Fat Cat Cine- - Nothing At All - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Fat Cat Cine-

Название песни: Nothing At All

Дата добавления: 19.03.2023 | 20:56:03

Просмотров: 6

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Fat Cat Cine- - Nothing At All

Nothing at All (оригинал Fat Cat Cinema)
Nothing at All (original Fat Cat Cinema)
Совсем ничего (перевод Acid Row)
Nothing at all (translation of Acid Row)

[Verse 1:]
[Verse 1:]
[Куплет 1;]
[Verse 1;]
She's a beautiful girl
She's a Beautiful Girl
Она красивая девушка.
She is a beautiful girl.
She's one of a kind
She's One of a Kind
Она такая одна.
She is so alone.
Plays her cards to her chest
Plays Her Cards to her Chest
Никому не раскрывает свои карты.
He does not reveal his cards to anyone.
That's how she knows it best
That's How She Knows Its Best
Она отлично с этим справляется.
She copes with this perfectly.
Incredible lover
Incredible Lover
Невероятная любовница,
Incredible lover,
Invisible heart
Invisible Heart
Закрывшая сердце.
Closing heart.
With every breath
Каждым вздохом
Every sigh
She plays her part
She Plays Her Part
Она играет свою роль.
She plays her role.
I gave from my heart
I Gave from My Heart
От всей души я отдал (ей)
With all my heart, I gave (to her)
All of my love
All of my love
Всю свою любовь.
All your love.
Ice for the lies
Ice for the Lies
Я отплатил холодом за ложь, 1
I paid off the cold for a lie, 1
I gave from my choice
I Gave from My Choice
И это был мой выбор.
And it was my choice.
The dream is over
The Dream Is Over
Этот сон закончился,
This dream is over
It's come to an end
It's com to an end
Он подошёл к концу.
He went to an end.
The nightmare begins
The Nightmare Begins
Начинается кошмар.
The nightmare begins.

No, I don't feel nothing, I don't feel nothing (nothing at all) [x3]
No, I Don 'Feel Nothing, I Donat Feel Nothing (Nothinging At All) [X3]
Нет, я ничего не чувствую, я ничего не чувствую (совсем ничего) [x3]
No, I don't feel anything, I don't feel anything (nothing at all) [x3]
Was too blind to see what you were doing to me, doing to me, numb to your love
Was too Blind to See What You Were Doing to Me, Doing to Me, Numb to Youl Love
Был так слеп, что не замечал, что ты делала со мной, просто оцепенел от твоей любви.
He was so blind that I did not notice what you did to me, just numb from your love.

[Verse 2:]
[Verse 2:]
[Куплет 2:]
[Verse 2:]
Once bitten twice shy
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Обжёгшись молоком — дуешь на воду.
Burning with milk - blow on the water.
I'm not the same guy
I'M not the Same Guy
Я уже не тот парень, каким был раньше.
I'm not the guy as it was before.
The point of return
The Point of Return
Точка невозврата
The point of no return
You've crossed that line
You've Crossed That Line
Тобой уже пройдена.
You are already passed.
Fooled my mind
Fooled My Mind
Дурачила меня,
Fooled me
Deceitful disguise
Deceitful discuise
Лживая притворщица,
Lying pretender
Just like the Venus
Just Like the Venus
Как плотоядный цветок, 2
Like a carnivorous flower, 2
Seducing a fly
Seducing a Fly
Заманивающий мух.
Lumber of flies.

No, I don't feel nothing, I don't feel nothing (nothing at all) [x3]
No, I Don 'Feel Nothing, I Donat Feel Nothing (Nothinging At All) [X3]
Нет, я ничего не чувствую, я ничего не чувствую (совсем ничего) [x3]
No, I don't feel anything, I don't feel anything (nothing at all) [x3]
Was too blind to see what you were doing to me, doing to me, numb to your love
Was too Blind to See What You Were Doing to Me, Doing to Me, Numb to Youl Love
Был так слеп, что не замечал, что ты делала со мной, просто оцепенел от твоей любви.
He was so blind that I did not notice what you did to me, just numb from your love.

Baby sweet love thank you
Baby Sweet Love thank You
Детка, милая, благодаря тебе,
Baby, dear, thanks to you,
The present you gave me showed the world what you've made me
The Present You Gave Me Showed the World What You've Made Made
Подарок, который ты подарила мне, показал всему миру, во что ты меня превратила.
The gift that you gave me showed the whole world that you turned me into.
This pill that I swallow wasn't so bad
This Pill That I Swallow Wasn't So Bad
Пилюля, которую я проглотил, не была сильно горькой.
The pill that I swallowed was not very bitter.
Left me broken but here I stand
Left ME Broken But Here i Stand
Ты сломала меня, но я выстоял.
You broke me, but I survived.

No, I don't feel nothing, I don't feel nothing (nothing at all) [x3]
No, I Don 'Feel Nothing, I Donat Feel Nothing (Nothinging At All) [X3]
Нет, я ничего не чувствую, я ничего не чувствую (совсем ничего) [x3]
No, I don't feel anything, I don't feel anything (nothing at all) [x3]
Was too blind to see (too blind to see) what you were doing to me, doing to me, numb to your love
WAS Too Blind to See (Too Blind To See) What You Were Doing to Me, Doing to Me, Numb to Your Love
Был так слеп, что не замечал, что ты делала со мной, просто оцепенел от твоей любви
He was so blind that I did not notice what you did to me, just numb from your love