EnglishPod.com - Dialogue MP3 - Intermediate - Cleaning the House - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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Cleaning the House Уборка в доме
Cleaning the House Cleaning in the house
A: Honey, the house is such a mess! I need you to help me tidy up a bit. My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless! - Дорогая, у нас в доме такой беспорядок! Мне нужно, чтобы ты помогла немного убраться. Моя начальница с мужем приедут на обед, и дом должен быть безупречным!
A: Honey, the House Is Such a Mess! I Need You to Help Me Tidy Up a Bit. My Boss and Her Husband Are Coming Over for Dinner and the House Needs to Be Spotless! - Darling, we have such a mess in our house! I need you to help you get out a little. My boss with her husband will come for lunch, and the house should be impeccable!
B: I’m in the middle of something right now. I’ll be there in a second.- Я сейчас занята. Я подойду через минутку.
B: I’m in the Middle of SoMething Right Now. I’ll be there in a secret.- I'm busy now. I'll go in a minute.
A: This can’t wait! I need your help now!- Это не может ждать! Мне нужна твоя помощь сейчас!
A: This can’t Wait! I Need Your Help Now!- It can't wait! I need your help now!
B: Alright, alright. I’m coming .- Хорошо, хорошо. Иду.
B: Alright, Alright. I’m coming .- Good. I'm going.
A: Ok, here’s a list of chores we need to get done. I’ll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight. You can sweep and mop the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be dusted. .- Вот список дел, которые нам надо сделать. Я помою посуду и куплю все продукты для вечера. Ты можешь подмести и протереть пол. И с мебели надо пыль смахнуть.
A: OK, HERE’s A List of Chores We Need to Get Done. I’ll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight. You can sweep and Moscow. Oh, and the furniture needs to be dusted. .- Here is a list of things that we need to do. I will wash the dishes and buy all the products for the evening. You can accommodate and wipe the floor. And you need to brush off the dust from the furniture.
B: You know what, I have to pick something up at the mall, so why don’t you clean the floors and Ill go to the supermarket and get all the groceries. - Знаешь ли что... Мне как раз кое-что нужно в магазине, поэтому почему бы тебе не протереть пол? А я куплю в супермаркете все продукты.
B: You Know What, I have to Pick Soap at the Mall, So Why Donolt Youan The Floors and Ill Go to the Supermarket and Get All the Gropers. - Do you know what ... I just need something in the store, so why don't you wipe the floor? And I will buy all products in the supermarket.
A: Sure that’s fine. Here is the list of all the things you need to get. Dont forget anything! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home? - Конечно, отлично. Вот список продуктов, которые тебе надо купить. ничего не забудь! Можешь купить бутылку вина по дороге домой?
A: Sure That’s Fine. Here is the List of all the Things You Need to Get. Dont Forget Anything! And can you pick up a Bottle of Wine on Your Way Home? - Of course, great. Here is a list of products you need to buy. Do not forget anything! Can you buy a bottle of wine on the way home?
B: Hey, honey I’m back. Wow, the house looks really good!- Да, дорогой, я вернулась. Ого! Дом выглядит превосходно!
B: Hey, Honey I’m back. Wow, the House Looks Really Good!- Yes, dear, I returned. Wow! The house looks excellent!
A: Great! Can you set the table? Здорово! Можешь накрыть на стол?
A: Great! Can you set the table? Great! Can you set the table?
B: Just a sec I’m just gonna vacuum this rug real fast...- Одну секунду! Я пройду пылесосом этот коврик...
B: Just A Sec I’m Just Gonna Vacuum This Rug Real Fast ...- One second! I will pass this rug with a vacuum cleaner ...
A: Wait! Don’t turn it on...- Стой! Не включай его ...
A: Wait! Don’T Turn it on ...- Wait! Do not turn it on ...
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