Andrew Scott - Betrayal - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Andrew Scott - Betrayal
Блестящая сцена из "Betrayal"
Brilliant scene from "Betrayal"
-I was best man at your wedding. I saw you in white. I watched you glide by in white.
-I Was Best Man At Your Wedding. I Saw You in White. I Watched You Glide by in White.
(Я был шафером на твоей свадьбе. Видел тебя в белом. Как ты плыла в белом.)
(I was a safer on your wedding. I saw you in white. How did you float in white.)
-I wasn’t in white.
-I Wasn't in White.
(Я не была в белом.)
(I was not in white.)
-You know what should have happened?
-You Know What Shald Have Happened?
(Знаешь, как должно было случиться?)
(You know how it should happen?)
-I should have had you, in your white, before the wedding. I should have blackened you, in your white wedding dress, blackened you in your bridal dress, before ushering you into your wedding, as your best man.
-I Should Have Had You, In Your White, Before Wedding. I Should Have Blackned You, In Your White Wedding Dress, Blackned You in Your Bridal Dress, Before Ushering You Into Your Wedding, As Your Best Man.
(Я должен был обладать тобою белой до свадьбы. Замарать тебя, белую, свадебную, а уж потом быть твоим шафером.)
(I had to possess you White before the wedding. To make you, white, wedding, and then be your chafer.)
-My husband’s best man. Your best friend’s best man.
-My Husband's Best Man. Your Best Friend's Best Man.
(Шафером со стороны мужа. Твоего лучшего друга.)
(Schafer on the side of her husband. Your best friend.)
-No, no. Your best man.
-NO, NO. Your best man.
(Нет, твоим шафером.)
(No, your safer.)
-I must get back.
-I Must Get Back.
(Мне надо идти.)
(I have to go.)
-You’re lovely. I’m crazy about you. All these words I’m using, don’t you see, they’ve never been said before. Can’t you see? I’m crazy about you. It’s a whirlwind. Have you ever been to the Sahara Desert? Listen to me. It’s true. Listen. You overwhelm me. You’re so lovely.
-You're Lovely. I'm Crazy About You. All These Words I'm using, Don't You See, They've Never Been Said Before. Can't you See? I'm Crazy About You. IT's a whirlwind. Have You Ever Been To the Sahara Desert? Listen to me. It's True. Listen. You Overwhelm Me. You're So Lovely.
(Ты прелесть. Я по тебе с ума схожу. Я говорю слова, которых никто никому не говорил. Разве ты не понимаешь? С ума схожу. Это смерч какой-то. Ты была когда-нибудь в Сахаре? Послушай. Это правда. Послушай. Ты завладела мною целиком. Ты такая прелесть.)
(You are charm. I'm crazy about you. I say words whom no one told anyone. Don't you understand? I'm crazy. This is a tornado. Have you ever been in sugar? Listen. It's true. Listen . You have plotted me entirely. You are so charm.)
-I’m not.
-I'm not.
-You’re so beautiful. Look at the way you look at me.
-You're So beautiful. Look at the Way You Look At Me.
(Такая красивая. Посмотри, как ты смотришь на меня.)
(Such a beautiful. Look how you look at me.)
-I’m not… looking at you.
-I'm not ... Looking At You.
(Я совсем… не смотрю на тебя.)
(I'm completely ... I do not look at you.)
-Look at the way you’re looking at me. I can’t wait for you, I’m bowled over, I’m totally knocked out, you dazzle me, you jewel, my jewel, I can’t ever sleep again, no, listen, it’s the truth. I won’t walk. I’ll be a cripple. I’ll descend, I’ll diminish, into total paralysis, my life is in your hands, that’s what you’re banishing me to, a state of catatonia, do you know the state of catatonia? do you? do you? the state of… where the reigning prince is the prince of emptiness, the prince of absence, the prince of desolation. I love you.
-Look at the Way You're Looking AT ME. I Can't Wait for You, I'm Bowled Over, I'm Totally Knocked Out, You Dazzle Me, You Jewel, My Jewel, I CAN't Ever Sleep Again, No, Listen, It's The Truth. I WONT WALK. I'll be a crapple. I'll Descend, I'Ll Diminish, Into Total Paralysis, My Life Is in Your Hands, That's What You're Banishing Me To, A State of Catatonia, Do You Know The State Of Catatonia? Do you? Do you? The State of ... Where the Reigning Prince Is The Prince of Emptiness, The Prince of Absence, The Prince of Desolation. I love you.
(Посмотри, как ты на меня смотришь. Я весь в горячке, сбит с толку, раздавлен, ты ослепляешь меня, мое сокровище, я спать теперь не смогу, послушай, это правда, я не смогу переставлять ноги, свалюсь, буду лежать пластом, ты держишь в руках мою жизнь, ввергаешь меня в ступор — ты знаешь, что это такое, ступор? Это значит владеть пустотой, владеть ничем, владеть одиночеством. Я люблю тебя.)
(See how you look at me. I'm all in a fever, confused, crushed, you blind me, my treasure, I can not sleep now, listen, it's true, I will not be able to rearrange my legs, put, I will lie down with a layer, You hold my life in my hands, write me into a stupor - do you know what it is, a stupor? It means to own the emptiness, to own anything, own loneliness. I love you.)
-My husband is at the other side of that door.
-My Husband Is At The Other Side Of That Door.
(За дверью мой муж.)
(Behind the door is my husband.)
-Everyone knows. The world knows. It knows. But they’ll never know, they’ll never know, they’re in a different world. I adore you. I’m madly in love with you. I can’t believe that what anyone is at this moment saying has ever happened has ever happened. Nothing has ever happened. Nothing. This is the only thing that has ever happened. Your eyes kill me. I’m lost. You’re wonderful.
--Everyone knows. The World Knows. IT KNOWS. But They'll Never Know, They'll Never Know, They're In A Different World. I adore you. I'm Madly in Love with You. I Can't Believe That What Anyone Is At this Moment Saying Has Ever Happened Have Ever Happened. Nothing has ever happened. Nothing. This Is The Only Thing That Has Ever Happened. Your Eyes Kill Me. I'm Lost. You're Wonderful.
(На словах это все знают. Весь мир знает. А по-настоящему никто не знает. И не узнает. Они в другом мире живут. Я обожаю тебя. Я потерял голову от любви к тебе. И если кто-нибудь что-то говорит сию минуту, я никому и ничему не поверю. Ничего у них не было. Не было. Только наше есть. Твои глаза меня погубят. Ты прекрасна.)
(In words, everyone knows. The whole world knows. And really nobody knows. And he does not know. They live in another world. I adore you. I lost my head from love for you. And if someone says something I'm a minute, I will not believe anyone and nothing. There was nothing. There was nothing. Only our eating. Your eyes will destroy me. You are beautiful.)
*He kisses her. She breaks away. He kisses her. She breaks away. Door opens*.
* He Kisses Her. She Breaks Away. He Kisses Her. She Breaks Away. Door OpenS *.
(Целует ее. Она вырывается. Он опять целует. Она вырывается. Распахивается дверь.)
(Kisses her. She pulls out. He kisses again. She pulls out. Swipe the door.)
-Your best friend’s drunk.
-Your Best Friend's Drunk.
(Твой лучший друг пьян в стельку.)
(Your best friend is drunk in the insole.)
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