CD02.09.Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни CD02.09.Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror
Mirror, Mirror (оригинал Blind Guardian)
Mirror, Mirror (original Blind Guardian)
Свет мой, зеркальце (перевод Евгения)
My light, mirror (translation of Eugene)
Far, far beyond the island
FAR, FAR Beond the Island
Далеко, далеко за островом
Far, far beyond the island
We dwelt in shades of twilight
We Dwelt in Shades of Twilight
В сумеречных тенях мы проживаем
In twilight shadows we live
Through dread and weary days
Through Dread and Weary Days
Ужасные и утомительные дни,
Terrible and tiring days
Through grief and endless pain
Through Grief and Endless Pain
Наполненные горем и нескончаемой болью.
Filled grief and endless pain.
It lies unknown
It lies unknown
Моя земля
My land
The land of mine
The Land of Mine
Лежит в неизвестности,
Lies in the unknown
A hidden gate
A hidden gate
Тайные врата,
Secret gates,
To save us from the shadow fall
To save us from the Shadow Fall
Чтобы спасти нас от наступления теней.
To save us from the onset of shadows.
The lord of water spoke
The Lord of Water Spoke
Повелитель воды произносил
The lord of water pronounced
In the silence
In the Silence
В тишине
In silence
Words of wisdom
Words of Wisdom
Мудрые слова:
Wise words:
I've seen the end of all
I've Seen The end of all
"Я видел конец всего.
"I saw the end of everything.
Be aware the storm gets closer
Be aWare The Storm Gets Closer
Знайте, приближается буря."
Know, the storm is approaching. "
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
Свет мой, зеркальце, на стене,
My light, mirror, on the wall,
True hope lies beyond the coast
True Hope Lies Beond the Coast
Истинная надежда - за пределами побережья.
True hope is outside the coast.
You're a damned kind can't you see
You're a Damned Kind Canet You See
Вы - проклятое племя, разве вы не понимаете,
You are a damned tribe, don't you understand
That the winds will change
That the Winds Will Change
Что ветер переменится.
That the wind will change.
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
Свет мой, зеркальце, на стене,
My light, mirror, on the wall,
True hope lies beyond the coast
True Hope Lies Beond the Coast
Истинная надежда - за пределами побережья.
True hope is outside the coast.
You're a damned kind can't you see
You're a Damned Kind Canet You See
Вы - проклятое племя, разве вы не понимаете,
You are a damned tribe, don't you understand
That tomorrows bears insanity
That Tomorrrives Beears Insanity
Что завтрашний день принесет безумие.
That tomorrow will bring madness.
Gone's the wisdom
Gone's The Wisdom
Тысячелетняя мудрость
Millennial wisdom
Of a thousand years
Of a thousand Years
A world in fire and chains and fear
A World in Fire and Chains and Fear
Мир в огне, цепях и страхе
World in fire, chains and fear
Leads me to a place so far
Leads Me to a Place So far
Ведет меня к такому далекому месту.
Leads me to such a distant place.
Deep down it lies my secret vision
Deep Down Its My Secret Vision
Оно находится глубоко внизу, мое тайное видение,
It is located deep below, my secret vision,
I better keep it safe
I Better Keep It Safe
Лучше мне хранить его в безопасности.
It is better for me to keep it safe.
Shall I leave my friends alone
Shall I Leave My Friends Alone
Следует ли мне оставить моих друзей одних,
Should I leave my friends alone
Hidden in my twilight hall
Hidden in My Twilight Hall
Спрятанными в моем сумеречном зале?
Hidden in my Twilight Hall?
I know the world is lost in fire
I Know The World Is Lost in Fire
Я знаю, мир потерян в огне.
I know the world is lost in fire.
Sure there is no way to turn it
Sure there is no way to turn it
Уверен, что нет пути, чтобы вернуть
I am sure that there is no way to return
Back to the old days
Back to the Old Days
Прежние времена
Previous times
Of bliss and cheerful laughter
Of Bliss and Cheerful Laughter
Блаженства и радостного смеха.
Bliss and joyful laughter.
We're lost in barren lands
We're Lost in Barren Lands
Мы потеряны в бесплодных землях,
We are lost in barren lands,
Caught in the running flames
Caude in the Running Flames
Захвачены бегущими языками пламени,
Captured by running languages of flame,
Мы одиноки.
We are alone.
How shall we leave the lost road
How Shall We Leave The Lost Road
Как же нам оставить эту потерянную дорогу?
How can we leave this lost road?
Time's getting short so follow me
Time's Getting Short So Follow Me
Времени выходит, так что следуйте за мной.
It turns out time, so follow me.
A leader's task so clearly
A Leader's Task So Clearly
Задача вожака так ясна -
The leader’s task is so clear -
To find a path out of the dark
To find a path out of the dark
Найти тропу из темноты.
Find the path from the darkness.
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
Свет мой, зеркальце, на стене,
My light, mirror, on the wall,
True hope lies beyond the coast
True Hope Lies Beond the Coast
Истинная надежда - за пределами побережья.
True hope is outside the coast.
You're a damned kind can't you see
You're a Damned Kind Canet You See
Вы - проклятое племя, разве вы не понимаете,
You are a damned tribe, don't you understand
That the winds will change [x2]
That winds Will Change [x2]
Что ветер переменится? [x2]
That the wind will change? [x2]
Even though
Even Thumb
Если даже
Even if
The storm calmed down
The Storm Calmed Down
Буря утихнет,
The storm will subside
The bitter end
The Bitter End
Печальный конец -
Sad end -
Is just a matter of time
IS Just A Matter of Time
Это лишь вопрос времени.
This is only a matter of time.
Shall we dare the dragon
Shall We Dare the Dragon
Бросить ли нам вызов дракону?
Should we challenge the dragon?
Merciless he's poisoning our hearts
Merciless He's Poisoning OUR Hearts
Он, не знающий пощады, отравляет наши сердца,
He, who does not know mercy, poisons our hearts,
Our hearts
OUR Hearts
Наши сердца.
Our hearts.
How shall we leave the lost road
How Shall We Leave The Lost Road
Как же нам оставить эту потерянную дорогу?
How can we leave this lost road?
Time's getting short so follow me
Time's Getting Short So Follow Me
Времени выходит, так что следуйте за мной.
It turns out time, so follow me.
A leader's task so clearly
A Leader's Task So Clearly
Задача вожака так ясна -
The leader’s task is so clear -
To find a path out of the dark
To find a path out of the dark
Найти тропу из темноты.
Find the path from the darkness.
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
Свет мой, зеркальце, на стене,
My light, mirror, on the wall,
True hope lies beyond the coast
True Hope Lies Beond the Coast
Истинная надежда - за пределами побережья.
True hope is outside the coast.
You're a damned kind can't you see
You're a Damned Kind Canet You See
Вы - проклятое племя, разве вы не понимаете,
You are a damned tribe, don't you understand
That the winds will change [x2]
That winds Will Change [x2]
Что ветер переменится? [x2]
That the wind will change? [x2]
crystal castles - it fit when i was a kid smoke
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