Elton John - Poor Cow - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Elton John - Poor Cow
There's another one due in three month's time
There's Another One in Three Month's Time
She'll have to paint the spare room blue
She'll have to pant the spare room blue
She'll work a little overtime
She'll Work a Little Overtime
And hope it all works out for Frank and her
And Hope It All Works Out For Frank and Her
If she can keep him home nights
If she can him home nights
Away from those factory girls
Away from Those Factory Girls
Новая обязанность за последние три месяца:
A new duty in the last three months:
Она должна будет убрать гостевую комнату в голубых тонах.
She will have to remove the guest room in blue tones.
Она будет работать сверхурочно
She will work overtime
И надеяться, что это поможет расплатиться за них с Фрэнком,
And hope that this will help to pay for them with Frank,
Если она сможет удерживать его по ночам
If she can hold him at night
Подальше от тех фабричных девок.
Away from those factory girls.
Приходят счета за газ, и деньги летят только так,
Gas bills come, and money is flying only
А Фрэнк всё скулит,
And Frank whines everything,
Как мало они оба зарабатывают,
How few they both earn,
И мамашу приносит по понедельникам
And brings mother on Mondays
Потрындеть про этот мир,
Fryndate about this world,
Ведь она осталась трындеть в Далласе,
After all, she remained thrown in Dallas,
Потому что ненавидит тех техасских девок.
Because he hates those Texas girls.
Бедная корова,
Poor cow,
Ты выйдешь за своего тупицу,
You will marry your dumbass
Вся твоя жизнь промелькнет у тебя перед глазами
All your life will flash before your eyes
Под ударами его кулаков.
Under the blows of his fists.
Бедная корова,
Poor cow,
В этом чертовом городе
In this damn city
Ты пойдешь под венец
You will go down the aisle
В платье, взятом напрокат
In a rental dress
У другой бедной коровы.
The other poor cow.
О, эти богатые сучки –
Oh, these rich knots -
Не то, что мы, прислуга,
Not that we, a servant,
Не горбатят свою спину,
Do not hunch up their back
Как мы, рабочий класс.
Like us, working class.
С нашей вонючей долей
With our smelly share
Не до гордости,
Not up to pride
У нас – здоровье.
We have health.
Этой правде нет места в жизни.
There is no place for this truth in life.
* - Название песни представляет собой специфическое английское выражение, употребляемое по отношению к женщине из рабочей среды, выходящей замуж только потому, что так принято.
* - The name of the song is a specific English expression used in relation to a woman from a working environment that marries only because it is so accepted.
And the gas bills come and the money burns
And the Gas Bills Come and the Money Burns
And Frank just keeps complainin’
And Frank Just Keeps Complainin ’
How little they both earn
How Little They Both Earn
And mother drops by Mondays
And Mother Drops by Mondays
Just to nag about the world
Just to Nag About the World
Then she stays to nag at Dallas
The She Stays to Nag at Dallas
`Cause she hates those Texas girls
`Cause She Hates Those Texas Girls
Poor cow
Poor Cow
You'll get your dumb man
You'll get your dumb man
You'll see your whole life comin’ at you
You'll See your What Life Comin ’At You
In the back of his hand
In the back of his hand
Poor cow
Poor Cow
It's a monkey see town
Item a monkey see town
You'll walk down the aisle
You'll Walk Down the Aisle
In the hand me down gown
In the hand me Down Gown
Of some poor cow
Of something poor cow
Oh them rich bitch girls
Oh Them Rich Bitch Girls
Ain't like our lass
Got no spine for labour
Got no spine for labour
Like us working class
Like US Working Class
Us gamey lot
US Gamey Lot
Still got our pride
Still Got Oour Pride
We got our health
It's just the truth that's died
It's just the trout That's died
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