Alan Rickman - Birds and Bees - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Alan Rickman

Название песни: Birds and Bees

Дата добавления: 24.07.2024 | 23:10:07

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Alan Rickman - Birds and Bees

О чем поёт Хилли Кристал -"Birds and the Bees"
What Hilly Crystal sings about - "Birds and the Bees"
Перевод Arirang
Translation of Arirang

So a little bird, sitting on a tree,
So a little bird, sitting on a tree,
Wanna to start a family,
Wanna start a family,
And went twit, twit,
And went twit, twit,
Twit, twit,
Tweet, tweet,
He were looking for a she.
He were looking for a she.

Couldn't wait
Couldn't wait
To find the mate,
To find the mate,
Sat on a tree, saying a plea,
Sat on a tree, saying a plea,
And went tweet, tweet,
And went tweet, tweet,
Tweet, tweet -
Tweet, tweet -
He were looking for a she...
He were looking for a she...

Маленькая птичка, сидящая на дереве,
Little bird sitting on a tree
Так хочет создать семью!
So he wants to start a family!
Ему нужна она.
He needs her.

Не в силах дождаться,
Can't wait
Когда она найдёт себе партнёра,
When she finds a partner,
Птичка уселась на дерево и давай призывно петь -
The bird sat on a tree and let’s sing invitingly -
Он ищет её...
He's looking for her...
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