Bloody smile of The Rain - The Night - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Bloody smile of The Rain

Название песни: The Night

Дата добавления: 04.08.2024 | 21:38:06

Просмотров: 2

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Bloody smile of The Rain - The Night

The Moon on black sky,
The Moon On Black Sky,
As cause to oblivion.
As Cause to Oblivion.
And wait while heart stops in body
And Wait While Heart Stops in Body
And not will nevermore...
And not Will Nevermore ...

But tears no.
But tears no.
Only in bosom gravely,
Only in Bosom Gravely,
On hand-scars.
On Hand-Scars.
"why?"-has said indistinct.
"Who?"-Has Said Indistint.

А around-darkness,
So that brightly.
So that Brightly.
And everywhere silence,
And eventwhere silence,
So that beats on rumour...
So that beats on rumour ...

And once again appear the light in abyss,
And once Again Appear the Light in Abyss,
Outbound so far.
Outbound So far.
And once again will whisper rain indistinct words,
And online again Will Whisper Rain Indistinct Words,
For shower so powerfully
For shower so powerfully

И снова настанет ненавистный день,
And again the hated day will come
Когда солнца свет каснётся стен.
When the Sun Light Cashes the walls.
Захочется спать,чтобы не видеть это всё.
I want to sleep so as not to see it all.
И мысли "умереть..." покинут тело твоё...
And the thoughts of "die ..." will leave your body ...
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