Artist - Madhurashtakam - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Artist - Madhurashtakam

adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram
Adharam Madhuram Vadanam Madhuram Nayanam Madhuram Hasitam Madhuram
hrudayam madhuram gamanam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Hrudayam Madhuram Gamanam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
"Его губы сладостны, Его глаза сладостны, Его улыбка сладостна, Его сердце сладостно, Его походка сладостна.
"His lips are sweet, his eyes are sweet, his smile is sweet, his heart is sweet, his gait is sweet.
Everything is sweet about the Lord of sweetness." (1)
vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram
Vachanam Madhuram Charitam Madhuram Vasanam Madhuram Valitam Madhuram
chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Chalitam Madhuram Bhramitam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
"Его слова сладки, Его характер мил, Его предметы одежды сладки, Его пупок сладок, Его движение сладко,
"His words are sweet, his character is sweet, his clothes are sweet, his navel is sweet, his movement is sweet,
Его блуждание сладко, Все сладко о Боге сладости." (2)
His wandering is sweet, everything is sweet about the god of sweetness. "(2)
venur madhuro renur madhurah panir-madhurah padau madhurau
Venur Madhuro Renur Madhurah Panir-Madhurah Padau Madhurau
nrtyam madhuram sakhyam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Nrtyam Madhuram Sakhyam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
" Его флейта сладостна, пыль от Его лотосоподобных ступней сладостна, Его ладони сладостны, Его ступни сладостны, Его танец сладок, Его дружба сладка, Всё сладко о Боге сладости." (3)
"His flute is sweet, the dust from his lotus -like feet is sweet, his palms are sweet, his feet are sweet, his dance is sweet, his friendship is sweet, everything is sweet about the god of sweetness." (3)
gitam madhuram pitam madhuram bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram
Gitam Madhuram Pitam Madhuram Bhuktam Madhuram Suptam Madhuram
rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Rupam Madhuram Tilakam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
"Его пение сладко, Его питье (пахта) сладко, Его еда сладка, Его сон сладок, Его форма
"His singing is sweet, his drink (pasta) is sweet, his food is sweet, his dream is sweet, his shape
сладка, Его tilaka сладок, Все сладко о Боге сладости. " (4)
Sweet, his Tilaka is sweet, everything is sweet about the god of sweetness. "(4)
karanam madhuram taranam madhuram haranam madhuram ramanam madhuram
Karanam Madhuram Taranam Madhuram Haranam Madhuram Ramanam Madhuram
vamitam madhuram shamitam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Vamitam Madhuram Shamitam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
"Его действия сладки, Его Путь Спасения сладок, Его ворование сладко, Его любовь к спортивным состязаниям сладка, Его
"His actions are sweet, his path of salvation is sweet, his warfare is sweet, his love of sports competitions is sweet, his
предложения сладки, Его спокойствие сладко, Все сладко о Боге сладости. " (5)
The sentences are sweet, his calm is sweet, everything is sweet about the god of sweetness. "(5)
gunja madhura mala madhura Ямуна madhura vichi madhura
Gunja Madhura Mala Madhura Yamuna Madhura Vichi Madhura
salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Salilam Madhuram Kamalam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
"Его gunja-mala сладок, Его цветочная гирлянда сладка, Его Ямуна сладка, рябь Его Ямуны сладка, Его вода сладка, Его лотосы в Ямуне сладки, Все сладко о Боге сладости. " (6)
"His Gunja-Mala is sweet, his flower garland is sweet, his Yamuna is sweet, his hazel is sweet, his water is sweet, his lotuses in Yamun are sweet, everything is sweet about the God of sweetness." (6)
gopi madhura lila madhura yuktam madhuram muktam madhuram
Gopi Madhura Lila Madhura Yuktam Madhuram Muktam Madhuram
ishtam madhuram shistam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
"Его Gopis сладки, Его времяпрепровождения сладки, Его встреча сладка, Его спасение сладко, Его счастье сладко, Его этикет сладок, Все сладко о Боге сладости. " (7)
"His gopis is sweet, his pastime is sweet, his meeting is sweet, his salvation is sweet, his happiness is sweet, his etiquette is sweet, everything is sweet about the God of sweetness." (7)
gopa madhura gavo madhura yashtir madhura shrushtir madhura
Gopa Madhura Gavo Madhura Yashtir Madhura Shrushtir Madhura
dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram madhuradi-pater akhilam madhuram
Dalitam Madhuram Phalitam Madhuram Madhuradi-Pater Akhilam Madhuram
"Его пастушки милы, Его коровы милы, Его пастуший посох мил, Его создание (мир) сладко, Его попирание ногами сладко, Его плодотворность сладка, Все сладко о Боге сладости. " (8)
"His shepherds are sweet, his cows are sweet, his shepherd's staff is sweet, his creation (peace) is sweet, his legs are sweet, his fruitfulness is sweet, everything is sweet about the God of sweetness." (8)
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