Aytekin DAYLAN ft. Taylan AYIK-07-Nefes - www.aytekindaylan.com - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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ДЫХАНИЕ (Russian)
Breathing (Russian)
Неважно мужчина ты или женщина, каждый несет в себе жизнь.
It doesn’t matter a man or woman, everyone carries life in himself.
Твоя правда в истине, не обманешь, все записывается.
Your truth is in truth, you can’t deceive, everything is recorded.
Результат терпения - благополучие, есть терпение - все будет.
The result of patience - well -being, there is patience - everything will be.
Коль дано место в потустороннем мире, зачем стремишься здесь, свети все счеты.
Kohl is given a place in the other world, why strive here, shine all scores.
Пока ты дышишь, не иссякнут твои желания.
While you breathe, your desires will not run out.
Человеческие желания в каждой игре найдут себе роль.
Human desires in every game will find a role.
Мир людей ради земного богатства готов на смерть.
The world of people for the sake of earthly wealth is ready for death.
Сколь жаден бы ты не был, с собой в могилу ничего не унесешь.
No matter how greed you were, you won’t take anything to the grave.
Неважно мужчина ты или женщина, каждый несет в себе жизнь.
It doesn’t matter a man or woman, everyone carries life in himself.
Твоя правда в истине, не обманешь, все записывается.
Your truth is in truth, you can’t deceive, everything is recorded.
Залог благополучия – терпение, если его нет – считай, пропал.
The key to well -being is patience, if not - consider it, disappeared.
Коль дано место в потустороннем мире, зачем стремишься здесь, свети все счеты.
Kohl is given a place in the other world, why strive here, shine all scores.
Пока ты дышишь, не иссякнут твои желания.
While you breathe, your desires will not run out.
Человеческие желания в каждой игре найдут себе роль.
Human desires in every game will find a role.
Мир людей ради земного богатства готов на смерть.
The world of people for the sake of earthly wealth is ready for death.
Сколь жаден бы ты не был, с собой в могилу ничего не унесешь.
No matter how greed you were, you won’t take anything to the grave.
BREATH (English)
Breath (English)
It doesn’t matter, whether you are a Man or Woman; every one carries life inside.
Your truth stays for the Veritas, no fool all is recorded.
Your Truth Stays for the Veritas, No Fool All is Recorded.
The sequel of patience is welfare, if you've got patience you'll get everything.
The Sequel of Patience is Welfare, If You've Got Patience You'll Get EVERYTHING.
If there is a place for you in the other world why then you eager to settle old scores here?
If the is a place for you in the other world will you eager to settle old scores here?
Thus far you breathe your wishes will never run out.
Thus Far You Breathe Your Wishes Will Never Run out.
Human wishes get thier role in any kind of game.
Human Wishes Get Thier Role in Any Kind of Game.
The world of Man for leaves and fishes is ready to die.
The World of Man for Leaves and Fishes Is Ready To Die.
However greedy you are you can take nothing to the grave along with you.
However Greedy You Are You Can Take Nothing to the Grave Along with You.
It doesn’t matter, whether you are a Man or Woman; every one carries life inside.
Your truth stays for the Veritas, no fool all is recorded.
Your Truth Stays for the Veritas, No Fool All is Recorded.
Seal of prosperity – patience, if no any – deem it lost.
Seal of Prosperity - Patience, If No Any - Deem It Lost.
If there is a place for you in the other world, what for you eager to settle account here?
If the is a place for you in the other world, What for you eager to settle Account Geere?
Thus far you breathe your wishes will never run out.
Thus Far You Breathe Your Wishes Will Never Run out.
Human wishes get thier role in any kind of game.
Human Wishes Get Thier Role in Any Kind of Game.
The world of Man for leaves and fishes is ready to die.
The World of Man for Leaves and Fishes Is Ready To Die.
However greedy you are you can take nothing to the grave along with you.
However Greedy You Are You Can Take Nothing to the Grave Along with You.
NEFES (Turkish)
Nefes (Turkish)
Kadın erkek farketmez, herkes bir can taşıyor.
Kadın Erkek Farketmez, Herkes Bir Can Taşıyor.
Senin doğrun hakikatte, sökmez herşey yazılıyor.
Senin doğrun hakikatte, sökmez herşey yazılıyor.
Sabrın sonu selamet, hoşgörü varsa yaşanıyor.
Sabrın Sonu Selamat, Hoşgörü Varsa yaşanıyor.
Ahiretse yeri neden, herşey burda hesaplanıyor.
Ahiretse Yeri Neden, Herşey Burda Hesaplanıyor.
Nefes tükenmeden, heves tükenmiyor.
Nefes Tükenmeden, Heves Tükeenmiyor.
Nefis her oyunda, kendine rol buluyor.
NEFIS Her Oyunda, Kendine Rol Buluyor.
Ademoğlu dünyalığa, ölümüne tamah ediyor.
Ademoğlu dünyalığa, ölümüne tama ediyor.
Aç göz varsın doymasın, kefene cep dikilmiyor.
Aç Göz varsın doymasın, kefene cep dikilmiyor.
Kadın erkek farketmez, herkes bir can taşıyor.
Kadın Erkek Farketmez, Herkes Bir Can Taşıyor.
Senin doğrun hakikatte, sökmez herşey yazılıyor.
Senin doğrun hakikatte, sökmez herşey yazılıyor.
Selametin başı sabır, hoşgörü yoksa taşıyor.
Selamatin Başı Sabır, Hoşgörü yoksa Taşıyor.
Ahiretse yeri neden, herkes burda hesaplaşıyor.
Ahiretse Yeri Neden, Herkes Burda Hesaplaşıyor.
Nefes tükenmeden, heves tükenmiyor.
Nefes Tükenmeden, Heves Tükeenmiyor.
Nefis her oyunda, kendine rol buluyor.
NEFIS Her Oyunda, Kendine Rol Buluyor.
Ademoğlu dünyalığa, ölümüne tamah ediyor.
Ademoğlu dünyalığa, ölümüne tama ediyor.
Aç göz varsın doymasın, kefene cep dikilmiyor.
Aç Göz Varsın doymasın, Kefene cep dikilmiyor.