes More Distinct and DistINCT
Our greeting 'Alla-u-Abha'.
OUR Greeting 'Alla-U-Abha'.
Becomes more distinct and distinct
Becomes More Distinct and DistINCT
Our greeting 'Alla-u-Abha'.
OUR Greeting 'Alla-U-Abha'.
We are all children of the earth,
We are all children of the earth,
We wish her peace and freedom.
We who her her family and freedom.
And also we want that our Mother-Ukraine,
And Also We Want that Oour Mother-Ukraine,
Shine for all to see. [shine in full view of everybody]
Shine for all to see. [Shine in Full View of EVERYBODY]
You - Our love, our song, our fate.
You are Precious flower,
You are procious flower,
In the Thine garden.
In the Thine Garden.
You are Precious flower,
You are procious flower,
In the Thine garden.
In the Thine Garden.
No matter that destiny seem to us heavy and rough.
No Matter That Destiny Seem To Us Heavy and Roun.
No matter that night are endlessly blind and deaf.
No Matter That Night Are Endlessly Blind and Deaf.
Over Cornet [or Carmel] mountain, Over a hoary Vladimir Hill,
Over Cornet [or Carmel] Mountain, Over a Hoary Vladimir Hill,
The sun rises for our greeting 'Alla-u-Abha'.
The Sun Rises for Oour Greeting 'Alla-U-Abha'.
Юрий Шатунов - С Днём Рождения
Юрий Богатиков - Не остуди свое сердце, сынок
Юрий Антонов - Летящей походкой
Юные титаны вперед - И небо в звёздах все
ЮГ feat Nonamerz - Еще Один День
Юлия Славянская - Я пришла за счастьем
Юрий Богатиков - Давно не бывал я в Донбассе
Любовная лирика - Господин Стаховский
A. Grigoryan - The Sunburst Song
Влад Белик, Влад Каращук и Эрнест Дерябин - Ветер любви
Заволокин Геннадий - Колокольный звон